= PAS operation weekly logs (July 2022 - present) Rungployphan Kieokaew (rkieokaew@irap.omp.eu) Last update 17/02/2025 == LTP 08 & LTP 09 == LTP 10 & LTP 11 == LTP 12 & LTP 13 == LTP 14 & LTP 15 == LTP 16 & LTP 17 See the side-bar menu == LTP 18 & LTP 19 [#img-orbit-ltp18-19] .LTP 18 & 19 orbit image::images/GSE_Orbit_Plot_2025H1.png[width="100%",alt="LTP 18 & 19 orbit"] === LTP 18, STPs 341 - 351 (from 2024-12-30T02:00:00 to 2025-03-10T00:00:00 ) [cols="5, 10, 20, 20, 15, 20"] |=== |*STP* |*Start* |*Sequences* |*Settings: CEMs, Se, Ne, Sel, Nel, K* |*Sequencer* |*L2 ready, calibration* |341 |2024-12-30T02:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS medium cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2024-12-30T02:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2024-12-30T05:05:00 |WOL_end | | | |342 |2025-01-06T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2025-01-06T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-01-06T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2025-01-09T18:00:00 |MAINT_start SA_RELUBRICATION | | | | |2025-01-09T18:10:00 |MAINT_end SA_RELUBRICATION | | | |343 |2025-01-13T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2025-01-13T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-01-13T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2025-01-17T19:28:13 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-01-17T22:28:13 |WOL_end | | | | |2025-01-17T23:08:13 |CALIB_ROLL_MAG_start | | | | |2025-01-18T13:24:53 |CALIB_ROLL_MAG_end | | | | |2025-01-18T13:34:53 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-01-18T16:34:53 |WOL_end | | | |344 |2025-01-20T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2025-01-20T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-01-20T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2025-01-20T03:15:00 |TCM_start | | | | |2025-01-20T09:15:00 |TCM_end | | | | |2025-01-23T15:39:06 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2025-01-23T15:59:06 |SA_ROT_end | | | |345 |2025-01-27T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2025-01-27T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-01-27T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | |346 |2025-02-03T00:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2025-02-03T00:05:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-02-03T03:05:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2025-02-03T03:15:00 |TCM_start | | | | |2025-02-03T08:40:00 |TCM_end | | | |347 |2025-02-09T23:00:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2025-02-10T00:15:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-02-10T03:15:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2025-02-10T03:30:00 |TCM_start | | | | |2025-02-10T08:55:00 |TCM_end | | | | |2025-02-15T10:54:37 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2025-02-15T11:14:37 |SA_ROT_end | | | |348 |2025-02-15T18:30:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2025-02-15T19:45:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-02-15T22:45:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2025-02-15T23:00:00 |TCM_start | | | | |2025-02-16T04:25:00 |TCM_end | | | | |2025-02-18T00:10:00 |ROLL_start, start_angle_deg:0 | | | | |2025-02-18T01:00:00 |ROLL_end, end_angle_deg:14 | | | |349 |2025-02-18T07:30:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2025-02-18T08:20:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-02-18T11:20:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2025-02-18T11:30:00 |TCM_start | | | | |2025-02-18T16:55:00 |TCM_end | | | | |2025-02-18T18:04:35 |MAINT_start_ANY | | | | |2025-02-19T01:04:35 |MAINT_end_ANY | | | | |2025-02-20T22:48:26 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2025-02-20T23:08:26 |SA_ROT_end | | | | |2025-02-21T20:30:00 |ROLL_start | | | | |2025-02-21T21:20:00 |ROLL_end | | | |350 |2025-02-23T18:30:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2025-02-23T19:45:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-02-23T22:45:00 |WOL_end | | | | |2025-02-23T23:00:00 |TCM_start | | | | |2025-02-24T04:25:00 |TCM_end | | | | |2025-03-07T01:53:59 |SA_ROT_start | | | | |2025-03-07T02:13:59 |SA_ROT_end | | | |351 |2025-03-07T23:55:00 |1800 (0x05C2) |Norm: 11, 20, 64, 1, 7, K=1 |*PAS high cadence (1s)* |L2 V02 Dec 2021 | |2025-03-08T20:45:00 |WOL_start | | | | |2025-03-08T23:45:00 |WOL_end | | | |=== [#img-pas-ll-stps340-343] .PAS LL data STPs 340 - 343. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs340-343.png[PAS low latency data stps 340 - 343] [#img-pas-ll-stps344-347] .PAS LL data STPs 344 - 347. image::images/PAS_LL_STPs344-347.png[PAS low latency data stps 344 - 347] [#img-pas-l2-stps340-343] .PAS L1 data during MAG calibration roll during 2025-01-17T23:08:13 and 2025-01-18T13:24:53. image::images/PAS_L1_MAG-calib-roll_17Jan2025.png[PAS L1 data during MAG calib roll on 17 Jan 2025] [#img-pas-l2-stps340-343] .PAS L2 data STPs 340 - 343. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs340-343.png[PAS L2 data stps 340 - 343] [#img-pas-l2-stps343-346] .PAS L2 data STPs 343 - 346. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs343-346.png[PAS L2 data stps 343 - 346] [#img-pas-l2-stps344-347] .PAS L2 data STPs 344 - 347. image::images/PAS_L2_STPs344-347.png[PAS L2 data stps 344 - 347] == LTP 20 & LTP 21 [#img-orbit-ltp20-21] .LTP 20 & 21 orbit image::images/SO_config_LTPs20-21.png[width="100%",alt="LTP 20 & 21 orbit"] == Gravity assisted manoeuvre (GAM) for Solar Orbiter from 2020 to 2030 [#img-so-gams-table] .GAM schedule for 2020 - 2030. image::images/SO_GAMs_2020-2030_table.png[Table of SO GAMs 2020 - 2030] [#img-so-gams-diagram] .GAM diagram for 2020 - 2030. image::images/SO_GAMs_2020-2030_diagram.png[Diagram of SO GAMs 2020 - 2030] == PAS housekeeping [#img-pas-hk-profile] .PAS temperature profile vs ion number density with a distance from the Sun. image::images/plot_2_20241223143251.png[PAS temp profile] == PAS data compression rate estimation https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Yy1Jz2xga19vdqcSgbyGiy7AORPMz9g5qFKuuFEg_gU/edit?usp=sharing[Calculation spreadsheets] https://solarorbiter.esac.esa.int/soopkitchen/#/planning/child-plan/SWA_Sandbox_PAS[SOOP Kitchen Sandbox] link:files/PAS_Modes_SOOP_LTP10_20221019.xlsx[Andrei's calculation spreadsheets] [#img-pas-compression-rate] .Data compression rate estimation for LTPs 09 - 11. image::images/LTPs9-11_dist_compression_rate.png[PAS compression rate estimation] [#img-pas-compression-rate_LTPs12-13] .Data compression rate estimation for LTPs 12 - 13. image::images/LTPs12-13_dist_compression_rate.png[PAS compression rate estimation] [#img-pas-compression-rate_LTP13] .Data compression rate estimation for LTP 13. image::images/LTP13_dist_compression_rate.png[PAS compression rate estimation]