Bug PAS compressed snapshots

== Reminder

PAS 3D compressed snapshot are composed of a sequence of TM packets with SID = 202, 203, 204 :

* SID = 202 : +
  give number of PAS snapshots saamples

* SID = 203 : +
  PAS 3D data descriptor (nb_energy x nb_elevation x nb_cem x nb_K) +
  => used to compute 3D umpcompressed data original size

* SID = 204 : +
  contains the compressed data

Normally, we must start with a SID 202 packet giving number of samples (typically 9)

Then a sequence of 9 snapshot that can be composed of:

- One SID 203 desciptor followed by unique SID 204 compressed data

- One SID 202 descripor folowwed by a sequence of SID = 204 compressed data

To hold that possible sequence of SID 204, we should have to use the CCSDS sequence_flag (SF) with:

* SF = 3 : in case of unsegmenteg data (unique packet)

* SF = 1 : first of sequence

* SF = 0 : continuation packet(s)

* SF = 2 : last of sequence

Typically we should find for SID = 204 : 

* SF = [3] +
  if unique packet
* SF = [1, 2] +
  if 2 compressed data packets
* SF = [1, 0, 0, ....., 2] +
  if more than 2 packets

=== Problem in DPU software with compressed products

These scheme works for PAS uncompressed products, but due to a problem in DPU software (I think we already discussed in the past with Gennaro),
for PAS 3D compressed products (and probably also for HIS and EAS ones) all SID = 204 packet have SF = 3.

So, it's not clearly possible to identify if those SID = 204 packets are unique, of part of a sequence.

=== Bug in PAS software

Previously, when receiving such packets, I was concantenating compressed data payload in an unique buffer,
and when finding the last packet (SF = 2 or 3), uncompressing the final buffer.

I had a test like:

if (packet.seq_flag == 2 || packet.seq_flag == 3) {

	// uncompress buffer
	// write CDF record

Trying to hold this SF=3 problem, I made some tries, and suppressed the previous test, trying to concatenate compressed data from a sequence of SID 204 packets and uncompressing
the final buffer.

However, I introduced a new bug : when receiving a sequence like [203, 204, 204]

* 203 : parsing data descriptor and allocating a buffer to hold final uncompressed data
* first 204 packet: copy compressed data in final buffer, uncompress from this buffer and put result in same buffer
* second 204 packet: