
== Introduction

This page describe tools used by IRAP to recover data from EDDS server.

=== Modified Java Stream client

IRAP has modified a Java StreamClient application delivered by ESA, to be able to download
SolarOrbiter TM/TC in near real-time

Rather than creating a new file each N seconds (typically N=60), the new client will register
all TM/TC in a single file, increasing regularly as new data appears in the stream.

Data is registered in a single hexadecimal text file <requestId>.hex

This file contains separate lines for each CCSDS TM packet, consitued by hexadecimal dump of packets content.
It will increase regularly as soon as new TM packets are availble on the stream.

.Main script

Shell script that runs an updated Java Stream Client to recover streaming data from EDDS server.

=== python EDDS tools

We wrote another set of python tools to make automated EDDS requests and download corresponding data :

* Launching a new stream request for TC or TM data, and recover data from the stream

* Connecting to an existing stream request (typically launched by MSSL for a wide time-range)

* Launching batch requests and donwload TM, TC or Parameters data


This is a python3 script, using EDDS SOAP Web Services, able to:

* Read file, to extract user authentication parameters and EDDS server address

* Connect to EDDS server with user account
* Launch a batch request to recover automatically SWA TM/TC data or Parameters

* Launch a new data streaming request (TM or TC data) and +
  run Java StreamClient to download streaming data in near real-time

* Launch Java StreamClient to recover data from an existing stream request

=== Links

* link:/documents/EDDS/software/STREAM_CLIENT.irap.tar.gz[Download STREAM_CLIENT.irap and tools]
* link:/documents/EDDS/software/STREAM_CLIENT.irap[Browse Software directory]

== Software requirements

* Access to EDDS server
Ask ESOC for an account on the EDDS server, with a valid Usename and password

Check your network configuration rules for your computer to access EDDS server

* python
You need python 3.x installed on your computer, with some extra libraries :

* zeep : to access SOAP Web services
* isodate : ISO 8601 library (ISO time)
* configobj : to parse

You can use pip to install those libraries

	$ pip install zeep isodate configobj

* Java
Java probably 8.x is necessary (to be confirmed)

== Installation manual

Download and extract the link:/documents/EDDS/software/STREAM_CLIENT.irap.tar.gz[]

$ cd <install-directory>
$ tar xvzf STREAM_CLIENT.irap.tar.gz

You will find here:

* :
config file used by application to find username, password, EDDS server address

python EDDS library

Shell script that run the Java StreamClient application

* streamclient.xml
Java beans XML config file, modified by IRAP to change ESA software behaviour

* lib
Original ESA Java library (.jar files)

* src
IRAP's added Java source files 

* irap-streamedds.jar
IRAP modified library (build from src/*java)

* build
Shell script to build the IRAP Java modified software

=== Configuration

You have first to update the file with your usual text editor,
to fill your EDDS username and passord
# The username that the request submitter should log on as
username = <EDDS-username>

# The password that the request submitter should log on as
password = <your-EDDS-password>

# The EDDS web server that the request submitter should submit requests to
eddsServerAddress =

Update also the content of streamclient.xml file, to set pathname of file

  <bean class="org.apache.camel.spring.spi.BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="location" 

The Java StreamClient will read these files, and any error in username, password of path
will generate an error.

You can also use the build script to reconstruct the IRAP Java library, 
but it's not necessary if you dont't modify the corresponding java sources.


Will create/update the irap-streamedds.jar library

== EDDS tools User Manual

Several kind of utilisation:

* Batch TM requests
* Batch TC requests
* Batch Param requests
* Connect to an existing data stream request
* Stream TM request
* Stream TC request (TC filtering with PID or APID not available)

=== Invoking request

After completing software installation and configuration, in order to use these software,  
you must run the from the current installation directory.

You can run the python in two ways:

$ python <arguments>
$ python -m EDDS <arguments>

The first command line load and run that has to be in current working directory.

The second one search the using the PYTHONPATH environment variable, that gives a list of directories
where python script are located.

However, the python script must find and, so these 2 files 
have to be in the current directory. 

That should be improved in further releases.

=== Batch TM requests

Batch TM request are EDDS batch TM report requests, and use RAWSOURCEBINARY output format.

They are filtering TM data for PID in range 95..99, corresponding to whole SWA TM data.

The result files are constitued by a sequence of CCSDS TM binary packets, without any other header.

It could be possible to modify software:

* to get XML output data rather than binary data.

* to use different PID filtering, to get data from other experiments or platform data.

.Command line
$ python -m EDDS batch_TM <start-time> <duration>

Where <start-time> should be a valid ISO8601 datetime, like yyyy-mm-ddThh[:mm[:ss]]


And <duration> a valid ISO8601 duration

P1D		a whole day
P1W		a whole week (7 days)
PT8H		8 hours
PT90M		90 minutes

$ python -m EDDS batch_TM 2020-03-17T00 P1D
$ python -m EDDS batch_TM 2020-03-17T12:00:00 PT8H

The first command is used to download SWA TC data for the whole 2020-03-17

The second one can download data for 2020-03-17T12:00:00 to 2020-03-17T20:00:00

They will generate 2 binary files in the current directory:


$ python -m EDDS batch_TM 2020-03-17T00:00 P1D
Reading config from
Login EDDS D1D3593A150F914FB4CC44F29867487D
Send batch request : BatchRequest.PktTmReport.SOL.0.2020.
Save request file : BatchRequest.PktTmReport.SOL.0.2020.
Send batch TM report : job_id = BatchRequest.PktTmReport.SOL.0.2020.
[17:49:03] Status = SUBMITTED
[17:49:08] Status = SERVER_COMPLETED
[17:49:13] Status = SERVER_COMPLETED
[17:49:18] Status = SERVER_COMPLETED
[17:49:24] Status = SERVER_COMPLETED
[17:49:29] Status = SERVER_COMPLETED
[17:49:34] Status = SERVER_COMPLETED
[17:49:39] Creation solo_L0_swa-batch-tm_20200317000000_V00.bin ...
[17:49:39] Done
Good bye...

=== Batch TC requests

Batch TC request are EDDS batch TC report requests.

They use XML output format, as RAWSOURCEBINARY format is not yet implemented in EDDS server for TC report requests.

They are filtering TC data with (PID >= 95 and PID <= 99), corresponding to whole SWA TC data.

The result files are XML files, constitued by a sequence of XML PktTcReportListElement, 
that can be parsed to extract RawBodyData nodes that contains CCSDS packet content.

It could be possible to modify software:

* to get RAWSOURCEBINARY data, as soon as it will by implemented in EDDS

* to use different PID filtering, to get data from other experiments or platform data.

.Command line
$ python -m EDDS batch_TC <start-time> <duration>

Where <start-time> and <duration> should be valid ISO8601 datetime and duration

$ python -m EDDS batch_TC 2020-03-17T00 P1D
$ python -m EDDS batch_TC 2020-03-17T12:00:00 PT8H

The first command is used to download SWA TC data for the whole 2020-03-17

The second one can download TC for 2020-03-17T12:00:00 to 2020-03-17T20:00:00

They will generate 2 XML output files in current directory:


=== Batch Param requests

Batch Param request are EDDS batch Parameters requests

They are requesting data from PARC (Parameter Archive database) and produce XML output format.

The result files are XML files, constitued by a sequence of XML ParamSampleListElement
that can be parsed to extract time-tags and engineering values for each parameters.

A list of parameters is actually hardcoded in source code.

You can change this list in run_batch_param() function in

It could be possible to modify software:

* to add list of parameters in command line arguments

.Command line
$ python -m EDDS batch_Param  <start-time> <duration>

Where <start-time> and <duration> should be valid ISO8601 datetime and duration

$ python -m EDDS batch_param 2020-03-17T00 P1D
$ python -m EDDS batch_param 2020-03-17T12:00:00 PT8H

The first command is requesting parameters data for while 2020-03-17

The second one is requesting parametres for 2020-03-17T12:00:00 to 2020-03-17T20:00:00

They will generate 2 XML output files in current directory:


=== Connect to an existing stream request

Must be used to download data from an existing stream request, using its requestId.

It will update requestId value in the file and run the Java StreamClient to download new data.

New packets data will be be added at the end of the file <requestId>.hex, in current directory.

MSSL should launch an unique stream TM data request and share its request ID, to all SWA users.

.Command line
$ python -m EDDS client <requestId>

Where <requestId> should be a valid request ID for an active stream request.

$ python -m EDDS client StreamRequest.PktTmStream.SOL.0.2020.

Will append new TM data to:


The result file will contain a separate line for each CCSDS TM packet received in the stream.

Each line will correspond to the hexadecimal dump of CCSDS data packet (without any other header).

Every new packet wil be displayed in the console, so you can check new data arrival.

.Example of data
$ head StreamRequest.PktTmStream.SOL.0.2020.

=== Stream TM requests

Please, do not use this functionnality to avoid saturation of EDDS server.

MSSL willl launch a unique stream TM request, with a long time period validity (severall day or weeks), 
and share the corresponding request ID, so all SWA users can connect to the corresponding stream and recover SWA TM data.

It will launch a new stream TM request on EDDS server.

The corresponding requestId will be automatically registered in file, before it runs the Java StreamClient.

TM data will be stored in a single file, <requestId>.hex, in the current diretory.

This file will contain, for each CCSDS TM packet, separate lines with hexadecimal dump of CCSDS packet content, without any other header.

File will increase regularly, in near real-time, as soon as new TM packets are available on the stream.

.Command line
$ python -m EDDS stream_TM  <duration>

Where <duration> should be a valid ISO8601 duration.

$ python -m EDDS stream_TM PT8H
$ python -m EDDS stream_TM P2W

The first command launch a new stream TM request with a duration of 8 hours.

The second one is for a duration of 2 weeks, 14 days.

=== Stream TC requests

This kind of stream request is not fully available, as it is not possible to filter TC,
for a given PID or APID.

However, it can be used as soon as such data filtering will be implemented in EDDS server.

.Command line
$ python -m EDDS stream_TC <duration>

Where <duration> should be a valid ISO8601 duration.

$ python -m EDDS stream_TC PT8H
$ python -m EDDS stream_TC P2W

The first command launch a new stream TC request with a duration of 8 hours, the second one is for 2 weeks.

== Possible improvements

It may be possible to improve the software to add new functionnalities:

* other kind of requests
* modifying output formats
* modifying data filtering
* etc...

You can also use the as a library and use its functionnalities to write automated tools,
corresponding to your needs.

Software developpers may have a look on:

* link:/documents/EDDS/software/STREAM_CLIENT.irap/[]
Main python script

* link:/documents/EDDS/software/STREAM_CLIENT.irap/EddsService.wsdl[EddsService.wsdl]
WSDL file that describes the EDDS Soap availables Web services

* link:/documents/EDDS/software/STREAM_CLIENT.irap/model.xsd[model.xsd]
XML Schema definition of XML entities used by EDDS Soap Web Services

== Acknowledgements

Please acknoledge

* He has made available the EDDS Web services from remote python script, using SOAP protocol.

* He has also overloaded the ESA stream client software to modify the application behaviour, 
in order to create a single result file per request, increasing regularly in near real-time.