*** File Information *** For descriptor: swa-his-rates Filename: data/user/SolO/swa/L2/2022/solo_L2_swa-his-rates_20221231_V02.cdf Variables: ['EPOCH', 'SCET', 'ACCUM_SECONDS', 'QUALITY_FLAG', 'QUALITY_BITMASK', 'MODE', 'COMPRESSION_CODE', 'STEP_TABLE', 'MAIN_ENABLES', 'SSD_ENABLES', 'PRIORITY_ENABLES', 'START_DIMENSIONS', 'STOP_DIMENSIONS', 'DC_DIMENSIONS', 'TC_DIMENSIONS', 'LOW_TOF_DIMENSIONS', 'PROTON_DEC_DIMENSIONS', 'ALPHA_DEC_DIMENSIONS', 'POS_A_DIMENSIONS', 'POS_B_DIMENSIONS', 'SSD_DIMENSIONS', 'PRIORITY_DIMENSIONS', 'START_RATE', 'STOP_RATE', 'DC_RATE', 'TC_RATE', 'LOW_TOF_RATE', 'PROTON_DEC_RATE', 'ALPHA_DEC_RATE', 'POS_A_RATE', 'POS_B_RATE', 'SSD_RATE', 'PRIORITY_RATE', 'PRIORITY_VERSION', 'SPECIES_BOX_VERSION', 'SSD_THRESHOLD_VERSION', 'PROD_CONF_TBL_NUM', 'PA_HVPS_SET_POINT', 'EOQ', 'EOQ_LABELS', 'EOQ_DELTA', 'EOQ_DELTA_LABELS', 'ELEVATION', 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'ELEVATION_DELTA', 'ELEVATION_DELTA_LABELS', 'ELEVATION_SUMMED', 'ELEVATION_SUMMED_LABELS', 'ELEVATION_SUMMED_DELTA', 'ELEVATION_SUMMED_DELTA_LABELS', 'AZIMUTH', 'AZIMUTH_LABELS', 'AZIMUTH_DELTA', 'AZIMUTH_DELTA_LABELS', 'PRIORITY', 'PRIORITY_LABELS'] *** Mandatory Variables *** QUALITY_FLAG OK QUALITY_BITMASK OK *** Mandatory Global Attributes *** Project is ['SOLO>Solar Orbiter'] From dict, it should be: 'SOLO>Solar Orbiter' Source_name is ['SOLO>Solar Orbiter'] From dict, it should be: 'SOLO>Solar Orbiter' Discipline is ['Space Physics>Interplanetary Studies'] From dict, it should be: 'Space Physics>Interplanetary Studies' Data_type is ['L2>Level 2 Data'] From dict, it should be: 'L2>Level 2 Data' Descriptor is ['SWA-HIS-RATES>Solar Wind Analyzer, Heavy Ion Sensor, Rates'] From dict, it should be: 'SWA-HIS-RATES>Solar Wind Analyser, Heavy Ion Sensor, etc' Instrument is ['SWA-HIS>Solar Wind Analyzer-Heavy Ion Sensor'] From dict, it should be: 'SWA-HIS>Solar Wind Analyser Heavy Ion Sensor' Data_version is ['02'] From dict, it should be: '02' Software_version is ['01.01.00'] PI_name is ['S. Livi'] PI_affiliation is ['SWRI'] TEXT is ['Rate data for HIS instrument in physical units. Some corrections for instrument characteristics and measurement techniques have been applied. Per Data Product Description Document, efficiency corrections have not been applied.', 'Rate data for HIS instrument in physical units. Some corrections for instrument characteristics and measurement techniques have been applied. Per Data Product Description Document, efficiency corrections have not been applied.', 'Rate data for HIS instrument in physical units. Some corrections for instrument characteristics and measurement techniques have been applied. Per Data Product Description Document, efficiency corrections have not been applied.'] Instrument_type is ['Particles (space)'] Mission_group is ['Solar Orbiter'] From dict, it should be: 'Solar Orbiter' Logical_source is ['solo_L2_swa-his_rates'] From dict, it should be: 'solo_L2_swa-his-rates' Logical_file_id is ['solo_L2_swa-his-rates_20221231_V02'] From dict, it should be: 'solo_L2_swa-his-rates_20221231_V02' Logical_source_description is ['Solar Orbiter Level 2 Solar Wind Analyser Heavy Ion Sensor Rates'] From dict, it should be: 'Solar Orbiter, Level 2, Solar Wind Analyser, Heavy Ion Sensor, etc ' Rules_of_use is ['These Level 2 data require substantial processing for most applications. Users are encouraged to use Level 3 data, which provide the most relevant data products for scientific research. See Data Product Description Document for more information. Contact SWA/HIS team for more information as needed.'] Generated_by is ['SO-HIS SOC, University of Michigan'] Generation_date is ['2023-08-31T18:34:00'] Acknowledgement is ['Please acknowledge Chris J. Owen (SWA PI -- UCL MSSL) & Stefano Livi (HIS PI -- SwRI). NASA Contract NNG10EK25C.'] MODS is ['Initial Release: August 24, 2023.'] Parents is ['CDF>solo_L1_swa-his-rates_20221231_V01.cdf'] TARGET_NAME is ['interplanetary_medium'] TARGET_CLASS is ['Sun'] TARGET_REGION is ['Solar Wind'] TIME_MIN is ['2022-12-31T00:00:00Z'] TIME_MIN from metadata is given as 2022-12-31T00:00:00Z Start time from filename: 20221231 Start time from epoch variable: 2022-12-31T00:00:00.447000000 TIME_MAX is ['2022-12-31T23:59:33Z'] TIME_MAX from metadata is given as 2022-12-31T23:59:33Z End time from filename: End time from epoch variable: 2022-12-31T23:59:33.775000000 Data_product is ['Rates> Rates data for HIS instrument'] From dict, it should be: 'rates>[description of dataset]' ALERT: Keyword 'SOOP_NAME' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'none' SOOP_TYPE is ['111'] From dict, it should be: 'none' OBS_ID is ['SSWA_100A_000_000_WtCp_111'] From dict, it should be: 'if not applicable, then none' LEVEL is ['L2>Level 2 Data'] From dict, it should be: 'L2>Level 2 Data' *** Mandatory Variable Attributes *** Variable: EPOCH {'CATDESC': 'Default time', 'FIELDNAM': 'EPOCH', 'FILLVAL': -9223372036854775808, 'LABLAXIS': 'EPOCH', 'MONOTON': 'INCREASE', 'REFERENCE_POSITION': 'Rotating Earth Geoid', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'TIME_BASE': 'J2000', 'TIME_SCALE': 'Terrestrial Time', 'UNITS': 'ns', 'VALIDMAX': 1577880069183000000, 'VALIDMIN': -315575942816000000, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Time in nanoseconds since January 1, 2000, 12:00:00.000. Converted using time correlation SCET via SPICE time kernel provided by the mission. Currently set to start of accumulation interval.'} VDRInfo(Variable='EPOCH', Num=0, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=33, Data_Type_Description='CDF_TIME_TT2000', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-9223372036854775807]), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = ns SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") FORMAT keywords missing Variable: SCET {'CATDESC': 'SCET', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'FIELDNAM': 'SCET', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'SCET', 'SCALEMIN': 5000000000000.0, 'SCALEMAX': 8000000000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'milliseconds', 'VALIDMAX': 100000000000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Mission elapsed time in spacecraft clock ticks. Note: These are effected by environmental conditions and do not match Earth-based seconds. Beginning of accumulation.'} VDRInfo(Variable='SCET', Num=1, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=8192) UNITS = milliseconds Units are currently given as milliseconds but 'ms' would be preferred. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: ACCUM_SECONDS {'CATDESC': 'Accumulation time', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'FIELDNAM': 'ACCUM_SECONDS', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'ACCUM_SECONDS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.003, 'SCALEMAX': 0.3, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'seconds', 'VALIDMAX': 0.3, 'VALIDMIN': 0.003, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Accumulation time in seconds for each E/q and elevation step'} VDRInfo(Variable='ACCUM_SECONDS', Num=2, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=8192) UNITS = seconds Units are currently given as seconds but 's' would be preferred. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: QUALITY_FLAG {'CATDESC': 'Quality flag', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'QUALITY_FLAG', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'QUALITY_FLAG', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 3, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 2, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': '0=good, 1=caution, 2=bad'} VDRInfo(Variable='QUALITY_FLAG', Num=3, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=6, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=32768) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: QUALITY_BITMASK {'CATDESC': 'Quality bitmask', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'QUALITY_BITMASK', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'QUALITY_BITMASK', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 32, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 31, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Not yet fully implemented. 0:No Issue, 1:Proton Avoidance Triggered, 2:No PHAs Telemetered in Range (range 6/7 prior to Auguest 2020), 4:Elevation Step(s) not represented, 8:Saturation of Input Buffer, 16: Buffer Over Ran.'} VDRInfo(Variable='QUALITY_BITMASK', Num=4, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=6, Pad=array([-2], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=32768) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: MODE {'CATDESC': 'Mode. 0: Normal Science, 1: Burst 1, 2: Burst 2, 3: Low Cadence.', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'FIELDNAM': 'MODE', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'MODE', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 4, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 3, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Normal: Full E/q range in nominal 30 sec scan, Burst1: E/q range optimized for slower solar wind in nominal 4 sec scan, Burst2: E/q range optimized for faster solar wind in nominal 4 sec scan, Low Cadence: Full E/q range in nominal 300 sec scan.'} VDRInfo(Variable='MODE', Num=5, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=6, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=32768) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: COMPRESSION_CODE {'CATDESC': 'Compression code bitmask', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'COMPRESSION_CODE', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'COMPRESSION_CODE', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 2100, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 2047, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Compression code bitmask. 0 = Lossy A, 1 = Lossy C. Bits: 0:SSD, 1:Priorities, 2:Starts, 3:Stops, 4:Double Coincidence, 5:Triple Coincidence, 6:Low TOF, 7:Alpha Decimation, 8:Proton Decimation, 9:Position A Singles, 10:Position B Singles.'} VDRInfo(Variable='COMPRESSION_CODE', Num=6, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=6, Pad=array([-2], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=32768) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: STEP_TABLE {'CATDESC': 'Step table', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'STEP_TABLE', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'STEP_TABLE', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 18, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 15, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': "Science Configuration Packet's HV Sweep Scan Control Table Identification Number"} VDRInfo(Variable='STEP_TABLE', Num=7, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: MAIN_ENABLES {'CATDESC': 'Main enables', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'MAIN_ENABLES', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'MAIN_ENABLES', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 1100, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 1023, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Bitmask for enabled rates. 1 = Enabled, Bit1 = Least Significant Bit. Bit 1: SSD Rate, 2: Priority, 3: Start, 4: Stop, 5: Double Coincidence, 6: Triple Coincidence, 7: Low TOF Decimation, 8: Alpha Decimation, 9: Proton Decimation, 10: Position A, 11: Position B.'} VDRInfo(Variable='MAIN_ENABLES', Num=8, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-2], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SSD_ENABLES {'CATDESC': 'SSD enables', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'SSD_ENABLES', 'FILLVAL': 4294967295, 'FORMAT': 'I10', 'LABLAXIS': 'SSD_ENABLES', 'SCALEMIN': 0, 'SCALEMAX': 1, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 2147483647, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Bitmask for enabled SSD rates. 1 = Enabled, Bit1 = Least Significant Bit.'} VDRInfo(Variable='SSD_ENABLES', Num=9, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=14, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([4294967294], dtype=uint32), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: PRIORITY_ENABLES {'CATDESC': 'Priority enables', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'PRIORITY_ENABLES', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'PRIORITY_ENABLES', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 260, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 255, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Bitmask for enabled Priority rates. 1 = Enabled, Bit1 = Least Significant Bit.'} VDRInfo(Variable='PRIORITY_ENABLES', Num=10, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-2], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: START_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'Start dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'START_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'START_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps for Start Rate'} VDRInfo(Variable='START_DIMENSIONS', Num=11, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[2], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: STOP_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'Stop dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'STOP_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'STOP_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps for Stop Rate'} VDRInfo(Variable='STOP_DIMENSIONS', Num=12, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[2], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: DC_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'Double coincidence dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'DC_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'DC_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps for Double Coincidence Rate'} VDRInfo(Variable='DC_DIMENSIONS', Num=13, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[2], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: TC_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'Triple coincidence dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'TC_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'TC_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps for Triple Coincidence Rate'} VDRInfo(Variable='TC_DIMENSIONS', Num=14, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[2], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: LOW_TOF_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'Low TOF dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'LOW_TOF_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'LOW_TOF_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps for Low TOF Rate'} VDRInfo(Variable='LOW_TOF_DIMENSIONS', Num=15, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[2], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: PROTON_DEC_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'Proton decimation dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'PROTON_DEC_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'PROTON_DEC_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps for Proton Decimation Rate'} VDRInfo(Variable='PROTON_DEC_DIMENSIONS', Num=16, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[2], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: ALPHA_DEC_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'Alpha decimation dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'ALPHA_DEC_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'ALPHA_DEC_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps for Alpha Decimation Rate'} VDRInfo(Variable='ALPHA_DEC_DIMENSIONS', Num=17, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[2], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: POS_A_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'Position A dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'POS_A_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'POS_A_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps for Position A Rate'} VDRInfo(Variable='POS_A_DIMENSIONS', Num=18, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[2], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: POS_B_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'Position A dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'POS_B_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'POS_B_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps for Position B Rate'} VDRInfo(Variable='POS_B_DIMENSIONS', Num=19, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[2], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SSD_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'SSD dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'SSD_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'SSD_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of SSDs and Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps'} VDRInfo(Variable='SSD_DIMENSIONS', Num=20, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[3], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: PRIORITY_DIMENSIONS {'CATDESC': 'Priority dimensions', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'PRIORITY_DIMENSIONS', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'PRIORITY_DIMENSIONS', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 65, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 64, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of Priority Ranges and Number of E/q Steps and Number of Elevation Steps'} VDRInfo(Variable='PRIORITY_DIMENSIONS', Num=21, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[3], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: START_RATE {'CATDESC': 'Start rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_2': 'ELEVATION', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'START_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Counts/sec on Start MCP detector. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult START_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data.'} VDRInfo(Variable='START_RATE', Num=22, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=16) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: STOP_RATE {'CATDESC': 'Stop rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_2': 'ELEVATION', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'STOP_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of counts on Stop MCP detector. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult STOP_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data. When only one elevation step, DEPEND_2 should be ELEVATION_SUMMED.'} VDRInfo(Variable='STOP_RATE', Num=23, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=16) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: DC_RATE {'CATDESC': 'Double coincidence rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_2': 'ELEVATION', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'DC_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of double coincidence events that have a start signal with a corresponding stop signal. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult DC_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data.'} VDRInfo(Variable='DC_RATE', Num=24, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=16) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: TC_RATE {'CATDESC': 'Triple coincidence rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_2': 'ELEVATION', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'TC_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of triple coincidence events that have a start signal with a corresponding stop and energy signals. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult TC_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data.'} VDRInfo(Variable='TC_RATE', Num=25, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=16) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: LOW_TOF_RATE {'CATDESC': 'Low TOF rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_2': 'ELEVATION_SUMMED', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'LOWTOF_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'ELEVATION_SUMMED_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of double coincidence events below low TOF threshold. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult LOW_TOF_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data.'} VDRInfo(Variable='LOW_TOF_RATE', Num=26, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=16) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: PROTON_DEC_RATE {'CATDESC': 'Proton decimation rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_2': 'ELEVATION_SUMMED', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'PROTON_DEC_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of double coincidence events within proton TOF range. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult PROTON_DEC_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data.'} VDRInfo(Variable='PROTON_DEC_RATE', Num=27, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=16) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: ALPHA_DEC_RATE {'CATDESC': 'Alpha decimation rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_2': 'ELEVATION_SUMMED', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'ALPHA_DEC_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of double coincidence events within alpha TOF range. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult ALPHA_DEC_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data.'} VDRInfo(Variable='ALPHA_DEC_RATE', Num=28, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=16) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: POS_A_RATE {'CATDESC': 'Position A rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_2': 'ELEVATION', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'POS_A_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Counts/sec on Position A detector. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult START_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data.'} VDRInfo(Variable='POS_A_RATE', Num=29, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=16) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: POS_B_RATE {'CATDESC': 'Position A rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_2': 'ELEVATION', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'POS_B_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Counts/sec on Position B detector. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult START_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data.'} VDRInfo(Variable='POS_B_RATE', Num=30, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=16) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SSD_RATE {'CATDESC': 'SSD rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'AZIMUTH', 'DEPEND_2': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_3': 'ELEVATION', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'SSD_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'AZIMUTH_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_3': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of counts on each solid state detector. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult SSD_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data. SSDs 30 and 31 were not populated with physical detectors. In contrast, SSD 29 was disabled in software and will likely remain so. Any signals in these elements are due to electronic noise and not from real particles. When only one elevation step, DEPEND_2 should be ELEVATION_SUMMED.'} VDRInfo(Variable='SSD_RATE', Num=31, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=3, Dim_Sizes=[32, 64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=1) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: PRIORITY_RATE {'CATDESC': 'Priority rate', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DEPEND_1': 'PRIORITY', 'DEPEND_2': 'EOQ', 'DEPEND_3': 'ELEVATION', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'spectrogram', 'FIELDNAM': 'PRIORITY_RATE', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABL_PTR_1': 'PRIORITY_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_2': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'LABL_PTR_3': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 2500000000.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'cts/sec', 'VALIDMAX': 2040000000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Number of events in each priority range. 0: double coincidence PHAs (pickup ions), 1: Fe, 2: Mg, Si, S, 3: CNO (except O6+), 4: O6+, 5: Alphas, 6: Protons, 7: Error (low or unrealistically long TOFs). These are nominal categories and subject to change. Dimensions are maximum possible sizes. Consult PRIORITY_DIMENSIONS for actual sizes in data.'} VDRInfo(Variable='PRIORITY_RATE', Num=32, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=3, Dim_Sizes=[8, 64, 16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1, -1], Compress=6, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=2) UNITS = cts/sec SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: PRIORITY_VERSION {'CATDESC': 'Priority Version', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'FIELDNAM': 'PRIORITY_VERSION', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'PRIORITY_VERSION', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 128, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 127, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Version number of the priority boundaries. These define the 8 priorities, numbered 1-7, used to prioritize which PHAs are downlinked.'} VDRInfo(Variable='PRIORITY_VERSION', Num=33, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SPECIES_BOX_VERSION {'CATDESC': 'Species Box Version', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'FIELDNAM': 'SPECIES_BOX_VERSION', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'SPECIES_VERSION', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 128, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 127, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Version number of the species boxes. These define 32 boxes in E/Q - TOF - E space which are set to the locations of counts for individual ion species.'} VDRInfo(Variable='SPECIES_BOX_VERSION', Num=34, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SSD_THRESHOLD_VERSION {'CATDESC': 'SSD Threshold Version', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'FIELDNAM': 'SSD_THRESHOLD_VERSION', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'SSD_THRESHOLD_VERSION', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 128, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 127, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Version number of the set of SSD thresholds (1 master and 30 trim) used to collect the data. These settings affect the sensitivity of HIS and the noise allowed into the onboard event processing through the SSD subsystem. Version numbers are given only to sets of values used for science data collection, not for testing.'} VDRInfo(Variable='SSD_THRESHOLD_VERSION', Num=35, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: PROD_CONF_TBL_NUM {'CATDESC': 'Product Configuration Table Number', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'FIELDNAM': 'PROD_CONF_TBL_NUM', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I6', 'LABLAXIS': 'Prod Conf Tbl Num', 'SCALEMIN': -1, 'SCALEMAX': 128, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 127, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Product configuration table number used during data collection. This table sets the dimensions of rate products produced onboard.'} VDRInfo(Variable='PROD_CONF_TBL_NUM', Num=36, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: PA_HVPS_SET_POINT {'CATDESC': 'PA HVPS set point', 'DEPEND_0': 'EPOCH', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'PA_HVPS_SET_POINT', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'PA_HVPS_SET_POINT', 'SCALEMIN': -32.0, 'SCALEMAX': 0.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'kV', 'VALIDMAX': 0.0, 'VALIDMIN': -31.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'This is the voltage setting for the PA HVPS, e.g. -10 kV, -25 kV. Note: It is not the reading of the on-board voltage monitor for this supply. Valid [0, -30 kV].'} VDRInfo(Variable='PA_HVPS_SET_POINT', Num=37, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=3071, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = kV SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: EOQ {'CATDESC': 'E/q step', 'FIELDNAM': 'EOQ', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'EOQ', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 80.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'keV/e', 'VALIDMAX': 80.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'E/q steps spanning the range 0.50 to 75.1 keV/e. Value is midpoint of step. Lower bound is EOQ value minus EOQ_DELTA, and upper bound is EOQ value plus EOQ_DELTA.'} VDRInfo(Variable='EOQ', Num=38, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[64], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = keV/e SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: EOQ_LABELS {'CATDESC': 'E/q labels', 'FIELDNAM': 'EOQ_LABELS', 'FORMAT': 'A10', 'VAR_TYPE': 'metadata'} VDRInfo(Variable='EOQ_LABELS', Num=39, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=51, Data_Type_Description='CDF_CHAR', Num_Elements=10, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[64], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=' ', Block_Factor=0) Variable: EOQ_DELTA {'CATDESC': 'E/q step delta', 'FIELDNAM': 'EOQ', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'EOQ_DELTA', 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALEMAX': 80.0, 'SCALETYP': 'log', 'UNITS': 'keV/e', 'VALIDMAX': 80.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Delta is from the midpoint in EOQ variable. Lower bound is EOQ value minus EOQ_DELTA, and upper bound is EOQ value plus EOQ_DELTA.'} VDRInfo(Variable='EOQ_DELTA', Num=40, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[64], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = keV/e SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: EOQ_DELTA_LABELS {'CATDESC': 'E/q Delta labels', 'FIELDNAM': 'EOQ_DELTA_LABELS', 'FORMAT': 'A10', 'VAR_TYPE': 'metadata'} VDRInfo(Variable='EOQ_DELTA_LABELS', Num=41, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=51, Data_Type_Description='CDF_CHAR', Num_Elements=10, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[64], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=' ', Block_Factor=0) Variable: ELEVATION {'CATDESC': 'Elevation step', 'FIELDNAM': 'ELEVATION', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'ELEVATION', 'SCALEMIN': -25.0, 'SCALEMAX': 20.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMAX': 20.0, 'VALIDMIN': -25.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'The elevation range is nominally -20 to +16 deg, with +/-3 degree uncertainty. These values are subject to change after in-flight calibration. Value is the midpoint of the elevation bin. Lower bound is ELEVATION value minus ELEVATION_DELTA, and upper bound is ELEVATION value plus ELEVATION_DELTA. These values are only valid over a limited E/q range, 0-10 keV/e. These are based on current calibration, which may be updated in the future.'} VDRInfo(Variable='ELEVATION', Num=42, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: ELEVATION_LABELS {'CATDESC': 'Elevation Labels', 'FIELDNAM': 'ELEVATION_LABELS', 'FORMAT': 'A10', 'VAR_TYPE': 'metadata'} VDRInfo(Variable='ELEVATION_LABELS', Num=43, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=51, Data_Type_Description='CDF_CHAR', Num_Elements=10, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=' ', Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for ELEVATION_LABELS UNIT attributes (UNITS or UNIT_PTR) must be present. If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") LABEL keywords missing Variable: ELEVATION_DELTA {'CATDESC': 'Elevation step delta', 'FIELDNAM': 'ELEVATION_DELTA', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'ELEVATION_DELTA', 'SCALEMIN': -25.0, 'SCALEMAX': 20.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMAX': 20.0, 'VALIDMIN': -25.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Delta is from the midpoint in ELEVATION variable. Lower bound is ELEVATION value minus ELEVATION_DELTA, and upper bound is ELEVATION value plus ELEVATION_DELTA. These values are only valid over a limited E/q range, 0-10 keV/e. These are based on current calibration, which may be updated in the future.'} VDRInfo(Variable='ELEVATION_DELTA', Num=44, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: ELEVATION_DELTA_LABELS {'CATDESC': 'Elevation delta labels', 'FIELDNAM': 'ELEVATION_DELTA_LABELS', 'FORMAT': 'A10', 'VAR_TYPE': 'metadata'} VDRInfo(Variable='ELEVATION_DELTA_LABELS', Num=45, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=51, Data_Type_Description='CDF_CHAR', Num_Elements=10, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=' ', Block_Factor=0) Variable: ELEVATION_SUMMED {'CATDESC': 'Elevation step when summed to one bin', 'FIELDNAM': 'ELEVATION_SUMMED', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'ELEVATION_SUMMED', 'SCALEMIN': -25.0, 'SCALEMAX': 20.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMAX': 20.0, 'VALIDMIN': -25.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'This variable is used when elevation is summed. The elevation range is nominally -20 to +16 deg, with +/-3 degree uncertainty. These values are subject to change after in-flight calibration. Value is the midpoint of the ELEVATION bin. Lower bound is ELEVATION value minus ELEVATION_DELTA, and upper bound is ELEVATION value plus ELEVATION_DELTA. Only the first element is used; all others are fill. These values are only valid over a limited E/q range, 0-10 keV/e. These are based on current calibration, which may be updated in the future.'} VDRInfo(Variable='ELEVATION_SUMMED', Num=46, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: ELEVATION_SUMMED_LABELS {'CATDESC': 'Elevation labels when summed to one bin', 'FIELDNAM': 'ELEVATION_SUMMED_LABELS', 'FORMAT': 'A10', 'VAR_TYPE': 'metadata'} VDRInfo(Variable='ELEVATION_SUMMED_LABELS', Num=47, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=51, Data_Type_Description='CDF_CHAR', Num_Elements=10, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=' ', Block_Factor=0) Variable: ELEVATION_SUMMED_DELTA {'CATDESC': 'Delta for elevation step when summed to one bin', 'FIELDNAM': 'ELEVATION_SUMMED_DELTA', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'ELEVATION_SUMMED_DELTA', 'SCALEMIN': -25.0, 'SCALEMAX': 20.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMAX': 20.0, 'VALIDMIN': -25.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Delta is from the midpoint in ELEVATION variable. Lower bound is ELEVATION value minus ELEVATION_DELTA, and upper bound is ELEVATION value plus ELEVATION_DELTA. Only the first element is used; all others are fill. These values are only valid over a limited E/q range, 0-10 keV/e. These are based on current calibration, which may be updated in the future.'} VDRInfo(Variable='ELEVATION_SUMMED_DELTA', Num=48, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: ELEVATION_SUMMED_DELTA_LABELS {'CATDESC': 'Labels for elevation delta when summed to one bin', 'FIELDNAM': 'ELEVATION_SUMMED_DELTA_LABELS', 'FORMAT': 'A10', 'VAR_TYPE': 'metadata'} VDRInfo(Variable='ELEVATION_SUMMED_DELTA_LABELS', Num=49, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=51, Data_Type_Description='CDF_CHAR', Num_Elements=10, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[16], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=' ', Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for ELEVATION_SUMMED_DELTA_LABELS UNIT attributes (UNITS or UNIT_PTR) must be present. If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") LABEL keywords missing Variable: AZIMUTH {'CATDESC': 'Azimuth', 'FIELDNAM': 'AZIMUTH', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'AZIUTH', 'SCALEMIN': -40.0, 'SCALEMAX': 70.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMAX': 70.0, 'VALIDMIN': -36.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'The azimuth range is nominally -33 to +66 degrees, with +/- 3 degree uncertainty. These values are subject to change after in-flight calibration. Value is the midpoint of the azimuth bin. Lower bound is AZIMUTH value minus AZIMUTH_DELTA, and upper bound is AZIMUTH value plus AZIMUTH_DELTA.'} VDRInfo(Variable='AZIMUTH', Num=50, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[32], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254.], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: AZIMUTH_LABELS {'CATDESC': 'Azimuth labels', 'FIELDNAM': 'AZIMUTH_LABELS', 'FORMAT': 'A10', 'VAR_TYPE': 'metadata'} VDRInfo(Variable='AZIMUTH_LABELS', Num=51, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=51, Data_Type_Description='CDF_CHAR', Num_Elements=10, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[32], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=' ', Block_Factor=0) Variable: AZIMUTH_DELTA {'CATDESC': 'Azimuth delta', 'FIELDNAM': 'AZIMUTH_DELTA', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'AZIMUTH_DELTA', 'SCALEMIN': -35.0, 'SCALEMAX': 70.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'Degrees', 'VALIDMAX': 67.0, 'VALIDMIN': -33.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': 'Delta is from the midpoint in the AZIMUTH variable. Lower bound is AZIMUTH value minus AZIMUTH_DELTA, and upper bound is AZIMUTH value plus AZIMUTH_DELTA.'} VDRInfo(Variable='AZIMUTH_DELTA', Num=52, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=44, Data_Type_Description='CDF_FLOAT', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[32], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254.], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = Degrees Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: AZIMUTH_DELTA_LABELS {'CATDESC': 'Azimuth delta labels', 'FIELDNAM': 'AZIMUTH_DELTA_LABELS', 'FORMAT': 'A10', 'VAR_TYPE': 'metadata'} VDRInfo(Variable='AZIMUTH_DELTA_LABELS', Num=53, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=51, Data_Type_Description='CDF_CHAR', Num_Elements=10, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[32], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=' ', Block_Factor=0) Variable: PRIORITY {'CATDESC': 'Priority', 'FIELDNAM': 'PRIORITY', 'FILLVAL': 255, 'FORMAT': 'I3', 'LABLAXIS': 'PRIORITY', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': ' ', 'VALIDMAX': 7, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'VAR_NOTES': '0: double coincidence PHAs (pickup ions), 1: Fe, 2: Mg, Si, S, 3: O6+, 4: CNO (except O6+), 5: Alphas, 6: Protons, 7: Error (low or unrealistically long TOFs).'} VDRInfo(Variable='PRIORITY', Num=54, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=11, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT1', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[8], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=uint8), Block_Factor=0) UNITS = If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: PRIORITY_LABELS {'CATDESC': 'Priority labels', 'FIELDNAM': 'PRIORITY_LABELS', 'FORMAT': 'A10', 'VAR_TYPE': 'metadata'} VDRInfo(Variable='PRIORITY_LABELS', Num=55, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=51, Data_Type_Description='CDF_CHAR', Num_Elements=10, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[8], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=' ', Block_Factor=0)