PAS software documentation

== Softwares

* link:page=edds[EDDS Server]
How to download SolarOrbiter TM !

* link:page=chrome[Google Chrome for CentOS 7]
How to install Google Chrome on CentOS 7

* link:page=user-manual[PAS User-Manual]
Description of PAS processing operations during latest SVT at IABG


* link:page=commands[Data processing softwares]
Description of Solar Orbiter PAS main data processing softwares.

* link:page=tools[Tools]
Various command to display logfiles, statistics, memory dumps...

* link:page=cdflib[CDFlib]
NASA CDF library to handle Solar orbiter CDF files

* link:page=spice[Spice Kernels]
NAIF Spice kernels library

== General documentation

* link:page=cdf[PAS L2 CDF]
Metadata and data structure of PAS L2 CDF

* link:page=tc[Various TC description]
Description of various usefull TCs

* link:page=tm[PAS TM description]
Description of main PAS TM packets