Solar Orbiter PAS data processing ================================= :toc: == PRODUCE_L1 Produce L1 data from PAS L0 telemetry packets : * Read PAS L0 data from /DATA/SOLAR/DATA/L0 directory * Produce PAS L1 CDF files in /DATA/SOLAR/DATA/L1 directory === Syntax ---- $ PRODUCE_L1 <option> <yyyy-mm-dd> Produce Solar Orbiter L1 CDF files Where <option> in : -a : Hexadecimal Ascii input file -b : Binary input file -t 2000 : set time origin to 2000/01/01 -t 2008 : set time origin to 2008/01/01 -m <model> : set PAS model (EM, EQM, PFM, FS (default)) -V : Display software version -v <n> : Verbose level (0..9) ---- [NOTE] -- This software has not to be used generally, it's called by upper level commands like REPROCESS -- === Example Run PAS data processing software for 2019-05-21 : - reading binary L0 data - using calibration files for EQM model - timetags origin set to 2008-01-01T00:00:00Z ---- $ PRODUCE_L1 -b -m EQM -t 2008 2019-05-21 ---- == REPROCESS Automatic processing for a given date. Extract parameters (Model, time origin, etc...) from tests database and run the PRODUCE_L1 software with this parameters === Syntax ---- $ REPROCESS yyyy-mm-dd ---- === Examples Reprocess a given date ---- $ REPROCESS 2019-05-21 ---- Reprocess whole dates of tests ---- $ REPROCESS $(ALL_TESTS -d) ---- == POST_PROCESS PAS data post-processing for a given date : - run command tools to extract logfiles, memory dumps, ... - produce various plots for WEB server === Syntax ---- $ POST_PROCESS yyyy-mm-dd [yyyy-mm-dd ...] ---- === Example Post processing for single day ---- $ POST_PROCESS 2019-05-21 ---- Post processing for a several days ---- $ POST_PROCESS 2019-04-29 2019-04-30 2019-05-01 ---- Post processing for whole dates of tests ---- $ POST_PROCESS $(ALL_TESTS -d) ---- == ALL_TESTS Extract infos from tests database. Various syntaxs for various usages. This command runs a python script, that extract data from tests database. === Syntax ---- Usage: [options] [<yyyy-mm-dd>] ... Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -a, --all Select all test, even not OK -d, --date Display dates with test data -f, --filename Display L0 filename and format -s, --stat Display TM/TC statistics -p, --param Display command line parameters -w, --web Export in .csv format for web usage ---- === Example Giving the list of available dates with test data ---- $ ALL_TESTS -d 2016-01-15 2016-08-22 2017-07-07 2017-07-31 2017-08-01 2017-08-02 2017-08-05 2017-08-07 2017-08-08 2017-08-09 ... ---- Extract parameters used to run PRODUCE_L1 software for a given data ---- $ ALL_TESTS -p 2019-05-21 2019-05-21 EQM -b 2008 ---- Extrat L0 type and filename for a given date ---- $ ALL_TEST -f 2019-05-21 2019-05-21 -b MSSL/20190521/PAS_PT_FSW_3_8 ---- == SYNCHRO_MSSL Automatic download of data from MSSL WEB server.