*** File Information *** For descriptor: swa-eas2-nm3d Filename: data/user/SolO/swa/L1/2023/solo_L1_swa-eas2-nm3d_20230430T191823-20230430T232303_V01.cdf Variables: ['EPOCH', 'SCET', 'SWA_EAS_ELEVATION', 'SWA_EAS_ELEVATION_delta_upper', 'SWA_EAS_ELEVATION_delta_lower', 'SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH', 'SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH_delta_upper', 'SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH_delta_lower', 'SWA_EAS2_ENERGY', 'SWA_EAS2_ENERGY_delta_upper', 'SWA_EAS2_ENERGY_delta_lower', 'SWA_EAS2_Data', 'SWA_EAS2_Mode', 'SWA_EAS2_Full3DValidity', 'SWA_EAS_ElevationValidity', 'SWA_EAS2_DataValidity', 'EAS2_TO_SRF', 'QUALITY_FLAG', 'QUALITY_BITMASK'] *** Mandatory Variables *** QUALITY_FLAG OK QUALITY_BITMASK OK SCET OK *** Mandatory Global Attributes *** Project is ['Solar Orbiter', 'Solar Orbiter'] From dict, it should be: 'SOLO>Solar Orbiter' Source_name is ['SOLO>Solar Orbiter'] From dict, it should be: 'SOLO>Solar Orbiter' Discipline is ['Space Physics>Interplanetary Studies'] From dict, it should be: 'Space Physics>Interplanetary Studies' Data_type is ['L1>Level 1 Nominal Mode 3D Data'] From dict, it should be: 'L1>Level 1 Data' Descriptor is ['swa-eas2-nm3d'] From dict, it should be: 'SWA-EAS2-NM3D>Solar Wind Analyser, Electron Analyser System 2, etc' Instrument is ['SWA-EAS>Solar Wind Analyser Electron Analyser System'] From dict, it should be: 'SWA-EAS2>Solar Wind Analyser Electron Analyser System 2' Data_version is ['01'] From dict, it should be: '01' Software_version is ['02.00.00'] PI_name is ['C. J. Owen'] PI_affiliation is ['MSSL-UCL, University College London, UK'] TEXT is ['https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201937259'] Instrument_type is ['Plasma and Solar Wind'] Mission_group is ['Solar Orbiter'] From dict, it should be: 'Solar Orbiter' Logical_source is ['solo_L1_swa-eas2-nm3d'] From dict, it should be: 'solo_L1_swa-eas2-nm3d' Logical_file_id is ['solo_L1_swa-eas2-nm3d_20230430T191823-20230430T232303_V01'] From dict, it should be: 'solo_L1_swa-eas2-nm3d_20230430T191823-20230430T232303_V01' Logical_source_description is ['SWA-EAS2 Nominal Mode 3D data'] From dict, it should be: 'Solar Orbiter, Level 1, Solar Wind Analyser, Electron Analyser System 2, etc ' Rules_of_use is ['Consult with MSSL-UCL before using'] Generated_by is ['MSSL-UCL'] Generation_date is ['2023-09-19T22:04:10Z'] Acknowledgement is ["Solar Orbiter is a space mission of international collaboration between ESA and NASA, operated by ESA. Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) data are derived from scientific sensors which have been designed and created, and are operated under funding provided in numerous contracts from the UK Space Agency (UKSA), the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), the Centre National d'etudes Spatiales (CNES, France), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France), the Czech contribution to the ESA PRODEX programme and NASA."] MODS is ['V01'] ALERT: Keyword 'Parents' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TARGET_NAME' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TARGET_CLASS' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TARGET_REGION' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TIME_MIN' NOT FOUND Start time from filename: 20230430T191823 Start time from epoch variable: 2023-04-30T19:18:23.034208256 ALERT: Keyword 'TIME_MAX' NOT FOUND End time from filename: 20230430T232303 End time from epoch variable: 2023-04-30T23:23:03.059636608 ALERT: Keyword 'Data_product' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'nm3d>[description of dataset]' SOOP_NAME is ['none'] From dict, it should be: 'none' SOOP_TYPE is ['none'] From dict, it should be: 'none' OBS_ID is ['SSWA_110A_000_000_rhHt_117'] From dict, it should be: 'if not applicable, then none' ALERT: Keyword 'LEVEL' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'L1>Level 1 Data' *** Mandatory Variable Attributes *** Variable: EPOCH {'FIELDNAM': 'EPOCH', 'CATDESC': 'Epoch in nano-seconds since J2000, encoded as terrestrial time on rotating Earth Geoid', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FILLVAL': -9223372036854775808, 'FORMAT': 'I20', 'LABLAXIS': 'EAS2 EPOCH', 'UNITS': 'ns', 'VALIDMIN': 631108869174000000, 'VALIDMAX': 1262260869000000000, 'SCALEMIN': 736154372218208256, 'SCALEMAX': 736169052243636608, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'The EAS2 time tag is from the center of the acquisition interval which is 1 sec', 'SI_CONVERSION': '1>1E+09 s'} VDRInfo(Variable='EPOCH', Num=0, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=33, Data_Type_Description='CDF_TIME_TT2000', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=1316, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-9223372036854775807]), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = ns Epoch SI_CONVERSION is 1>1E+09 s not 1.0E-9>s Variable: SCET {'FIELDNAM': 'SCET', 'CATDESC': 'Elapsed time of the onboard clock at the time of EAS2 observation', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'f14.5', 'LABLAXIS': 'Spacecraft Elapsed Time', 'UNITS': 'Ticks', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 4294967295.999, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': -1e+31, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SCET', Num=1, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=1316, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SCET UNITS = Ticks SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SWA_EAS_ELEVATION {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS Elevation', 'CATDESC': 'The elevation angles (instrument look directions) of the EAS2 sensor bin centres', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'f14.4', 'LABLAXIS': 'Elevation Angle', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMIN': -45.0, 'VALIDMAX': 45.0, 'SCALEMIN': -45.0, 'SCALEMAX': 45.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS_ELEVATION', Num=2, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS_ELEVATION UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SWA_EAS_ELEVATION_delta_upper {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS2 Elevation delta upper', 'CATDESC': 'Upper half width of elevation bin', 'FORMAT': 'f14.4', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 12.0, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 12.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS_ELEVATION_delta_upper', Num=3, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS_ELEVATION_delta_upper UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing LABEL keywords missing Variable: SWA_EAS_ELEVATION_delta_lower {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS2 Elevation delta lower', 'CATDESC': 'Lower half width of elevation bin', 'FORMAT': 'f14.4', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 12.0, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 12.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS_ELEVATION_delta_lower', Num=4, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS_ELEVATION_delta_lower UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing LABEL keywords missing Variable: SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS Azimuth', 'CATDESC': 'The azimuth angles (electron flow direction) of the EAS2 sensor bin centres', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'f14.4', 'LABLAXIS': 'Azimuth Angle', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 360.0, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 360.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH', Num=5, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[32], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH_delta_upper {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS2 Azimuth upper delta', 'CATDESC': 'Upper half width of azimuth bin', 'FORMAT': 'f14.3', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 12.0, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 12.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH_delta_upper', Num=6, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[32], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH_delta_upper UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing LABEL keywords missing Variable: SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH_delta_lower {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS2 Azimuth lower delta', 'CATDESC': 'Lower half width of azimuth bin', 'FORMAT': 'f14.3', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 12.0, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 12.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH_delta_lower', Num=7, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[32], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH_delta_lower UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing LABEL keywords missing Variable: SWA_EAS2_ENERGY {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS2 Energy', 'CATDESC': 'The Energy Bin centres used to measure the electron distribution', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'f14.4', 'LABLAXIS': 'Energy', 'UNITS': 'ElectronVolts', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 6000.0, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 6000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'SI_CONVERSION': '1.60217646E-19>J'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS2_ENERGY', Num=8, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[64], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=1316, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS2_ENERGY UNITS = ElectronVolts Units are currently given as ElectronVolts but 'eV' would be preferred. Variable: SWA_EAS2_ENERGY_delta_upper {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS2 Energy upper delta', 'CATDESC': 'Upper half width of energy bin', 'FORMAT': 'f14.4', 'UNITS': 'ElectronVolts', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 1000.0, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 1000.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS2_ENERGY_delta_upper', Num=9, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[64], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS2_ENERGY_delta_upper UNITS = ElectronVolts Units are currently given as ElectronVolts but 'eV' would be preferred. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing LABEL keywords missing Variable: SWA_EAS2_ENERGY_delta_lower {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS2 Energy lower delta', 'CATDESC': 'Lower half width of energy bin', 'FORMAT': 'f14.4', 'UNITS': 'ElectronVolts', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 1000.0, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 1000.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS2_ENERGY_delta_lower', Num=10, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[64], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS2_ENERGY_delta_lower UNITS = ElectronVolts Units are currently given as ElectronVolts but 'eV' would be preferred. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing LABEL keywords missing Variable: SWA_EAS2_Data {'FIELDNAM': 'SWA-EAS2_NMc_Data', 'CATDESC': 'EAS2 3D electron distribution counts', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FILLVAL': 4294967295, 'FORMAT': 'I10', 'LABLAXIS': 'Electron Counts', 'UNITS': 'Total Counts', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 65535, 'SCALEMIN': 0, 'SCALEMAX': 2282270756, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'SWA_EAS_ELEVATION', 'DEPEND_2': 'SWA_EAS2_ENERGY', 'DEPEND_3': 'SWA_EAS_AZIMUTH', 'COORDINATE_SYSTEM': 'SOLO_SWA_EAS2-SCI', 'VAR_TYPE': 'data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS2_Data', Num=11, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=14, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=3, Dim_Sizes=[16, 64, 32], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=1316, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1, -1], Compress=0, Pad=array([4294967294], dtype=uint32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS2_Data UNITS = Total Counts SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SWA_EAS2_Mode {'FIELDNAM': 'SWA-EAS2_Mode', 'CATDESC': 'The EAS2 Mode bytes received at EAS2_SCET time', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FILLVAL': 4294967295, 'FORMAT': 'I10', 'LABLAXIS': 'EAS2 Mode', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 65535, 'SCALEMIN': 0, 'SCALEMAX': 65535, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS2_Mode', Num=12, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=14, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[3], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=1316, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([4294967294], dtype=uint32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS2_Mode UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SWA_EAS2_Full3DValidity {'FIELDNAM': 'SWA-EAS2_Full3DValidity', 'CATDESC': 'The validity flag related to whole EAS2 3D data set', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FILLVAL': 4294967295, 'FORMAT': 'I10', 'LABLAXIS': 'Full 3D validity flag', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 65535, 'SCALEMIN': 0, 'SCALEMAX': 65535, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS2_Full3DValidity', Num=13, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=14, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=1316, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([4294967294], dtype=uint32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS2_Full3DValidity UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SWA_EAS_ElevationValidity {'FIELDNAM': 'SWA-EAS2_ElevationValidity', 'CATDESC': 'The validity flags associated with each of the 16 elevations', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FILLVAL': 4294967295, 'FORMAT': 'I10', 'LABLAXIS': 'Elevation validity flags', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 65535, 'SCALEMIN': 0, 'SCALEMAX': 65535, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS_ElevationValidity', Num=14, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=14, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=1316, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([4294967294], dtype=uint32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS_ElevationValidity UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SWA_EAS2_DataValidity {'FIELDNAM': 'SWA-EAS2_DataValidity', 'CATDESC': 'The validity flags associated with each energy count for the 16 elevations', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FILLVAL': 4294967295, 'FORMAT': 'I10', 'LABLAXIS': 'Data validity flags', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 65535, 'SCALEMIN': 0, 'SCALEMAX': 65535, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SWA_EAS2_DataValidity', Num=15, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=14, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[64], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=1316, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([4294967294], dtype=uint32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SWA_EAS2_DataValidity UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: EAS2_TO_SRF {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS2 Rotation matrix', 'CATDESC': 'The rotation matrix to go from EAS2 frame to Spacecraft reference frame', 'FORMAT': 'f14.6', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMIN': -1.0, 'VALIDMAX': 1.0, 'SCALEMIN': -1.0, 'SCALEMAX': 1.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='EAS2_TO_SRF', Num=16, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[3, 3], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for EAS2_TO_SRF UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing LABEL keywords missing Variable: QUALITY_FLAG {'FIELDNAM': 'EAS2 Data Quality', 'CATDESC': 'EAS2 Data Quality flag', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FILLVAL': 255, 'FORMAT': 'I2', 'LABLAXIS': 'EAS2 data quality', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 4, 'SCALEMIN': 0, 'SCALEMAX': 4, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='QUALITY_FLAG', Num=17, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=11, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT1', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=1316, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=uint8), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for QUALITY_FLAG UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: QUALITY_BITMASK {'FIELDNAM': 'Quality bitmask', 'CATDESC': 'Detailed information about EAS data quality', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FILLVAL': 65535, 'FORMAT': 'I5', 'LABLAXIS': 'Quality bitmask', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 65535, 'SCALEMIN': 0, 'SCALEMAX': 4, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'This bitwise variable is used to indicate EAS data quality in detail. Details not finalized yet.'} VDRInfo(Variable='QUALITY_BITMASK', Num=18, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=12, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=1316, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([65534], dtype=uint16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s")