EDDS Server

== WEB access parameters

To access to Solar Orbiter EDDS server from a Web browser, Chrome recommended, please use:

Prime server : https://mmaasweb01.esoc.ops.esa.int/eddsweb/eddsMmi[]

Spare server : https://mmaasweb02.esoc.ops.esa.int/eddsweb/eddsMmi[]

User: sol_swa_pas

== EDDS MMI Runtime

For frequent users, it should be intersting to install the EDDS MMI runtime in their computer.

This is a Java application which runs on your computer and dialog with EDDS severs, via an https coonnection.

It can be faster than Web application.

See installation notes on link:page=EDDS_MMI[]

== Documentation


Run times : https://mmaasweb01.esoc.ops.esa.int:8443/edds/index.jsp[]

== ESOC contacts


For EDDS questions please contact BS_MCS_DSM@esa.int. 

This is an alias for Daniel Wener, Luca Michienzi and myself. i

We will be able to either answer your question or put you in contact with the EDDS team. 

If you want to contact directly the EDDS team (for non-mission specific/configuration questions) you can contact EDDS.MultiMissionSupport@esa.int.

== IRAP EDDS tools

IRAP has modified the behaviour of ESA StreamClient application to downoad TM/TC in near real-time from EDDS stream data requests.

We wrote also a set of tools to make automated data request to EDDS server, usind EDDS Soap Web Services.

See link:page=edds-tools[IRAP EDDS tools]

== EDDS Raw reader

python script that can parse EDDS_Raw data format to extract CCSDS packets

See link:page=EDDS_raw_reader[EDDS Raw data reader]

== EDDS Notes

There are several kind of archive :

* PARC : Packet Archive
* DARC : Parameter Archive
* FARC : File Archive
* DPS : Data Provision Service ???

=== EDDS TM Batch requests 

From the EDDS Web, 

File > New request... > MCS Packet archive

We can request for 3 kinds of TM data :

* Packet Archive > TM
Accessible from PARC or DPS

Available output format :


* Packet Archive > TM Raw
Accessible from PARC only (not DPS)

Available output format :

* Binary
* XML transform

* Packet Archive > TM report
Accessible from PARC or DPS

Available output format :

* Ascii
* Binary
* RAW source binary
* XML transform

NOTE: from TM Packet Report Filter pannel, you can select [Include/Exclude Raw Data]