============================================== TELECOMMANDS for 2015-12-22 ============================================== TC acceptation and status TC execution and status Size Service ID Label --------------------------- --------------------------- ---- ----------- -------- ----- -- -- 4 TC( 3, 5) ZIA58050 SWA TC enable HK report generation -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 6 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 6 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 38 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 6 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 31 TC(200,171) ZIA58064 SWA TC disable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 2 TC(203,136) ZIA58858 PAS Power ON -- -- 2 TC(200,201) ZIA58735 SWA TC DPU leave boot mode -- -- 2 TC( 17, 1) ZIA58001 SWA TC connection test request -- -- 2 TC(200,130) ZIA58703 SWA TC enter the operational mode -- -- 6 TC( 3,129) ZIA58052 SWA TC define HK parameter report collection interval -- -- 4 TC( 3, 5) ZIA58050 SWA TC enable HK report generation -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 6 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 6 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 38 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 6 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 31 TC(200,171) ZIA58064 SWA TC disable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 2 TC(203,136) ZIA58858 PAS Power ON -- -- 6 TC(200,170) ZIA58063 SWA TC enable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 4 TC(200,171) ZIA58064 SWA TC disable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 4 TC(200,170) ZIA58063 SWA TC enable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 4 TC(203,159) ZIA58947 SWA TC PAS set open loop -- -- 2 TC(203,131) ZIA58853 SWA TC PAS config -- -- 4 TC( 3, 5) ZIA58050 SWA TC enable HK report generation -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 6 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 6 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 38 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 6 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 31 TC(200,171) ZIA58064 SWA TC disable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 2 TC(203,136) ZIA58858 PAS Power ON -- -- 6 TC(200,170) ZIA58063 SWA TC enable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 4 TC(200,171) ZIA58064 SWA TC disable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 4 TC(200,170) ZIA58063 SWA TC enable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 4 TC(203,159) ZIA58947 SWA TC PAS set open loop -- -- 2 TC(203,131) ZIA58853 SWA TC PAS config -- -- 5 TC(200,170) ZIA58063 SWA TC enable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 6 TC(203,141) ZIA58863 SWA TC PAS write Master Control register -- -- 6 TC(203,141) ZIA58863 SWA TC PAS write Master Control register -- -- 4 TC(203,140) ZIA58862 SWA TC PAS write Pre-Amp power Control register -- -- 10 TC(203,134) ZIA58856 PAS HV Ramp UP -- -- 18 TC(200,170) ZIA58063 SWA TC enable the monitoring of parameters -- -- 4 TC(200,162) ZIA58728 SWA TC modify the cadence of sci data generation -- -- 2 TC(200,144) ZIA58717 SWA TC disable Science data compression -- -- 6 TC(201,147) ZIA58771 SWA TC EAS1 Write Mailbox control -- -- 6 TC(202,147) ZIA58819 SWA TC EAS2 Write Mailbox control -- -- 4 TC(203,157) ZIA58943 SWA TC PAS start science -- -- 14 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 14 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 2 TC(202,136) ZIA58808 SWA TC EAS2 Power ON -- -- 4 TC( 3, 5) ZIA58050 SWA TC enable HK report generation -- -- 4 TC(202,135) ZIA58936 SWA TC EAS2 start service macro -- -- 2 TC(202,129) ZIA58801 SWA TC EAS2 enter in idle mode -- -- 2 TC(202,158) ZIA58830 SWA TC EAS2 HK data Request -- -- 2 TC(202,134) ZIA58806 SWA TC EAS2 HV Ramp UP -- -- 4 TC(202,161) ZIA58833 SWA TC EAS2 Dump Parameter -- -- 14 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 14 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 14 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 14 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 2 TC(201,136) ZIA58760 SWA TC EAS1 Power ON -- -- 4 TC( 3, 5) ZIA58050 SWA TC enable HK report generation -- -- 4 TC(201,135) ZIA58934 SWA TC EAS1 start service macro -- -- 2 TC(201,129) ZIA58753 SWA TC EAS1 enter in idle mode -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 4 TC(201,153) ZIA58777 SWA TC EAS1 Write Pre-Amp power Control register -- -- 4 TC(201,153) ZIA58777 SWA TC EAS1 Write Pre-Amp power Control register -- -- 4 TC(201,153) ZIA58777 SWA TC EAS1 Write Pre-Amp power Control register -- -- 2 TC(201,158) ZIA58782 SWA TC EAS1 HK data Request -- -- 2 TC(201,134) ZIA58758 SWA TC EAS1 HV Ramp UP -- -- 4 TC(201,161) ZIA58785 SWA TC EAS1 Dump Parameter -- -- 4 TC(201,161) ZIA58785 SWA TC EAS1 Dump Parameter -- -- 4 TC(201,161) ZIA58785 SWA TC EAS1 Dump Parameter -- -- 4 TC(200,162) ZIA58728 SWA TC modify the cadence of sci data generation -- -- 2 TC(200,144) ZIA58717 SWA TC disable Science data compression -- -- 6 TC(201,147) ZIA58771 SWA TC EAS1 Write Mailbox control -- -- 6 TC(202,147) ZIA58819 SWA TC EAS2 Write Mailbox control -- -- 4 TC(203,157) ZIA58943 SWA TC PAS start science -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 10 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 6 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 4 TC(203,157) ZIA58943 SWA TC PAS start science -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 4 TC(201,164) ZIA58788 SWA TC EAS1 enter in engineering 2 mode -- -- 4 TC(202,164) ZIA58836 SWA TC EAS2 enter in engineering 2 mode -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 6 TC(201,147) ZIA58771 SWA TC EAS1 Write Mailbox control -- -- 6 TC(202,147) ZIA58819 SWA TC EAS2 Write Mailbox control -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 2 TC(200,143) ZIA58716 SWA TC enable Science data compression -- -- 6 TC(201,147) ZIA58771 SWA TC EAS1 Write Mailbox control -- -- 6 TC(202,147) ZIA58819 SWA TC EAS2 Write Mailbox control -- -- 4 TC(203,157) ZIA58943 SWA TC PAS start science -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 4 TC(201,164) ZIA58788 SWA TC EAS1 enter in engineering 2 mode -- -- 4 TC(202,164) ZIA58836 SWA TC EAS2 enter in engineering 2 mode -- -- 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 6 TC(201,147) ZIA58771 SWA TC EAS1 Write Mailbox control -- -- 6 TC(202,147) ZIA58819 SWA TC EAS2 Write Mailbox control -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 2 TC(200,143) ZIA58716 SWA TC enable Science data compression -- -- 4 TC(200,162) ZIA58728 SWA TC modify the cadence of sci data generation -- -- 6 TC(201,147) ZIA58771 SWA TC EAS1 Write Mailbox control -- -- 6 TC(202,147) ZIA58819 SWA TC EAS2 Write Mailbox control -- -- 4 TC(201,164) ZIA58788 SWA TC EAS1 enter in engineering 2 mode -- -- 4 TC(202,164) ZIA58836 SWA TC EAS2 enter in engineering 2 mode 2015-12-22T01:46:50.255 OK 2015-12-22T01:46:50.381 OK 6 TC(201,147) ZIA58771 SWA TC EAS1 Write Mailbox control 2015-12-22T01:46:50.260 OK 2015-12-22T01:46:50.387 OK 6 TC(202,147) ZIA58819 SWA TC EAS2 Write Mailbox control 2015-12-22T01:46:50.260 OK 2015-12-22T01:46:50.261 OK 4 TC(203,157) ZIA58943 SWA TC PAS start science 2015-12-22T01:48:35.250 OK 2015-12-22T01:48:35.250 OK 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters 2015-12-22T03:48:35.125 OK 2015-12-22T03:48:39.001 OK 20 TC(200,160) ZIA58726 SWA TC enter all sensor in Burst Mode 2015-12-22T04:18:35.125 OK 2015-12-22T04:18:39.001 OK 20 TC(200,160) ZIA58726 SWA TC enter all sensor in Burst Mode 2015-12-22T06:18:35.021 OK 2015-12-22T06:18:35.021 OK 50 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters 2015-12-22T06:18:39.127 OK 2015-12-22T06:18:39.127 OK 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science 2015-12-22T13:00:51.376 OK 2015-12-22T13:00:51.502 OK 6 TC(201,147) ZIA58771 SWA TC EAS1 Write Mailbox control 2015-12-22T13:00:53.377 OK 2015-12-22T13:00:53.502 OK 6 TC(202,147) ZIA58819 SWA TC EAS2 Write Mailbox control 2015-12-22T13:00:55.376 OK 2015-12-22T13:00:57.501 ERR 2 TC(201,137) ZIA58761 SWA TC EAS1 normal power off 2015-12-22T13:02:35.377 OK 2015-12-22T13:03:19.753 OK 2 TC(202,137) ZIA58809 SWA TC EAS2 normal power off 2015-12-22T13:04:21.251 OK 2015-12-22T13:04:21.252 OK 31 TC(200,171) ZIA58064 SWA TC disable the monitoring of parameters 2015-12-22T13:04:23.251 OK 2015-12-22T13:04:23.376 OK 4 TC(203,140) ZIA58862 SWA TC PAS write Pre-Amp power Control register 2015-12-22T13:04:28.376 OK 2015-12-22T13:06:02.001 OK 10 TC(203,135) ZIA58857 PAS HV Ramp DOWN 2015-12-22T13:06:14.376 OK 2015-12-22T13:06:14.378 OK 2 TC(201,132) ZIA58756 SWA TC switch off EAS1 2015-12-22T13:07:28.376 OK 2015-12-22T13:07:28.502 OK 6 TC(203,141) ZIA58863 SWA TC PAS write Master Control register 2015-12-22T13:07:30.376 OK 2015-12-22T13:10:01.752 OK 2 TC(203,137) ZIA58859 PAS Normal Power OFF Number of TC = 149 Number of TARS = 18 Number of TARF = 0 Number of TECS = 17 Number of TECF = 1 Number unacked = 131 Unknown TARF = 0 Unknown TECF = 0 Dupicate TARSF = 0 Dupicate TECSF = 0