*** File Information *** For descriptor: swa-pas-mom Filename: data/user/SolO/swa/L1/2023/solo_L1_swa-pas-mom_20230423_V01.cdf Variables: ['Epoch', 'CCSDS_time', 'SCET', 'sample', 'validity', 'sum_PAS', 'data_validity_flag', 'density', 'velocity', 'pressure', 'temperature'] *** Mandatory Variables *** QUALITY_FLAG Mandatory variable QUALITY_FLAG is not present! QUALITY_BITMASK Mandatory variable QUALITY_BITMASK is not present! SCET OK *** Mandatory Global Attributes *** Project is ['STP>Solar-Terrestrial Physics'] From dict, it should be: 'SOLO>Solar Orbiter' Source_name is ['SO>Solar Orbiter'] From dict, it should be: 'SOLO>Solar Orbiter' Discipline is ['Solar Physics>Heliospheric Physics'] From dict, it should be: 'Space Physics>Interplanetary Studies' ALERT: Keyword 'Data_type' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'L1>Level 1 Data' Descriptor is ['SWA-PAS>Solar Wind Analyser / Proton-Alpha Sensor'] From dict, it should be: 'SWA-PAS-MOM>Solar Wind Analyser, Proton Alpha Sensor, etc' ALERT: Keyword 'Instrument' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'SWA-PAS>Solar Wind Analyser Proton Alpha Sensor' Data_version is ['01'] From dict, it should be: '01' ALERT: Keyword 'Software_version' NOT FOUND PI_name is ['OWEN Chris'] PI_affiliation is ['MSSL-UCL, university College London - UK'] ALERT: Keyword 'TEXT' NOT FOUND Instrument_type is ['Plasma and Solar Wind'] ALERT: Keyword 'Mission_group' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'Solar Orbiter' Logical_source is ['solo_L1_swa-pas-mom'] From dict, it should be: 'solo_L1_swa-pas-mom' Logical_file_id is ['solo_L1_swa-pas-mom_20230423_V01'] From dict, it should be: 'solo_L1_swa-pas-mom_20230423_V01' Logical_source_description is ['Solar Orbiter Proton Analyser Sensor L1 Onboard Moments'] From dict, it should be: 'Solar Orbiter, Level 1, Solar Wind Analyser, Proton Alpha Sensor, etc ' ALERT: Keyword 'Rules_of_use' NOT FOUND Generated_by is ['IRAP - Toulouse'] Generation_date is ['2023-07-16T13:40:57Z'] ALERT: Keyword 'Acknowledgement' NOT FOUND MODS is ['2020/10/26 - A. Fedorov, A. Barthe - Initial version'] ALERT: Keyword 'Parents' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TARGET_NAME' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TARGET_CLASS' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TARGET_REGION' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TIME_MIN' NOT FOUND Start time from filename: 20230423 Start time from epoch variable: 2023-04-22T23:58:51.836658432 ALERT: Keyword 'TIME_MAX' NOT FOUND End time from filename: End time from epoch variable: 2023-04-23T23:58:51.989059584 ALERT: Keyword 'Data_product' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'mom>[description of dataset]' ALERT: Keyword 'SOOP_NAME' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'none' ALERT: Keyword 'SOOP_TYPE' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'none' ALERT: Keyword 'OBS_ID' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'if not applicable, then none' ALERT: Keyword 'LEVEL' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'L1>Level 1 Data' *** Mandatory Variable Attributes *** Variable: Epoch {'CATDESC': 'Epoch encoded as Terrestrial Time on rotating Earth geoid, ns since J2000', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'Epoch', 'FILLVAL': -9223372036854775808, 'LABLAXIS': 'Epoch', 'UNITS': 'ns', 'VALIDMIN': -315575942816000000, 'VALIDMAX': 946728069183000000, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'MONOTON': 'INCREASE', 'TIME_BASE': 'J2000', 'TIME_SCALE': 'Terrestrial Time', 'REFERENCE_POSITION': 'Rotating Earth Geoid', 'SI_CONVERSION': '1.0E-9>s'} VDRInfo(Variable='Epoch', Num=0, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=33, Data_Type_Description='CDF_TIME_TT2000', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-9223372036854775807]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for Epoch UNITS = ns FORMAT keywords missing Variable: CCSDS_time {'CATDESC': 'Elapsed time of the onboard clock at the time of data recording on SSMM', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'CCSDS time', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'F15.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'CCSDS time', 'UNITS': 's', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 400000000.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear'} VDRInfo(Variable='CCSDS_time', Num=1, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([4.29497e+09]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for CCSDS_time UNITS = s SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: SCET {'CATDESC': 'Elapsed time on the onbloard clock at the start of acquisition time ', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'SCET', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'F15.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'SCET', 'UNITS': 's', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 400000000.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear'} VDRInfo(Variable='SCET', Num=2, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([4.29497e+09]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SCET UNITS = s SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: sample {'CATDESC': 'sample # over 25 possibles ', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'sample / 25', 'FILLVAL': -32767, 'FORMAT': 'I5', 'LABLAXIS': 'sample', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 25, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear'} VDRInfo(Variable='sample', Num=3, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-32767], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for sample UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: validity {'CATDESC': 'onboard software validity flag (0 = OK)', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'validity', 'FILLVAL': 255, 'FORMAT': 'I3', 'LABLAXIS': 'sample', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 4, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear'} VDRInfo(Variable='validity', Num=4, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=11, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT1', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([255], dtype=uint8), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for validity UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: sum_PAS {'CATDESC': 'summation type', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'sum PAS', 'FILLVAL': 255, 'FORMAT': 'I3', 'LABLAXIS': 'sample', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 254, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear'} VDRInfo(Variable='sum_PAS', Num=5, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=11, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT1', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([255], dtype=uint8), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for sum_PAS UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: data_validity_flag {'CATDESC': 'Data validity flag (1 = OK)', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'data_validity_flag', 'FILLVAL': 255, 'FORMAT': 'I3', 'LABLAXIS': 'sample', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VALIDMAX': 254, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear'} VDRInfo(Variable='data_validity_flag', Num=6, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=11, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT1', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([255], dtype=uint8), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for data_validity_flag UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: density {'CATDESC': 'density', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'density', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'density', 'UNITS': 'particles cm^-3', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 10000.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear'} VDRInfo(Variable='density', Num=7, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for density UNITS = particles cm^-3 SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data, but DISPLAY_TYPE missing Variable: velocity {'CATDESC': 'velocity', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'velocity', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'velocity', 'UNITS': 'km/s', 'VALIDMIN': -100000.0, 'VALIDMAX': 100000.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear'} VDRInfo(Variable='velocity', Num=8, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[3], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for velocity UNITS = km/s SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data, but DISPLAY_TYPE missing Variable: pressure {'CATDESC': 'pressure tensor', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'pressure', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'pressure', 'UNITS': 'J.cm^-3', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 1e+30, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear'} VDRInfo(Variable='pressure', Num=9, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[6], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for pressure UNITS = J.cm^-3 SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data, but DISPLAY_TYPE missing Variable: temperature {'CATDESC': 'Temperature', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'temperature', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Temperature', 'UNITS': 'eV', 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VALIDMAX': 1e+30, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data', 'SCALETYP': 'linear'} VDRInfo(Variable='temperature', Num=10, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21174, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for temperature UNITS = eV SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data, but DISPLAY_TYPE missing