*** File Information *** For descriptor: swa-pas-vdf Filename: data/user/SolO/swa/L2/2023/solo_L2_swa-pas-vdf_20230423_V02.cdf Variables: ['Epoch', 'Half_interval', 'SCET', 'Info', 'unrecovered_count', 'total_count', 'quality_factor', 'start_energy', 'nb_energy', 'start_elevation', 'nb_elevation', 'start_CEM', 'nb_CEM', 'nb_K', 'K', 'PAS_to_RTN', 'vdf', 'Energy', 'delta_p_Energy', 'delta_m_Energy', 'Azimuth', 'Elevation', 'delta_Azimuth', 'delta_Elevation', 'Elevation_correction', 'Full_elevation', 'Full_azimuth'] *** Mandatory Variables *** QUALITY_FLAG Mandatory variable QUALITY_FLAG is not present! QUALITY_BITMASK Mandatory variable QUALITY_BITMASK is not present! *** Mandatory Global Attributes *** Project is ['STP>Solar-Terrestrial Physics'] From dict, it should be: 'SOLO>Solar Orbiter' Source_name is ['SOLO>Solar Orbiter'] From dict, it should be: 'SOLO>Solar Orbiter' Discipline is ['Solar Physics>Heliospheric Physics'] From dict, it should be: 'Space Physics>Interplanetary Studies' Data_type is ['L2>Level 2 Calibrated Data'] From dict, it should be: 'L2>Level 2 Data' Descriptor is ['SWA-PAS>Solar Wind Analyser / Proton-Alpha Sensor'] From dict, it should be: 'SWA-PAS-VDF>Solar Wind Analyser, Proton Alpha Sensor, etc' ALERT: Keyword 'Instrument' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'SWA-PAS>Solar Wind Analyser Proton Alpha Sensor' Data_version is ['02'] From dict, it should be: '02' Software_version is ['pas_process_9_2 - 2022/01/13'] PI_name is ['OWEN Chris'] PI_affiliation is ['MSSL-UCL, university College London - UK'] ALERT: Keyword 'TEXT' NOT FOUND Instrument_type is ['Plasma and Solar Wind'] Mission_group is ['Solar Orbiter'] From dict, it should be: 'Solar Orbiter' Logical_source is ['solo_L2_swa-pas-vdf'] From dict, it should be: 'solo_L2_swa-pas-vdf' Logical_file_id is ['solo_L2_swa-pas-vdf_20230423_V02'] From dict, it should be: 'solo_L2_swa-pas-vdf_20230423_V02' Logical_source_description is ['Solar Orbiter Proton Analyser Sensor L2 data'] From dict, it should be: 'Solar Orbiter, Level 2, Solar Wind Analyser, Proton Alpha Sensor, etc ' Rules_of_use is ['Consult with MSSL-UCL before using'] Generated_by is ['IRAP - Toulouse'] Generation_date is ['2023-07-16T19:53:31'] ALERT: Keyword 'Acknowledgement' NOT FOUND MODS is ['2020/10/26 - A. Fedorov, A. Barthe - Initial version'] Parents is ['solo_L1_swa-pas-3d_20230423_V01.cdf', 'solo_L1_swa-pas-3d_20230423_V01.cdf'] ALERT: Keyword 'TARGET_NAME' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TARGET_CLASS' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TARGET_REGION' NOT FOUND ALERT: Keyword 'TIME_MIN' NOT FOUND Start time from filename: 20230423 Start time from epoch variable: 2023-04-23T00:00:00.336780000 ALERT: Keyword 'TIME_MAX' NOT FOUND End time from filename: End time from epoch variable: 2023-04-23T23:59:52.489337000 ALERT: Keyword 'Data_product' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'vdf>[description of dataset]' ALERT: Keyword 'SOOP_NAME' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'none' ALERT: Keyword 'SOOP_TYPE' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'none' ALERT: Keyword 'OBS_ID' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'if not applicable, then none' ALERT: Keyword 'LEVEL' NOT FOUND From dict, it should be: 'L2>Level 2 Data' *** Mandatory Variable Attributes *** Variable: Epoch {'CATDESC': 'Epoch encoded as Terrestrial Time on rotating Earth geoid, ns since J2000', 'DELTA_PLUS_VAR': 'Half_interval', 'DELTA_MINUS_VAR': 'Half_interval', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'Epoch', 'FILLVAL': -9223372036854775808, 'LABLAXIS': 'Epoch', 'MONOTON': 'INCREASE', 'REFERENCE_POSITION': 'Rotating Earth Geoid', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'SI_CONVERSION': '1.0E-9>s', 'TIME_BASE': 'J2000', 'TIME_SCALE': 'Terrestrial Time', 'UNITS': 'ns', 'VALIDMAX': 946728069183000000, 'VALIDMIN': -315575942816000000, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='Epoch', Num=0, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=33, Data_Type_Description='CDF_TIME_TT2000', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-9223372036854775807]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for Epoch UNITS = ns FORMAT keywords missing Variable: Half_interval {'CATDESC': 'Acquisition period half interval', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'Half_interval', 'FILLVAL': -1.0, 'FORMAT': 'F4.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Half-interval', 'SCALEMAX': 10.0, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'SI_CONVERSION': '1.0s', 'UNITS': 's', 'VALIDMAX': 60.0, 'VALIDMIN': -60.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='Half_interval', Num=1, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([0.], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for Half_interval UNITS = s Variable: SCET {'CATDESC': 'Elapsed time on the onboard clock', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'DISPLAY_TYPE': 'time_series', 'FIELDNAM': 'SCET', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'f14.3', 'LABLAXIS': 'SCET', 'SCALEMAX': 4294970000.0, 'SCALEMIN': 0.0, 'UNITS': 'Ticks', 'VALIDMAX': 4294970000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='SCET', Num=2, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for SCET UNITS = Ticks SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing Variable: Info {'CATDESC': 'Info 0:Ground 1:Normal 2:Snapshot 3:Burst 4:Engineering 5:Calib', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'Info', 'FILLVAL': 255, 'FORMAT': 'I3', 'LABLAXIS': 'Info', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 5, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='Info', Num=3, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=11, Data_Type_Description='CDF_UINT1', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([254], dtype=uint8), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for Info UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: unrecovered_count {'CATDESC': 'Total counter of unrecovered bins', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'unrecoverd_count', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Unrecovered count', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 1e+30, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data'} VDRInfo(Variable='unrecovered_count', Num=4, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for unrecovered_count UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data, but DISPLAY_TYPE missing Variable: total_count {'CATDESC': 'Total count', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'total_count', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Total count', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 1e+30, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data'} VDRInfo(Variable='total_count', Num=5, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for total_count UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data, but DISPLAY_TYPE missing Variable: quality_factor {'CATDESC': 'Quality factor', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'quality_factor', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Quality factor', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 1e+30, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data'} VDRInfo(Variable='quality_factor', Num=6, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for quality_factor UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data, but DISPLAY_TYPE missing Variable: start_energy {'CATDESC': 'Start energy bin', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'start_energy', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I5', 'LABLAXIS': 'Start energy', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 96, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='start_energy', Num=7, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-32767], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for start_energy UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: nb_energy {'CATDESC': 'Number energy bins', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'nb_energy', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I5', 'LABLAXIS': 'Number energy', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 96, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='nb_energy', Num=8, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-32767], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for nb_energy UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: start_elevation {'CATDESC': 'Start elevation bin', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'start_elevation', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I5', 'LABLAXIS': 'Start elevation', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 9, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='start_elevation', Num=9, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-32767], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for start_elevation UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: nb_elevation {'CATDESC': 'Number elevation bins', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'nb_elevation', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I5', 'LABLAXIS': 'Number elevation', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 9, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='nb_elevation', Num=10, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-32767], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for nb_elevation UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: start_CEM {'CATDESC': 'Start CEM', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'start_CEM', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I5', 'LABLAXIS': 'Start CEM', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 11, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='start_CEM', Num=11, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-32767], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for start_CEM UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: nb_CEM {'CATDESC': 'Number CEM', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'nb_CEM', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I5', 'LABLAXIS': 'Number CEM', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 11, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='nb_CEM', Num=12, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-32767], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for nb_CEM UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: nb_K {'CATDESC': 'Number of sub-samping per second', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'nb_K', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I5', 'LABLAXIS': 'Number K', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 8, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='nb_K', Num=13, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-32767], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for nb_K UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: K {'CATDESC': 'Current sub-sampling', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'K', 'FILLVAL': -32768, 'FORMAT': 'I5', 'LABLAXIS': 'K', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'unitless', 'VALIDMAX': 8, 'VALIDMIN': 0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='K', Num=14, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=2, Data_Type_Description='CDF_INT2', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=0, Dim_Sizes=[], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[], Compress=0, Pad=array([-32767], dtype=int16), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for K UNITS = unitless SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: PAS_to_RTN {'CATDESC': 'PAS to RTN coordinate transformation matrix', 'COORDINATE_SYSTEM': 'SOLO_SWA_PAS', 'TARGET_SYSTEM': 'SOLO_SUN_RTN', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'FIELDNAM': 'PAS_to_RTN', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10', 'LABLAXIS': 'PAS to RTN', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'None', 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='PAS_to_RTN', Num=15, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=22, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL8', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=2, Dim_Sizes=[3, 3], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1], Compress=0, Pad=array([65535.]), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for PAS_to_RTN UNITS = None If no units, then "unitless" SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: vdf {'CATDESC': 'Distribution function', 'DEPEND_0': 'Epoch', 'DEPEND_1': 'Azimuth', 'DEPEND_2': 'Elevation', 'DEPEND_3': 'Energy', 'FIELDNAM': 'vdf', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E10', 'LABLAXIS': 'VDF', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 's^3 m^-6', 'VALIDMAX': 1e-04, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'data'} VDRInfo(Variable='vdf', Num=16, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=3, Dim_Sizes=[11, 9, 96], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=21112, Rec_Vary=True, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1, -1], Compress=0, Pad=array([65535.], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for vdf UNITS = s^3 m^-6 SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data, but DISPLAY_TYPE missing Variable: Energy {'CATDESC': 'Center of energy bins', 'DELTA_PLUS_VAR': 'delta_p_Energy', 'DELTA_MINUS_VAR': 'delta_m_Energy', 'FIELDNAM': 'Energy', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Energy', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'eV', 'VALIDMAX': 40000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='Energy', Num=17, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[96], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for Energy UNITS = eV SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: delta_p_Energy {'CATDESC': 'Delta plus energy bins', 'FIELDNAM': 'delta_p_Energy', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Delta plus energy', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'eV', 'VALIDMAX': 40000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='delta_p_Energy', Num=18, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[96], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for delta_p_Energy UNITS = eV SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: delta_m_Energy {'CATDESC': 'Delta minus energy bins', 'FIELDNAM': 'delta_m_Energy', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Delta minus energy', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'eV', 'VALIDMAX': 40000.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='delta_m_Energy', Num=19, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[96], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for delta_m_Energy UNITS = eV SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: Azimuth {'CATDESC': 'Center of CEM bins (azimuth)', 'DELTA_PLUS_VAR': 'delta_Azimuth', 'DELTA_MINUS_VAR': 'delta_Azimuth', 'FIELDNAM': 'Azimuth', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Azimuth (CEM)', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'deg', 'VALIDMAX': 90.0, 'VALIDMIN': -90.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='Azimuth', Num=20, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[11], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for Azimuth UNITS = deg Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: Elevation {'CATDESC': 'Center of elevation bins', 'DELTA_PLUS_VAR': 'delta_Elevation', 'DELTA_MINUS_VAR': 'delta_Elevation', 'FIELDNAM': 'Elevation', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Elevation', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'deg', 'VALIDMAX': 45.0, 'VALIDMIN': -45.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='Elevation', Num=21, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[9], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for Elevation UNITS = deg Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: delta_Azimuth {'CATDESC': 'Delta Azimuth (CEM)', 'FIELDNAM': 'delta_Azimuth', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Delta Azimuth', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'deg', 'VALIDMAX': 45.0, 'VALIDMIN': 0.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='delta_Azimuth', Num=22, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[11], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for delta_Azimuth UNITS = deg Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: delta_Elevation {'CATDESC': 'Delta elevation table', 'FIELDNAM': 'delta_Elevation', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'FORMAT': 'E12.2', 'LABLAXIS': 'Delta elevation', 'SCALETYP': 'linear', 'UNITS': 'deg', 'VALIDMAX': 45.0, 'VALIDMIN': -45.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='delta_Elevation', Num=23, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[9], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for delta_Elevation UNITS = deg Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") Variable: Elevation_correction {'CATDESC': 'Elevation correction for each energy range', 'FIELDNAM': 'Elevation_correction', 'FILLVAL': -1e+31, 'UNITS': 'deg', 'VALIDMAX': 10.0, 'VALIDMIN': -10.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='Elevation_correction', Num=24, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=1, Dim_Sizes=[96], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for Elevation_correction UNITS = deg Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing FORMAT keywords missing LABEL keywords missing Variable: Full_elevation {'CATDESC': 'Full resolution elevation table', 'FIELDNAM': 'Full_elevation', 'UNITS': 'deg', 'VALIDMAX': 45.0, 'VALIDMIN': -45.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='Full_elevation', Num=25, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=3, Dim_Sizes=[11, 9, 3], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1, -1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for Full_elevation UNITS = deg Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing FORMAT keywords missing LABEL keywords missing Variable: Full_azimuth {'CATDESC': 'Full resolution azimuths table', 'FIELDNAM': 'Full_azimuth', 'UNITS': 'deg', 'VALIDMAX': 45.0, 'VALIDMIN': -45.0, 'VAR_TYPE': 'support_data'} VDRInfo(Variable='Full_azimuth', Num=26, Var_Type='zVariable', Data_Type=21, Data_Type_Description='CDF_REAL4', Num_Elements=1, Num_Dims=3, Dim_Sizes=[11, 9, 3], Sparse='No_sparse', Last_Rec=0, Rec_Vary=False, Dim_Vary=[-1, -1, -1], Compress=0, Pad=array([-1.e+30], dtype=float32), Block_Factor=0) VAR_NOTES not found in variable attributes for Full_azimuth UNITS = deg Remember that the SI unit of angle is the radian. SI_CONVERSION should be present even if there are no units (1>unitless), e.g., 1.0E-9>s for Epoch where UNITS=ns, and if already in SI: e.g., "1.0>s") VAR_TYPE is data or support_data, but SCALE keywords missing FORMAT keywords missing LABEL keywords missing