Create code couldn't find the socIds because the start time of the IOR is 11th at 22:00, whereas observation json file has start time of this module as 12th at 00:00. Code needs fixing. For now got the socIds by hand (search for socIds or module) Note odd start time of this STP (22:00 on 11th) - make sure this is what is put in the first IOR Note odd end time of this STP (22:00 on 18th) - make sure this is what is put in the last IOR PAS science always static mode, so no snapshots PAS time set to zero in all BMs, so that PAS BM does not run EAS at high cadence HIS at 5x cadence => EAS cadence set (HIS must be running science, PAS must not, when this TC is sent) => BKA params need to reflect this => EAS = 1977, HIS = 1940, PAS = 157 MiB for the week 1977 * 1024 = 2024448 = 0x1EE400 1940 * 1024 = 1986560 = 0x1E5000 157 * 1024 = 160768 = 0x027400 Wait time of EAS after WOL is 6hrs - check this is ok 2021-07-11T22:05:00 WOL_start 2021-07-12T01:05:00 WOL_end 2021-07-12T08:50:00 WOL_start 2021-07-12T11:50:00 WOL_end 2021-07-12T12:00:00 TCM_start type:type-2 2021-07-12T18:00:00 TCM_end type:type-2 2021-07-18T22:05:00 WOL_start 2021-07-19T01:05:00 WOL_end 2021-07-19T17:05:31 MAINT_start type:SA_RELUBRICATION 2021-07-19T17:15:31 MAINT_end type:SA_RELUBRICATION As TCM is Type-2, it will be treated as a WOL. Extra EAS gain test put in on middle day (15th, Thursday)