Utility commands ================ :toc: == SWA_LOG : Data processing logfiles Display data processing logfile for a given date. === Source file * link:software/bin/SWA_LOG[] === Syntax ---- $ SWA_LOG [-i] yyyy-mm-dd Option: -i : return logfile filenam ---- === Example Display logfile for 2019-05-21 ---- $ SWA_LOG 2019-05-21 | more ---- See link:aux/20190521/SWA_LOG.txt[] Edit logfile for 2019-05-21 ---- $ vi $(SWA_LOG -i 2019-05-21) ---- == STATS : Data processing statistics Display data processing statistics for a given date === Syntax ---- $ STATS [options] yyyy-mm-dd [yyyy-mm-dd...] Options : -p : statistiques APID -s : statistiques SID -t : statistiques SID (SCOS 2000) -c : statistiques CDF -e : statistiques EVENT -a : toutes les statistiques ---- === Example ---- $ STATS 2019-05-21 ---- See link:aux/20190521/STATS.txt[] == SWA_ERR : Data processing errors === Syntax ---- $ SWA_ERR [-w] [-e] yyyy-mm-dd ... s Options: -w : display only Warnings -e : display only Errors ---- == DPU_DUMP : DPU TC and TM memory dump Display memory dump from DPU TC and TM responses * For each TC, the memory dump indicates the parameters of the command * The TM memory dumps containts the response of the TCs === Source file * link:software/bin/DPU_DUMP[] === Syntax ---- $ DPU_DUMP yyyy-mm-dd ---- === Example ---- $ DPU_DUMP 2019-05-21 ---- See link:aux/20190521/DPU_DUMP.txt[DPU_DUMP result for 2019-05-21] == PAS_DUMP : PAS memory dumps === Syntax ---- $ PAS_DUMP yyyy-mm-dd ---- == SWA_EVENT : SWA events logfile Display SWA event for a given day, with 4 possible levels : - Normal : normal message - LOW : Low severity alert - MED : Medium severity alert - HIGH : High severity alert === Syntax ---- $ SWA_EVENT yyyy-mm-dd ---- === Example ---- $ SWA_EVENT 2019-05-21 ---- See link:aux/20190521/SWA_EVENT.txt[SWA event for 2019-05-21]