BRIEF User's Guide |
Table of ContentsBRIEF User's Guide Abstract Summary Usage Helpful Hints for Those in a Hurry Ways to Provide File Names Default Summary Format Options Controlling Output Summary Format Displaying Centers-of-Motion/Relative-to-Frames (``-c'') Treating All Files as a Single File (``-a'') Display Summary in a Tabular Format (``-t'') Displaying Tabular Summary Sorted by Start Time (``-s'') Displaying Tabular Summary Grouped by Coverage (``-g'') Displaying Bodies/Frames Using Only Numeric IDs (``-n'') Displaying Summary Ordered by Body/Frame Name (``-o'') Specifying Multiple Options Controlling Output Format Options Controlling Output Time Format Displaying Times as ET Seconds Past J2000 (``-etsec'') Displaying Times in UTC Calendar Date Format (``-utc'') Display Times in UTC Day-of-Year Format (``-utcdoy'') Display Times ``Rounded Inward'' to Second (``-sec'') Display Times ``Rounded Inward'' to Minute (``-min'') Display Times ``Rounded Inward'' to Hour (``-hour'') Display Times ``Rounded Inward'' to Day (``-day'') Specifying Multiple Options Controlling Time Format Options Filtering Summary Filtering for a Specified Body/Frame (``-sb[bod]'' or ``-[bod]'') Filtering for a Specified Center/Relative-to-Frame (``-sc[cen]'') Filtering for a Specified Epoch (``-at [time]'') Filtering for a Specified Interval (``-from [beg]'' and ``-to [end]'') Specifying Multiple Filtering Options Miscellaneous Options Summarizing Kernels Listed in a File (``-f [list]'') Displaying Help and Version (``-h'' and ``-v'') Troubleshooting Appendix 1: Matrix of Output Formats BRIEF User's Guide
> brief [-options] file [file ...]where [file]s are binary SPK or PCK files, and possibly text kernels needed to support some of the display types. The options are:
-c display centers-of-motion/relative-to-frames -t display summary in a tabular format -a treat all files as a single file -s display summary sorted by start time for each body -g display summary grouped by coverage -n display bodies/frames using only numeric id-codes -o display summary ordered by body/frame name -utc display times in UTC calendar date format -utcdoy display times in UTC day-of-year format -etsec display times as ET seconds past J2000 -sec display times ``rounded inward'' to second -min display times ``rounded inward'' to minute -hour display times ``rounded inward'' to hour -day display times ``rounded inward'' to day -<bod> display summary for body [bod] -sb<bod> display summary for body [bod] -sc<cen> display summary for center/relative-to-frame [cen] -at <time> display summary if coverage contains epoch [time] -from <beg> display summary if coverage contains interval [beg]: -to <end> display summary if coverage contains interval :[end] -f [list> summarize kernels listed in the [list] file -h display help -v display versionThe options can be provided in any order and can appear before, after, or intermixed with file names. The case of option keys is significant -- they must be lowercase as shown above. While any option can be provided together with any other option or a combination of options, some options will override others. For specific information on this refer to the sections of this document describing individual options in detail. Helpful Hints for Those in a Hurry
Ways to Provide File Names
Default Summary Format
Two examples below illustrate BRIEF's default output for SPK and PCK files. These examples should be used as a reference when examining the examples in the later sections of this document discussing various options. To fit in the maximum page width allowed for this User's Guide lines in these examples and all other examples in this document were truncated at 69 characters. If BRIEF is run to display the default summary for two binary SPK files, one of which, called ``stardust.bsp'', contains trajectory data for Stardust covering from 2003-DEC-01 to 2004-JAN-10, ephemerides for Solar System barycenters, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Earth and Mars covering from 1959-DEC-10 to 2020-JAN-16, and ephemerides for comet Wild 2 covering from 2002-JAN-01 to 2007-APR-05 and the other, called ``tempel1.bsp'', contains ephemerides for comet Tempel 1 covering from 2000-JAN-01 to 2050-JAN-01, it will generate the following summary:
> brief stardust.bsp tempel1.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Body: SDU (-29) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2003 DEC 01 00:01:04.183 2004 JAN 10 01:00:00.000 Bodies: MERCURY BARYCENTER (1) SATURN BARYCENTER (6) MERCURY (199) VENUS BARYCENTER (2) URANUS BARYCENTER (7) VENUS (299) EARTH BARYCENTER (3) NEPTUNE BARYCENTER (8) MOON (301) MARS BARYCENTER (4) PLUTO BARYCENTER (9) EARTH (399) JUPITER BARYCENTER (5) SUN (10) MARS (499) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- ------------------------- 1959 DEC 10 00:00:00.000 2020 JAN 16 00:00:00.000 Body: WILD 2 (1000107) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2002 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2007 APR 05 00:00:00.000 Summary for: tempel1.bsp Body: TEMPEL 1 (1000093) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2000 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2050 JAN 01 00:00:00.000If BRIEF is run to generate the default summary for a binary PCK file called ``moon_pa_de418.bpc'' containing orientation data for the ``MOON_PA_DE418'' frame with the frame class ID 31004, it will generate the following summary:
> brief moon_pa_de418.bpc BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: moon_pa_de418.bpc Frame: 31004 Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- -------------------------- 1950 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2050 DEC 31 00:00:00.000 Options Controlling Output Summary Format
Displaying Centers-of-Motion/Relative-to-Frames (``-c'')
> brief -c stardust.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Body: SDU (-29) w.r.t. SUN (10) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2003 DEC 01 00:01:04.183 2004 JAN 10 01:00:00.000 Bodies: MERCURY BARYCENTER (1) w.r.t. SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER (0) VENUS BARYCENTER (2) w.r.t. SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER (0) EARTH BARYCENTER (3) w.r.t. SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER (0) MARS BARYCENTER (4) w.r.t. SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER (0) JUPITER BARYCENTER (5) w.r.t. SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER (0) SATURN BARYCENTER (6) w.r.t. SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER (0) URANUS BARYCENTER (7) w.r.t. SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER (0) NEPTUNE BARYCENTER (8) w.r.t. SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER (0) PLUTO BARYCENTER (9) w.r.t. SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER (0) SUN (10) w.r.t. SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER (0) MERCURY (199) w.r.t. MERCURY BARYCENTER (1) VENUS (299) w.r.t. VENUS BARYCENTER (2) MOON (301) w.r.t. EARTH BARYCENTER (3) EARTH (399) w.r.t. EARTH BARYCENTER (3) MARS (499) w.r.t. MARS BARYCENTER (4) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- ------------------------- 1959 DEC 10 00:00:00.000 2020 JAN 16 00:00:00.000 Body: WILD 2 (1000107) w.r.t. SUN (10) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2002 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2007 APR 05 00:00:00.000When ``-c'' is used each distinct body and center-of-motion, or frame and relative-to-frame, combination present in the file segments is treated as a separate entity for the purpose of summarizing coverage. Knowing the centers-of-motion is usually needed to find out whether an SPK file, or a set of SPK files, contains data for all objects required to compute position of one body of interest with respect to another body of interest. The ``-c'' option changes the default format for bodes/frames from ``NAIF (ID)'' to ``NAME (ID) w.r.t. NAME (ID)''. Treating All Files as a Single File (``-a'')
> brief -a stardust.bsp tempel1.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for all files. Body: SDU (-29) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2003 DEC 01 00:01:04.183 2004 JAN 10 01:00:00.000 Bodies: MERCURY BARYCENTER (1) SATURN BARYCENTER (6) MERCURY (199) VENUS BARYCENTER (2) URANUS BARYCENTER (7) VENUS (299) EARTH BARYCENTER (3) NEPTUNE BARYCENTER (8) MOON (301) MARS BARYCENTER (4) PLUTO BARYCENTER (9) EARTH (399) JUPITER BARYCENTER (5) SUN (10) MARS (499) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- ------------------------- 1959 DEC 10 00:00:00.000 2020 JAN 16 00:00:00.000 Body: TEMPEL 1 (1000093) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2000 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2050 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 Body: WILD 2 (1000107) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2002 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2007 APR 05 00:00:00.000When ``-a'' is used the output display includes the ``Summary for all files'' heading to indicate that the displayed summary is for all files. Display Summary in a Tabular Format (``-t'')
> brief -t stardust.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Bodies Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval ------- ----------------------------- --------------- -29 SDU 2003 DEC 01 00:01:04.183 2004 JAN 10 01: 1 MERCURY BARYCENTER 1959 DEC 10 00:00:00.000 2020 JAN 16 00: 2 VENUS BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 3 EARTH BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 4 MARS BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 5 JUPITER BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 6 SATURN BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 7 URANUS BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 8 NEPTUNE BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 9 PLUTO BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 10 SUN Same coverage as previous object 199 MERCURY Same coverage as previous object 299 VENUS Same coverage as previous object 301 MOON Same coverage as previous object 399 EARTH Same coverage as previous object 499 MARS Same coverage as previous object 1000107 WILD 2 2002 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2007 APR 05 00:The records in the table are ordered by body/frame numeric ID and bodies/frames are shown in ``ID NAME'' format. The ``Same coverage as previous object'' string is shown for any body/frame that has the same coverage as the body/frame immediately above it. Displaying Tabular Summary Sorted by Start Time (``-s'')
In this example ``-s'' is used to produce a summary of the CASSINI inner cruise SPK file, which provides CASSINI spacecraft trajectory relative to different centers-of-motion during different time intervals:
> brief -c -t -s cas_inner_cruise.bsp BRIEF -- Version 4.0.0, September 8, 2010 -- Toolkit Version N0064 Summary for: cas_inner_cruise.bsp Bodies Start of Interval (ET) End ------- ------------------------ ---- -82 CASSINI w.r.t. 10 SUN 1997 NOV 15 00:00:00.000 1998 -82 CASSINI w.r.t. 2 VENUS BARYCENTER 1998 APR 25 10:37:10.235 1998 -82 CASSINI w.r.t. 10 SUN 1998 APR 27 16:54:58.844 1999 -82 CASSINI w.r.t. 2 VENUS BARYCENTER 1999 JUN 24 02:37:43.459 1999 -82 CASSINI w.r.t. 10 SUN 1999 JUN 25 14:24:23.301 1999 1999 JUL 06 16:01:04.183 1999 -82 CASSINI w.r.t. 399 EARTH 1999 AUG 17 11:38:55.368 1999 -82 CASSINI w.r.t. 10 SUN 1999 AUG 18 19:20:02.623 1999 Displaying Tabular Summary Grouped by Coverage (``-g'')
No example for ``-g'' is provided in this section because if it were used to summarize ``stardust.bsp'' it would produce the same output as ``-t'' by itself, in which, by chance, records are already grouped by coverage. Displaying Bodies/Frames Using Only Numeric IDs (``-n'')
> brief -n stardust.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Body: -29 Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2003 DEC 01 00:01:04.183 2004 JAN 10 01:00:00.000 Bodies: 1 3 5 7 9 199 301 499 2 4 6 8 10 299 399 Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- ------------------------- 1959 DEC 10 00:00:00.000 2020 JAN 16 00:00:00.000 Body: 1000107 Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2002 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2007 APR 05 00:00:00.000 Displaying Summary Ordered by Body/Frame Name (``-o'')
> brief -o stardust.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Bodies: EARTH (399) MERCURY (199) SATURN BARYCE EARTH BARYCENTER (3) MERCURY BARYCENTER (1) SUN (10) JUPITER BARYCENTER (5) MOON (301) URANUS BARYCE MARS (499) NEPTUNE BARYCENTER (8) VENUS (299) MARS BARYCENTER (4) PLUTO BARYCENTER (9) VENUS BARYCEN Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- ------------------------- 1959 DEC 10 00:00:00.000 2020 JAN 16 00:00:00.000 Body: SDU (-29) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2003 DEC 01 00:01:04.183 2004 JAN 10 01:00:00.000 Body: WILD 2 (1000107) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2002 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2007 APR 05 00:00:00.000For the default format ``-o'' also changes the order in which the tables are displayed by ordering them by the name of the first body/frame appearing in the table headers. Specifying Multiple Options Controlling Output Format
Options Controlling Output Time Format
The first category of options affecting displayed time tags are the options that tell BRIEF to display time tags in a different time system and/or format. These options are ``-etsec'', ``-utc'', and ``-utcdoy''. The second category of options affecting displayed time tags are the options that tell BRIEF to round the default calendar ET time tags inwards. These options are ``-sec'', ``-min'', ``-hour'', and ``-day''. The ``rounding inwards'' performed by these options adjusts both ends of a coverage interval toward the even second, minute, hour, or day boundary nearest to the interval center. For example, the interval ``2007 JAN 12 12:05:06.333 .. 2007 JAN 13 22:45:23.765'' rounded inward to hour becomes ``2007 JAN 12 13:00:00.000 .. 2007 JAN 13 22:00:00.000''. Displaying Times as ET Seconds Past J2000 (``-etsec'')
> brief -etsec tempel1.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: tempel1.bsp Body: TEMPEL 1 (1000093) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- -43200.000000 1577880000.000000 Displaying Times in UTC Calendar Date Format (``-utc'')
> brief -utc naif0008.tls tempel1.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: tempel1.bsp Body: TEMPEL 1 (1000093) Start of Interval (UTC) End of Interval (UTC) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 1999-DEC-31 23:58:55.816 2049-DEC-31 23:58:54.816An LSK file must be provided to BRIEF in order to display times tags in this format because LSK data are required to convert ET times stored in binary SPK and PCK files to UTC. An LSK file may be provided on the command line, in a list file (specified with the option ``-f'' described later in this document), or in a meta-kernel file given on the command line or in the list file. Display Times in UTC Day-of-Year Format (``-utcdoy'')
> brief -utcdoy naif0008.tls tempel1.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: tempel1.bsp Body: TEMPEL 1 (1000093) Start of Interval (UTC) End of Interval (UTC) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 1999-365 // 23:58:55.816 2049-365 // 23:58:54.816An LSK file must be provided to BRIEF in order to display times tags in this format because LSK data are required to convert ET times stored in binary SPK and PCK files to UTC for output. An LSK file may be provided on the command line, in a list file (specified with the option ``-f'' described later in this document), or in a meta-kernel file given on the command line or in the list file. Display Times ``Rounded Inward'' to Second (``-sec'')
> brief -sec stardust.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Body: SDU (-29) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2003 DEC 01 00:01:05.000 2004 JAN 10 01:00:00.000 ...When this option is applied to a coverage window shorter than one second it produces a singleton interval with the interval's begin time equal to its end time. When such a short interval spans a second boundary, the times are set to the time of that boundary. When such a short interval does not span a second boundary, the times are set to the un-rounded end time of the interval. Display Times ``Rounded Inward'' to Minute (``-min'')
> brief -min stardust.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Body: SDU (-29) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2003 DEC 01 00:02:00.000 2004 JAN 10 01:00:00.000 ...When this option is applied to a coverage window shorter than one minute it produces a singleton interval with the interval's begin time equal to its end time. When such a short interval spans a minute boundary, the times are set to the time of that boundary. When such a short interval does not span a minute boundary, the times are set to the un-rounded end time of the interval. Display Times ``Rounded Inward'' to Hour (``-hour'')
> brief -hour stardust.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Body: SDU (-29) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2003 DEC 01 01:00:00.000 2004 JAN 10 01:00:00.000 ...When this option is applied to a coverage window shorter than one hour it produces a singleton interval with the interval's begin time equal to its end time. When such a short interval spans ah hour boundary, the times are set to the time of that boundary. When such a short interval does not span an hour boundary, the times are set to the un-rounded end time of the interval. Display Times ``Rounded Inward'' to Day (``-day'')
> brief -day stardust.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Body: SDU (-29) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2003 DEC 02 00:00:00.000 2004 JAN 10 00:00:00.000 ...When this option is applied to a coverage window shorter than one day it produces a singleton interval with the interval's begin time equal to its end time. When such a short interval spans a day boundary, the times are set to the time of that boundary. When such a short interval does not span a day boundary, the times are set to the un-rounded end time of the interval. Specifying Multiple Options Controlling Time Format
If more than one of the ``-sec'', ``-min'', ``-hour'', and ``-day'' options is specified, the one providing the ``highest'' time resolution takes precedence, e.g. when ``-min'' and ``-day'' are specified the times are rounded to minute independently of the placement of these options on the command line. The ``rounding'' options ``-sec'', ``-min'', ``-hour'', and ``-day'' have no effect when time tags are displayed in a format other than calendar ET, i.e. when either of the ``-etsec'', ``-utc'', or ``-utcdoy'' options is specified. Options Filtering Summary
Filtering for a Specified Body/Frame (``-sb[bod]'' or ``-[bod]'')
> brief -sbEARTH stardust.bsp tempel1.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Body: EARTH (399) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 1959 DEC 10 00:00:00.000 2020 JAN 16 00:00:00.000 Summary for: tempel1.bsp There is no data: for body 'EARTH'The body/frame name or numeric ID must immediately follow ``-sb'', i.e. ``-sbEARTH'', ``-sb-29'', or ``-sb301'' not ``-sb EARTH'', ``-sb -29'', or ``-sb 301''. If the body/frame name contains spaces, these spaces must be replaced with underscores (``_''), i.g. ``-sbMERCURY_BARYCENTER'' must be used instead of ``-sbMERCURY BARYCENTER''. A range of numeric IDs in the form ``-sb[min:max]'' may be used instead of a single name or numeric ID. For example, ``-sb[500:598]'' may be used to see if a given SPK file contain data for any satellites of Jupiter. The range can be open on either end, producing a summary for all numeric IDs greater than the specified value (``-sb[min:]'') or less than the specified value (``-sb[:max]''). For example, ``-sb[11:]'' may be used to see if a given SPK file(s) contains data for any natural bodies while ``-sb[:-1]'' may be used to see if a given SPK file(s) contains data for any spacecraft. In some Unix shells the options providing ranges must be quoted with single or double quotes to avoid errors from parsing ``['' and ``]'' as special shell characters. When a file does not contain any data for the specified body/frame name, numeric ID, or range of numeric IDs, BRIEF displays the ``There is no data: ...'' message instead of the summary table as seen in the example above. Filtering for a Specified Center/Relative-to-Frame (``-sc[cen]'')
> brief -sc0 stardust.bsp tempel1.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp Bodies: MERCURY BARYCENTER (1) JUPITER BARYCENTER (5) PLUTO BARYCEN VENUS BARYCENTER (2) SATURN BARYCENTER (6) SUN (10) EARTH BARYCENTER (3) URANUS BARYCENTER (7) MARS BARYCENTER (4) NEPTUNE BARYCENTER (8) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- ------------------------- 1959 DEC 10 00:00:00.000 2020 JAN 16 00:00:00.000 Summary for: tempel1.bsp There is no data: w.r.t. center 'SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER'All formatting rules for the ``-sb'' option described in the previous section apply to the ``-sc'' option. Filtering for a Specified Epoch (``-at [time]'')
> brief -at 2030-JAN-01/12:00 stardust.bsp tempel1.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp There is no data: covering ET '2030 JAN 01 12:00:00.000' Summary for: tempel1.bsp Body: TEMPEL 1 (1000093) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2000 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2050 JAN 01 00:00:00.000The time specified after ``-at'' must be separated from ``-at'' by one or more spaces, i.e. ``-at TIME'' not ``-atTIME''. The time can be provided in any format supported by SPICE's TPARSE routine (see TIME.REQ) as long as it doesn't contain spaces. A few of the acceptable time formats are ``YYYY-MM-DD/HR:MN:SC.DDD'', ``YYYY-DOY/HR:MN:SC.DDD'', and ``JDNNNNNNNNN.DDDDDD''. When a file does not contain any data for the specified time BRIEF displays the ``There is no data: ...'' message instead of the summary table as seen in the example above. Filtering for a Specified Interval (``-from [beg]'' and ``-to [end]'')
> brief -from 2025-01-01 -to 2025-02-01 stardust.bsp tempel1.bsp BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0062 Summary for: stardust.bsp There is no data: covering from ET '2025 JAN 01 00:00:00.000' to ET '2025 FEB 01 00: Summary for: tempel1.bsp Body: TEMPEL 1 (1000093) Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ----------------------------- --------------------------- 2000 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2050 JAN 01 00:00:00.000All formatting rules for the ``-at'' option described in the previous section apply to the ``-from'' and ``-at'' options. If either ``-from'' or ``-to'' is specified by itself it has the same effect as the ``-at'' option. Specifying Multiple Filtering Options
``-at'' specified together with ``-from''/``-to'' overrides them. When multiple ``-at'', ``-from'', or ``-to'' are provided, for each of them the one provided last on the command line takes precedence. If the time provided with ``-from'' is later than the time provided with ``-to'' BRIEF re-orders them internally. Constraints from body/frame and time groups can be provided at the same time. BRIEF combines them using logical ``AND'' and displays summary for the specified bodies/frames only if they have coverage at the specified time or time interval. Miscellaneous Options
Summarizing Kernels Listed in a File (``-f [list]'')
stardust.bsp tempel1.bspis provided to BRIEF using this option, the program displays a summary for these two SPKs as if they were provided on the command line. This option is useful when there is a need to produce a summary for a large number of files whose names, if put all together on the command line, may overflow either the terminal shell buffer or BRIEF's command line buffer. In such cases a simple listing of these files can be made and provided to BRIEF using the ``-f'' option. The list file name specified after ``-f'' must be separated from ``-f'' by one or more spaces, i.e. ``-f FILE'' not ``-fFILE''. The list file must include only the names of binary SPK files and text kernels or the names of binary PCK files and text kernels. The file names can be provided one-per-line or a few-per-line separated by one or more spaces. The file may include blank lines. All lines in the list file, including the last line, must be terminated with the line terminators native to the computer platform on which the program is run. When a list file is provided to the program, additional files to be summarized can still be listed on the command line. Displaying Help and Version (``-h'' and ``-v'')
The ``-h'' option tells BRIEF to display a more complete usage message listing all options. This display is similar to the text provided in the ``Usage'' section of this document. When ``-h'' is specified, BRIEF ignores any other options and/or file names specified on the command line. The ``-v'' option tells BRIEF to display just the version line that is normally displayed at the top of every summary produced by the program. When this option is specified, BRIEF ignores any other options, including ``-h'', and/or file names specified on the command line. Troubleshooting
The BRIEF command line buffer can hold up to 25,000 characters. If the command line is longer than 25,000 characters it gets truncated. The truncation most frequently happens in the middle of a file name resulting in the ``SPICE(FILENOTFOUND)'' error being signaled. To fix this situation the number of files provided on the command line should be reduced, or a list file listing all required files should be created and provided with the ``-f'' option. When BRIEF coverage information buffers overflow due to too many bodies/frames present in a file, or too many intervals for a body/frame, or too many intervals for all bodies/frames, BRIEF displays the ``SPICE(WINDOWEXCESS)'', ``SPICE(NAMETABLEFULL)'', or ``SPICE(VALUETABLEFULL)'' error. If this happens when the program is run with a single file, the user must contact NAIF because the situation cannot be fixed by the user. Appendix 1: Matrix of Output Formats
------------------------------------------------------------ Options | Output Format ------------------------------------------------------------ -t -n -c -o | body/frame format, location, N of tables, | ordering ------------------------------------------------------------ | Y . . . | ``ID NAME'', left column, one table, ordered | by ID | Y Y . . | ``ID'', left column, one table, ordered by ID | Y Y Y . | ``ID w.r.t ID'', left column, one table, | ordered by ID | Y Y Y Y | same as -t/-n/-c NO -o | Y Y . Y | same as -t/-n NO -c/-o | Y . Y . | ``ID NAME w.r.t. ID NAME'', left column, one | table, ordered by ID | Y . Y Y | ``NAME (ID) w.r.t. NAME (ID)'', in left | column, one table, ordered by name | Y . . Y | ``NAME (ID)'', left column, one table, | ordered by name | . Y . . | ``ID'', table header, multiple tables | with the same coverage ordered by ID, | within table headers bodies/frames ordered | by ID | . Y Y . | ``ID w.r.t ID'', table header, multiple | tables with the same coverage ordered by | ID, within table headers bodies/frames | ordered by ID | . Y Y Y | same as -n/-c NO -t/-o | . Y . Y | same as -n NO -t/-c/-o | . . Y . | ``NAME (ID) w.r.t. NAME (ID)'', table | header, multiple tables with the same | coverage ordered by name, within table | headers bodies/frames ordered by name | . . Y Y | ``NAME (ID) w.r.t. NAME (ID)'', in table | header, multiple tables with the same | coverage ordered name, within table headers | bodies ordered by name | . . . Y | ``NAME (ID)'', table header, multiple | tables with the same coverage ordered | by name, within table headers | bodies/frames ordered name | . . . . | ``NAME (ID)'', table header, multiple | tables with the same coverage ordered | by ID, within table headers | bodies/frames ordered by ID ------------------------------------------------------------ |