Uncomplete TM data on 2022/01/13

== Introduction

On 2022/01/13, we used a new set of PAS configuration parameters.

We tried to improve PAS counting statistics, using K=2 sub-sampling per seconds.

The PAS configuration parameters for Normal mode samplings were set to:

* Full normal mode samplings
Each 100s (excepted during snapshots), PAS perform full sampling with 92 energies x 9 elevations x 11 CEMS with K=1

These samplings correspond to a TM packet with 92 x 9 x 11 = 9108 counters => 18216 bytes, before compression.

* 54 energies x 7 elevations x 11 CEMS with K=2
In this mode, PAS data are accumulated over K=2 sampling/s, but only transmitted once.

That generate a TM packet with a payload of 54 * 7 * 11 = 4158 int-16 counters => 8316 bytes

This packet is then compressed onboard, and sent to SSMM

In normal mode, each 300s, PAS enter in snapshot mode (9s duration):

- full sampling (90 x 9 x 11)
- 7 x K=4 sub-samplings (36 x 5 x 11)
- full sampling (90 x 9 x 11)

*We got another uncontroled DPU reboot at 07:06, during a snapshot period*

=== Problem found: uncomplete uncompressed TM data

We receive 6004 Normal mode packets on 2022/01/13, including 166 full-samplings.

After uncompressing on ground these TM packets, we could notice that:

* All full sampling TM packet were complete
we received for each FS uncompressd data with 18304 bytes, where only the first 18216 are useful (due to uncompression block size factor)

* 1985/6004 TM packets corresponding to K=2 samplings were uncomplete
After uncompression, we received only 8192/8316 bytes (at least 124 bytes missing)

That gives a ratio of 1985 / 6004 = 33% of uncomplete TM packets

We could keep trace of these missing packets in our L1 CDF files, by setting the CDF variable COMPRESSION value to 9,
rather than usual 0/1 value standing for False/True.

==== PAS 3D descriptors

A first plot for 00:00/08:00 show PAS data before DPU reboot.

You can look at the "COMPRESSED" panel (value 9 indicating uncomplete TM data)


==== Zoom

More details on compression problems


=== PAS configuration

Here is an extract of TM that gives details on PAS configuration

APID ( 96, 6) TM (200,250) SEQ (00114,3) Size =    48  2022-01-13T00:00:13.683 : SWA_TM_PARAM_REPORT
0000 : 00 01 30 05 00 2A 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 5C 00 
0016 : 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 
0032 : 1A 00 00 36 00 00 01 00 00 07 00 00 02 00 00 01 

Param ID                       = 3005 : StatNormParId (42 bytes)
Static.P1                      =    0
Static.P2                      =    4
Static.P3                      =   92
Static.P4                      =    0
Static.P5                      =    9
Static.P6                      =    1
Static.P7                      =    1
Static.P8                      =    0
Static.P9                      =   26
Static.P10                     =   54
Static.P11                     =    1
Static.P12                     =    7
Static.P13                     =    2
Static.P14                     =    1

=== Conclusion

It seems there is a problem with that 54 x 7 x 11 PAS configuration.

In 33% of cases, after uncompressing TM data, we couldn't receive the whole expected data.

This "uncomplete data" problem was already encountered, with other configuration parameters, from 2021/06/10 to 2021/06/23.

However, the problem in this case was during snapshot (or burst) full-samplings.

It seems there is a problem with some PAS configuration parameters