============================================== TELECOMMANDS for 2022-10-31 ============================================== TC acceptation and status TC execution and status Size Service ID Label --------------------------- --------------------------- ---- ----------- -------- ----- -- -- 6 TC(203,151) ZIA58873 SWA TC PAS Write Mailbox control -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 4 TC(203,157) ZIA58943 SWA TC PAS start science -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 6 TC(203,151) ZIA58873 SWA TC PAS Write Mailbox control -- -- 2 TC(200,148) ZIA58721 SWA TC disable Book Keeping -- -- 20 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 20 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 20 TC(200,133) ZIA58706 SWA TC modify the configuration parameters -- -- 2 TC(200,135) ZIA58708 SWA TC accept configuration parameters change -- -- 10 TC(200,134) ZIA58707 SWA TC report configuration parameters -- -- 4 TC(200,147) ZIA58720 SWA TC enable Book Keeping -- -- 2 TC(200,146) ZIA58719 SWA TC disable RPW Trigger handling -- -- 20 TC(200,160) ZIA58726 SWA TC enter all sensor in Burst Mode -- -- 6 TC(200,145) ZIA58718 SWA TC enable RPW Trigger handling -- -- 6 TC(203,151) ZIA58873 SWA TC PAS Write Mailbox control -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 4 TC(203,157) ZIA58943 SWA TC PAS start science -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 6 TC(203,151) ZIA58873 SWA TC PAS Write Mailbox control 2022-10-31T10:16:19.906 OK 2022-10-31T10:16:19.906 OK 12 TC( 6, 5) ZIA58054 SWA TC dump a memory area 2022-10-31T10:26:19.907 OK 2022-10-31T10:26:19.907 OK 12 TC( 6, 5) ZIA58054 SWA TC dump a memory area 2022-10-31T10:31:19.907 OK 2022-10-31T10:31:19.908 OK 12 TC( 6, 5) ZIA58054 SWA TC dump a memory area 2022-10-31T10:36:19.908 OK 2022-10-31T10:36:19.908 OK 12 TC( 6, 5) ZIA58054 SWA TC dump a memory area 2022-10-31T10:41:19.908 OK 2022-10-31T10:41:19.909 OK 12 TC( 6, 5) ZIA58054 SWA TC dump a memory area 2022-10-31T10:46:19.909 OK 2022-10-31T10:46:19.909 OK 12 TC( 6, 5) ZIA58054 SWA TC dump a memory area -- -- 2 TC(200,146) ZIA58719 SWA TC disable RPW Trigger handling -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 22 TC(203,128) ZIA58850 SWA TC PAS enter in Calibration mode -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 6 TC(203,151) ZIA58873 SWA TC PAS Write Mailbox control -- -- 6 TC(200,145) ZIA58718 SWA TC enable RPW Trigger handling -- -- 2 TC(200,146) ZIA58719 SWA TC disable RPW Trigger handling -- -- 20 TC(200,160) ZIA58726 SWA TC enter all sensor in Burst Mode -- -- 6 TC(200,145) ZIA58718 SWA TC enable RPW Trigger handling -- -- 6 TC(203,151) ZIA58873 SWA TC PAS Write Mailbox control -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 4 TC(203,157) ZIA58943 SWA TC PAS start science -- -- 2 TC(203,158) ZIA58944 SWA TC PAS stop science -- -- 6 TC(203,151) ZIA58873 SWA TC PAS Write Mailbox control Number of TC = 40 Number of TARS = 6 Number of TARF = 0 Number of TECS = 6 Number of TECF = 0 Number unacked = 34 Unknown TARF = 0 Unknown TECF = 0 Dupicate TARSF = 6 Dupicate TECSF = 6