= PAS operation weekly logs (July 2024 - Dec 2024) Rungployphan Kieokaew (rkieokaew@irap.omp.eu) Last update 20/01/2025 == LTP 16 & LTP 17 [#img-orbit-ltp14-15] .LTP 16 & 17 orbit image::images/GSE_Orbit_Plot_2024H2.png[width="100%",alt="LTP 12 & 13 orbit"] === LTP 16, STPs 316 - 327 (from 2024-07-01 to 2024-09-23) [cols="5, 10, 20, 20, 15, 20"] |=== |*STP* |*Start* |*Sequences* |*Settings: CEMs, Se, Ne, Sel, Nel, K* |*Sequencer* |*L2 ready, calibration* |316 |2024-07-01T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS medium cadence (2s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-07-01T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-07-01T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-07-01T09:19:00 |*PAS powered off* (along with EAS); FSW version 3.4.7 to MRAM-A | | | | |2024-07-01T09:23:51 |MAINT_start_ANY | | | | |2024-07-01T21:23:51 |MAINT_end_ANY | | | | |2024-07-02T05:30:00 |TCM_start | | | | |2024-07-02T11:30:00 |TCM_end | | | | |2024-07-02T11:40:00 |*PAS powered on* (along with EAS) | | | |317 |2024-07-08T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS medium cadence (2s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-07-08T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-07-08T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-07-08T12:41:00 |*PAS powered off* (along with EAS) | | | | |2024-07-08T12:45:00 |MAINT_start_type:DEICING | | | | |2024-07-08T19:15:00 |MAINT_end_type:DEICING | | | | |2024-07-08T19:30:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-07-08T22:30:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-07-09T15:56:41 |MAINT_start_type:SA_RELUBRICATION | | | | |2024-07-09T16:06:41 |MAINT_end_type:SA_RELUBRICATION | | | | |2024-07-08T16:15:00 |*PAS powered on* (along with EAS) | | | |318 |2024-07-15T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS medium cadence (2s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-07-15T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-07-15T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | |319 |2024-07-21T21:25:43 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-07-21T21:30:43 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-07-21T00:30:43 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-07-22T04:51:15 |CALIB_ROLL_MAG_start | | | | |2024-07-22T19:07:55 |CALIB_ROLL_MAG_end | | | | |2024-07-22T19:15:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-07-22T22:15:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-07-27T20:50:44 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-07-27T21:10:44 |SA_ROT_end | | | |320 |2024-07-29T09:30:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-07-29T09:35:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-07-29T12:35:00 |WOL_end | | | |321 |2024-08-05T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-08-05T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-08-05T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | |322 |2024-08-12T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-08-12T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-08-12T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | |323 |2024-08-18T22:18:05 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-08-18T22:23:05 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-08-19T01:23:05 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-08-19T20:30:00 |TCM_start | | | | |2024-08-20T02:30:00 |TCM_end | | | | |2024-08-24T23:15:43 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-08-24T23:35:43 |SA_ROT_end | | | |324 |2024-08-26T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-08-26T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-08-26T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | |325 |2024-09-01T21:37:09 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-09-01T21:42:09 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-09-02T00:42:09 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-09-07T02:14:10 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-09-07T02:34:10 |SA_ROT_end | | | |326 |2024-09-09T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-09-09T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-09-09T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-09-09T10:25:00 |ROLL_start | | | | |2024-09-09T11:15:00 |ROLL_end | | | | |2024-09-10T18:00:00 |ROLL_start | | | | |2024-09-10T18:50:00 |ROLL_end | | | | |2024-09-14T14:29:55 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-09-14T14:49:55 |SA_ROT_end | | | | |2024-09-15T10:25:00 |ROLL_start | | | | |2024-09-15T11:15:00 |ROLL_end | | | |327 |2024-09-16T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-09-16T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-09-16T00:35:00 |SPICE_heater_power_off_start | | | | |2024-09-16T00:45:00 |SPICE_heater_power_off_end | | | | |2024-09-16T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-09-18T07:09:51 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-09-18T07:29:51 |SA_ROT_end | | | | |2024-09-19T10:00:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-09-19T13:00:00 |WOL_end | | | |=== [#img-pas-ll-stps314-317] .PAS LL data STPs 314 - 317. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs314-317.png[PAS low latency data stps 314 - 317] [#img-pas-ll-stps316-319] .PAS LL data STPs 316 - 319. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs316-319.png[PAS low latency data stps 316 - 319] [#img-pas-ll-stps317-320] .PAS LL data STPs 317 - 320. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs317-320.png[PAS low latency data stps 317 - 320] [#img-pas-ll-stps318-321] .PAS LL data STPs 318 - 321. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs318-321.png[PAS low latency data stps 318 - 321] [#img-mag-calib-roll-stp319] .PAS data during the MAG Calibration roll on 22nd July 2024. image::images/MAG_Calib_roll_22July2024.png[MAG calibration roll stp 319] [#img-pas-1s-cadence-jul2024] .PAS 1s cadence example on 23rd July 2024. image::images/PAS_1s_23Jul2024.jpg[PAS 1s cadence example july 2024] [#img-pas-ll-stps321-324] .PAS LL data STPs 321 - 324. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs321-324.png[PAS low latency data stps 321 - 324] [#img-pas-ll-stps323-327] .PAS LL data STPs 323 - 327. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs323-327.png[PAS low latency data stps 323 - 327] [#img-pas-ll-stps325-328] .PAS LL data STPs 325 - 328. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs325-328.png[PAS low latency data stps 325 - 328] [#img-pas-l2-stps313-316] .PAS L2 data STPs 313 - 316. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs313-316.png[PAS L2 data stps 313 - 316] [#img-pas-l2-stps316-319] .PAS L2 data STPs 316 - 319. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs316-319.png[PAS L2 data stps 316 - 319] [#img-pas-l2-stps317-319] .PAS L2 data STPs 317 - 319. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs317-319.png[PAS L2 data stps 317 - 319] [#img-mag-calib-roll-stp319-pas-l2] .PAS L2 1s data during the MAG Calibration roll on 22nd July 2024. Use for technical purpose only. image::images/PAS_1s_MAG-calib-roll.png[PAS L2 during MAG calibration roll stp 319] [#img-pas-l2-stps319-323] .PAS L2 data STPs 319 - 323. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs319-323.png[PAS L2 data stps 319 - 323] [#img-pas-l2-stps321-324] .PAS L2 data STPs 321 - 324. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs321-324.png[PAS L2 data stps 321 - 324] [#img-pas-l2-stps324-327] .PAS L2 data STPs 324 - 327. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs324-327.png[PAS L2 data stps 324 - 327] [#img-pas-l2-stps326-328] .PAS L2 data STPs 326 - 328. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs326-328.png[PAS L2 data stps 326 - 328] === LTP 17, STPs 328 - 340 (from 2024-09-23 to 2024-12-30) [cols="5, 10, 20, 20, 15, 20"] |=== |328 |2024-09-23T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-09-23T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-09-23T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-09-23T04:30:27 |PAS Config |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 9, K=1 |*PAS 2s cadence* | | |2024-09-24T02:33:23 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-09-24T02:53:23 |SA_ROT_end | | | | |2024-09-24T14:10:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-09-24T17:10:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-09-25T12:11:31 |PAS Config |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS 1s cadence* | |329 |2024-09-28T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-09-28T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-09-28T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-10-01T17:34:51 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-10-01T20:34:51 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-10-07T13:25:23 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-10-07T13:45:23 |SA_ROT_end | | | |330 |2024-10-07T23:40:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-10-07T23:45:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-10-07T02:45:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-10-13T08:48:56 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-10-13T09:08:56 |SA_ROT_end | | | |331 |2024-10-16T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-10-16T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-10-16T01:10:00 |SPICE_heater_power_on_start | | | | |2024-10-16T01:20:00 |SPICE_heater_power_on_end | | | | |2024-10-16T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-10-17T01:28:54 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-10-17T01:48:54 |SA_ROT_end | | | | |2024-10-24T13:44:37 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-10-24T14:04:37 |SA_ROT_end | | | |332 |2024-10-27T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-10-27T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-10-27T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | |333 |2024-11-04T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-11-04T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-11-04T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-11-04T03:15:00 |TCM_start | | | | |2024-11-04T09:15:00 |TCM_end | | | | |2024-11-04T13:00:00 |MAINT_start | | | | |2024-11-05T01:00:00 |MAINT_end | | | | |2024-11-06T16:42:56 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-11-06T17:02:56 |SA_ROT_end | | | |334 |2024-11-11T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-11-11T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-11-11T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-11-11T23:47:28 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-11-12T00:07:28 |SA_ROT_end | | | |335 |2024-11-18T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-11-18T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-11-18T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | |336 |2024-11-25T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-11-25T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-11-25T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | |337 |2024-12-02T00:15:21 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-12-02T00:20:21 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-12-02T03:20:21 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-12-04T19:03:28 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2024-12-04T19:23:28 |SA_ROT_end | | | | |2024-12-06T06:00:00 |ROLL_start (s/c roll manoeuvre from 2 to 0 deg) | | | | |2024-12-06T06:50:00 |ROLL_end (s/c roll manoeuvre from 2 to 0 deg) | | | |338 |2024-12-09T00:50:58 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-12-09T00:55:58 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-12-09T03:55:58 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-12-13T02:10:00 |ROLL_start (s/c roll manoeuvre from 0 to 2 deg) | | | | |2024-12-13T03:00:00 |ROLL_end (s/c roll manoeuvre from 0 to 2 deg) | | | |339 |2024-12-16T01:19:20 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-12-16T01:24:20 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-12-16T04:24:20 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-12-16T10:38:13 |MAINT_start | | | | |2024-12-16T22:38:13 |MAINT_end | | | | |2024-12-16T23:00:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-12-17T02:00:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-12-17T02:10:00 |TCM_start | | | | |2024-12-17T08:10:00 |TCM_end | | | | |2024-12-18T21:00:00 |MAINT_start SA_RELUBRICATION | | | | |2024-12-18T21:10:00 |MAINT_end SA_RELUBRICATION | | | |340 |2024-12-23T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-12-23T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-12-23T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2024-12-23T23:20:00 |ROLL_start (s/c roll manoeuvre from -135 to 0 deg) | | | | |2024-12-24T00:10:00 |ROLL_end (s/c roll manoeuvre from -135 to 0 deg) | | | | |2024-12-25T02:00:00 |ROLL_start (s/c roll manoeuvre from 0 to -135 deg) | | | | |2024-12-25T02:50:00 |ROLL_end (s/c roll manoeuvre from 0 to -135 deg) | | | | |2024-12-28T09:00:00 |MAINT_start_type:SA_CHARAC | | | | |2024-12-28T10:00:00 |MAINT_end_type:SA_CHARAC | | | |=== [#img-pas-ll-stps328-330] .PAS LL data STPs 328 - 330. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs328-330_DistAU.png[PAS low latency data stps 328 - 330] [#img-pas-ll-stps330-332] .PAS LL data STPs 330 - 332. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs330-332.png[PAS low latency data stps 330 - 332] [#img-pas-ll-stps332-335] .PAS LL data STPs 332 - 335. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs332-335.png[PAS low latency data stps 332 - 335] [#img-pas-ll-stps335-338] .PAS LL data STPs 335 - 338. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs335-338.png[PAS low latency data stps 335 - 338] [#img-pas-ll-stps336-339] .PAS LL data STPs 336 - 339. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs336-339.png[PAS low latency data stps 336 - 339] [#img-pas-ll-stps338-341] .PAS LL data STPs 338 - 341. image::images/PAS_STPs_338-341.png[PAS low latency data stps 338 - 341] [#img-pas-sc-roll-13dec2024] .PAS L1 counts as a function of elevation index, energy index, and CEM index during the s/c roll manoeuvre from 0 to 2 deg during 2024-12-13T02:10:00 and 2024-12-13T03:00:00. image::images/PAS_SCroll_13Dec2024_0210-0300.png[PAS L1 SC Roll 13 Dec 2024] [#img-pas-sc-roll-23dec2024] .PAS L1 counts as a function of elevation index, energy index, and CEM index during the s/c roll manoeuvre from -135 to 0 deg during 2024-12-23T23:20:00 and 2024-12-24T00:10:00. image::images/PAS_SCroll_23Dec2024_2320-0010.png[PAS L1 SC Roll 23 Dec 2024] [#img-pas-sc-roll-23dec2024] .PAS L1 counts as a function of elevation index, energy index, and CEM index during the s/c roll manoeuvre from 0 to -135 deg during 2024-12-25T02:00:00 and 2024-12-25T02:50:00. image::images/PAS_SCroll_25Dec2024_0200-0250.png[PAS L1 SC Roll 25 Dec 2024] [#img-pas-l2-stps329-330] .PAS L2 data STPs 329 - 330. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs329-330.png[PAS L2 data stps 329 - 330] [#img-pas-l2-stps330-332] .PAS L2 data STPs 330 - 332. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs330-332.png[PAS L2 data stps 330 - 332] [#img-pas-contamination-oct9] .Data contamination on 9th October 2024. PAS shows clear contamination (penetrating electron radiation) of about 1 hour 20 mins starting from 01:54:22. image::images/PAS_penetrating_electrons_9Oct2024.png[PAS penetrating electrons 9 Oct 2024] [#img-pas-l2-stps331-334] .PAS L2 data STPs 331 - 334. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs331-334.png[PAS L2 data stps 331 - 334] [#img-pas-l2-stps334-337] .PAS L2 data STPs 334 - 337. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs334-337.png[PAS L2 data stps 334 - 337] [#img-pas-l2-stps336-339] .PAS L2 data STPs 336 - 339. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs336-339.png[PAS L2 data stps 336 - 339] [#img-pas-l2-stps338-341] .PAS L2 data STPs 338 - 341. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs338-341.png[PAS L2 data stps 338 - 341]