SpiceInt bschoc_c ( ConstSpiceChar * value,
SpiceInt ndim,
SpiceInt lenvals,
const void * array,
ConstSpiceInt * order )
Do a binary search for a given value within a character string array,
accompanied by an order vector. Return the index of the matching array
entry, or -1 if the key value is not found.
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
value I Key value to be found in array.
ndim I Dimension of array.
lenvals I String length.
array I Character string array to search.
order I Order vector.
The function returns the index of the first matching array
element or -1 if the value is not found.
value is the key value to be found in the array. Trailing
blanks space in this key are not significant: string
matches found by this routine do not require trailing
blanks in value to match those in the corresponding
element of array.
ndim is the dimension of the array.
lenvals is the declared length of the strings in the input
string array, including null terminators. The input
array should be declared with dimension
array is the array of character srings to be searched. Trailing
blanks in the strings in this array are not significant.
order is an order vector which can be used to access the elements
of array in order. The contents of order are a permutation
of the sequence of integers ranging from zero to ndim-1.
The function returns the index of the specified value in the input array.
Indices range from zero to ndim-1.
If the input array does not contain the specified value, the function
returns -1.
If the input array contains more than one occurrence of the specified
value, the returned index may point to any of the occurrences.
1) If ndim < 1 the function value is -1. This is not considered
an error.
2) If input key value pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will
be signaled. The function returns -1.
3) The input key value may have length zero. This case is not
considered an error.
4) If the input array pointer is null, the error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will
be signaled. The function returns -1.
5) If the input array string's length is less than 2, the error
SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled. The function returns -1.
6) If memory cannot be allocated to create a Fortran-style version of
the input order vector, the error SPICE(MALLOCFAILED) is signaled.
The function returns -1 in this case.
A binary search is performed on the input array, whose order is given
by an associated order vector. If an element of the array is found to
match the input value, the index of that element is returned. If no
matching element is found, -1 is returned.
Let the input arguments array and order contain the following elements:
array order
"BOHR" 2
bschoc_c ( "NEWTON", 5, lenvals, array, order ) == 3
bschoc_c ( "EINSTEIN", 5, lenvals, array, order ) == 2
bschoc_c ( "GALILEO", 5, lenvals, array, order ) == 4
bschoc_c ( "Galileo", 5, lenvals, array, order ) == -1
bschoc_c ( "BETHE", 5, lenvals, array, order ) == -1
1) The input array is assumed to be sorted in increasing order. If
this condition is not met, the results of bschoc_c are unpredictable.
2) String comparisons performed by this routine are Fortran-style:
trailing blanks in the input array or key value are ignored.
This gives consistent behavior with CSPICE code generated by
the f2c translator, as well as with the Fortran SPICE Toolkit.
Note that this behavior is not identical to that of the ANSI
C library functions strcmp and strncmp.
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
I.M. Underwood (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 07-MAR-2009 (NJB)
This file now includes the header file f2cMang.h.
This header supports name mangling of f2c library
Header sections were re-ordered.
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 26-AUG-2002 (NJB) (WLT) (IMU)
search in a character array
Link to routine bschoc_c source file bschoc_c.c