- APPNDC_C - Append an item to a character cell
- APPNDD_C - Append an item to a double precision cell
- APPNDI_C - Append an item to an integer cell
- AXISAR_C - Axis and angle to rotation
- B1900_C - Besselian Date 1900.0
- B1950_C - Besselian Date 1950.0
- BADKPV_C - Bad Kernel Pool Variable
- BLTFRM_C - Built-in frame IDs
- BODC2N_C - Body ID code to name translation
- BODC2S_C - Body ID code to string translation
- BODDEF_C - Body name/ID code definition
- BODFND_C - Find values from the kernel pool
- BODN2C_C - Body name to ID code translation
- BODS2C_C - Body string to ID code translation
- BODVAR_C - Return values from the kernel pool
- BODVCD_C - Return d.p. values from the kernel pool
- BODVRD_C - Return d.p. values from the kernel pool
- BRCKTD_C - Bracket a d.p. value within an interval
- BRCKTI_C - Bracket an integer value within an interval
- BSCHOC_C - Binary search with order vector, character
- BSCHOI_C - Binary search with order vector, integer
- BSRCHC_C - Binary search for a character string
- BSRCHD_C - Binary search for a double precision value
- BSRCHI_C - Binary search for an integer value
- CARD_C - Cardinality of a cell
- CCIFRM_C - Class and class ID to associated frame
- CGV2EL_C - Center and generating vectors to ellipse
- CHBDER_C - Derivatives of a Chebyshev expansion
- CHKIN_C - module Check In
- CHKOUT_C - Module Check Out
- CIDFRM_C - center SPK ID frame
- CKCLS_C - CK, Close file
- CKCOV_C - CK coverage
- CKGP_C - C-kernel, get pointing
- CKGPAV_C - C-kernel, get pointing and angular velocity
- CKLPF_C - C-kernel, load pointing file
- CKOBJ_C - CK objects
- CKOPN_C - CK, open new file.
- CKUPF_C - C-kernel, Unload pointing file
- CKW01_C - C-Kernel, write segment to C-kernel, data type 1
- CKW02_C - C-Kernel, write segment to C-kernel, data type 2
- CKW03_C - C-Kernel, write segment to C-kernel, data type 3
- CKW05_C - Write CK segment, type 5
- CLEARD_C - Clear a double precision array
- CLIGHT_C - C, Speed of light in a vacuum
- CLPOOL_C - Clear the pool of kernel variables
- CMPRSS_C - Compress a character string
- CNMFRM_C - Center name to associated frame
- CONICS_C - Determine state from conic elements
- CONVRT_C - Convert Units
- COPY_C - Copy a CSPICE cell
- CPOS_C - Character position
- CPOSR_C - Character position, reverse
- CVPOOL_C - Check variable in the pool for update
- CYLLAT_C - Cylindrical to latitudinal
- CYLREC_C - Cylindrical to rectangular
- CYLSPH_C - Cylindrical to spherical
- DAFAC_C - DAF add comments
- DAFBBS_C - DAF, begin backward search
- DAFBFS_C - DAF, begin forward search
- DAFCLS_C - DAF, close
- DAFCS_C - DAF, continue search
- DAFDC_C - DAF delete comments
- DAFEC_C - DAF extract comments
- DAFFNA_C - DAF, find next array
- DAFFPA_C - DAF, find previous array
- DAFGDA_C - DAF, read data from address
- DAFGH_C - DAF, get handle
- DAFGN_C - DAF, get array name
- DAFGS_C - DAF, get summary
- DAFGSR_C - DAF, get summary/descriptor record
- DAFOPR_C - DAF, open for read
- DAFOPW_C - DAF, open for write
- DAFPS_C - DAF, pack summary
- DAFRDA_C - DAF, read data from address
- DAFRFR_C - DAF, read file record
- DAFRS_C - DAF, replace summary
- DAFUS_C - DAF, unpack summary
- DASAC_C - DAS add comments
- DASCLS_C - DAS, close file
- DASDC_C - DAS, delete comments
- DASEC_C - DAS extract comments
- DASHFN_C - DAS, handle to file name
- DASOPR_C - DAS, open for read
- DASOPW_C - DAS, open for write
- DASRFR_C - DAS, read file record
- DCYLDR_C - Derivative of cylindrical w.r.t. rectangular
- DELTET_C - Delta ET, ET - UTC
- DET_C - Determinant of a double precision 3x3 matrix
- DGEODR_C - Derivative of geodetic w.r.t. rectangular
- DIAGS2_C - Diagonalize symmetric 2x2 matrix
- DIFF_C - Difference of two sets
- DLABBS_C - DLA, begin backward search
- DLABFS_C - DLA, begin forward search
- DLAFNS_C - DLA, find next segment
- DLAFPS_C - DLA, find previous segment
- DLATDR_C - Derivative of latitudinal w.r.t. rectangular
- DP2HX_C - D.p. number to hexadecimal string
- DPGRDR_C - Derivative of planetographic w.r.t. rectangular
- DPMAX_C - Largest DP number
- DPMIN_C - Smallest DP number
- DPR_C - Degrees per radian
- DRDCYL_C - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. cylindrical
- DRDGEO_C - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. geodetic
- DRDLAT_C - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. latitudinal
- DRDPGR_C - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. planetographic
- DRDSPH_C - Derivative of rectangular w.r.t. spherical
- DSKB02_C - DSK, fetch type 2 bookkeeping data
- DSKCLS_C - DSK, close file
- DSKD02_C - DSK, fetch d.p. type 2 data
- DSKGD_C - DSK, return DSK segment descriptor
- DSKGTL_C - DSK, get tolerance
- DSKI02_C - DSK, fetch integer type 2 data
- DSKMI2_C - DSK, make spatial index for type 2 segment
- DSKN02_C - DSK, type 2, compute normal vector for plate
- DSKOBJ_C - DSK, get object IDs
- DSKOPN_C - DSK, open new file
- DSKP02_C - DSK, fetch type 2 plate data
- DSKRB2_C - DSK, determine range bounds for plate set
- DSKSRF_C - DSK, get surface IDs for body
- DSKSTL_C - DSK, get tolerance
- DSKV02_C - DSK, fetch type 2 vertex data
- DSKW02_C - DSK, write type 2 segment
- DSKX02_C - DSK, ray-surface intercept, type 2
- DSKXSI_C - DSK, ray-surface intercept with source information
- DSKXV_C - DSK, ray-surface intercept, vectorized
- DSKZ02_C - DSK, fetch type 2 model size parameters
- DSPHDR_C - Derivative of spherical w.r.t. rectangular
- DTPOOL_C - Data for a kernel pool variable
- DUCRSS_C - Unit Normalized Cross Product and Derivative
- DVCRSS_C - Derivative of Vector cross product
- DVDOT_C - Derivative of Vector Dot Product, 3-D
- DVHAT_C - Derivative and unit vector "V-hat" of a state
- DVNORM_C - Derivative of vector norm
- DVPOOL_C - Delete a variable from the kernel pool
- DVSEP_C - Time derivative of separation angle
- EDLIMB_C - Ellipsoid Limb
- EDTERM_C - Ellipsoid terminator
- EKACEC_C - EK, add character data to column
- EKACED_C - EK, add d.p. data to column
- EKACEI_C - EK, add integer data to column
- EKACLC_C - EK, add character column to segment
- EKACLD_C - EK, add double precision column to segment
- EKACLI_C - EK, add integer column to segment
- EKAPPR_C - EK, append record onto segment
- EKBSEG_C - EK, start new segment
- EKCCNT_C - EK, column count
- EKCII_C - EK, column info by index
- EKCLS_C - EK, close file
- EKDELR_C - EK, delete record from segment
- EKFFLD_C - EK, finish fast write
- EKFIND_C - EK, find data
- EKGC_C - EK, get event data, character
- EKGD_C - EK, get event data, double precision
- EKGI_C - EK, get event data, integer
- EKIFLD_C - EK, initialize segment for fast write
- EKINSR_C - EK, insert record into segment
- EKLEF_C - EK, load event file
- EKNELT_C - EK, get number of elements in column entry
- EKNSEG_C - EK, number of segments in file
- EKNTAB_C - EK, return number of loaded tables
- EKOPN_C - EK, open new file
- EKOPR_C - EK, open file for reading
- EKOPS_C - EK, open scratch file
- EKOPW_C - EK, open file for writing
- EKPSEL_C - EK, parse SELECT clause
- EKRCEC_C - EK, read column entry element, character
- EKRCED_C - EK, read column entry element, d.p.
- EKRCEI_C - EK, read column entry element, integer
- EKSSUM_C - EK, return segment summary
- EKTNAM_C - EK, return name of loaded table
- EKUCEC_C - EK, update character column entry
- EKUCED_C - EK, update d.p. column entry
- EKUCEI_C - EK, update integer column entry
- EKUEF_C - EK, unload event file
- EL2CGV_C - Ellipse to center and generating vectors
- ELEMC_C - Element of a character set
- ELEMD_C - Element of a double precision set
- ELEMI_C - Element of an integer set
- EQNCPV_C - Equinoctial Elements to position and velocity
- EQSTR_C - Equivalent strings
- ERRACT_C - Get/Set Default Error Action
- ERRCH_C - Insert String into Error Message Text
- ERRDEV_C - Get/Set Error Output Device Name
- ERRDP_C - Insert D.P. Number into Error Message Text
- ERRINT_C - Insert Integer into Error Message Text
- ERRPRT_C - Get/Set Error Output Items
- ESRCHC_C - Equivalence search, character
- ET2LST_C - ET to Local Solar Time
- ET2UTC_C - Ephemeris Time to UTC
- ETCAL_C - Convert ET to Calendar format
- EUL2M_C - Euler angles to matrix
- EUL2XF_C - Euler angles and derivative to transformation
- EXISTS_C - Does the file exist?
- EXPOOL_C - Confirm the existence of a pool kernel variable
- GCPOOL_C - Get character data from the kernel pool
- GDPOOL_C - Get d.p. values from the kernel pool
- GEOREC_C - Geodetic to rectangular coordinates
- GETCML_C - Get the command line
- GETELM_C - Get the components from two-line elements
- GETFAT_C - Get file architecture and type
- GETFOV_C - Get instrument FOV parameters
- GETMSG_C - Get Error Message
- GFBAIL_C - GF, interrupt signal indicator
- GFCLRH_C - GF, clear interrupt signal handler status
- GFDIST_C - GF, distance search
- GFEVNT_C - GF, geometric event finder
- GFFOVE_C - GF, is target in FOV?
- GFILUM_C - GF, illumination angle search
- GFINTH_C - GF, interrupt signal handler
- GFOCCE_C - GF, occultation event
- GFOCLT_C - GF, find occultation
- GFPA_C - GF, phase angle search
- GFPOSC_C - GF, observer-target vector coordinate search
- GFREFN_C - GF, default refinement estimator
- GFREPF_C - GF, progress report finalization
- GFREPI_C - GF, progress report initialization
- GFREPU_C - GF, progress report update
- GFRFOV_C - GF, is ray in FOV?
- GFRR_C - GF, range rate search
- GFSEP_C - GF, angular separation search
- GFSNTC_C - GF, surface intercept vector coordinate search
- GFSSTP_C - Geometry finder set step size
- GFSTEP_C - Geometry finder step size
- GFSTOL_C - GF, set a tolerance value for GF
- GFSUBC_C - GF, subpoint vector coordinate search
- GFTFOV_C - GF, is target in FOV?
- GFUDB_C - GF, user defined boolean
- GFUDS_C - GF, user defined scalar
- GIPOOL_C - Get integers from the kernel pool
- GNPOOL_C - Get names of kernel pool variables
- HALFPI_C - Half the value of pi
- HRMINT_C - Hermite polynomial interpolation
- HX2DP_C - Hexadecimal string to d.p. number
- IDENT_C - Return the 3x3 identity matrix
- ILLUM_C - Illumination angles
- ILLUM_PL02 - illumination angles using DSK type 2 plate model
- ILLUM_PLID_PL02 - illumination angles using type 2 DSK
- ILLUMF_C - Illumination angles, general source, return flags
- ILLUMG_C - Illumination angles, general source
- ILUMIN_C - Illumination angles
- INEDPL_C - Intersection of ellipsoid and plane
- INELPL_C - Intersection of ellipse and plane
- INRYPL_C - Intersection of ray and plane
- INSRTC_C - Insert an item into a character set
- INSRTD_C - Insert an item into a double precision set
- INSRTI_C - Insert an item into an integer set
- INTER_C - Intersection of two sets
- INTMAX_C - Largest integer number
- INTMIN_C - Smallest integer number
- INVERT_C - Invert a 3x3 matrix
- INVORT_C - Invert nearly orthogonal matrices
- ISORDV_C - Is array an order vector?
- ISRCHC_C - Search in a character array
- ISRCHD_C - Search in a double precision array
- ISRCHI_C - Search in an integer array
- ISROT_C - Indicate whether a matrix is a rotation matrix
- ISWHSP_C - Determine whether a string is white space
- J1900_C - Julian Date of 1900.0 JAN 0.5
- J1950_C - Julian Date of 1950.0 JAN 1.0
- J2000_C - Julian Date of 2000 JAN 1.5
- J2100_C - Julian Date of 2100 JAN 1.5
- JYEAR_C - Seconds per julian year
- LASTNB_C - Last non-blank character
- LATCYL_C - Latitudinal to cylindrical coordinates
- LATREC_C - Latitudinal to rectangular coordinates
- LATSPH_C - Latitudinal to spherical coordinates
- LATSRF_C - Latitudinal grid to surface points
- LCASE_C - Convert to lowercase
- LDPOOL_C - Load variables from a kernel file into the pool
- LGRIND_C - Lagrange polynomial interpolation with derivative
- LIMB_PL02 - Limb using DSK type 2 plate model
- LIMBPT_C - Limb points on an extended object
- LLGRID_PL02 - Lon/lat grid using DSK type 2 plate model
- LMPOOL_C - Load variables from memory into the pool
- LPARSE_C - Parse items from a list
- LPARSM_C - Parse a list of items having multiple delimiters
- LPARSS_C - Parse a list of items; return a set
- LSPCN_C - Longitude of the sun, planetocentric
- LSTLEC_C - Last character element less than or equal to.
- LSTLED_C - Last double precision element less than or equal
- LSTLEI_C - Last integer element less than or equal
- LSTLTC_C - Last character element less than
- LSTLTD_C - Last double precision element less than
- LSTLTI_C - Last integer element less than
- LTIME_C - Light Time
- LX4DEC_C - Scan for decimal number
- LX4NUM_C - Scan for number
- LX4SGN_C - Scan for signed integer
- LX4UNS_C - Scan for unsigned integer
- LXQSTR_C - Lex quoted string
- M2EUL_C - Matrix to Euler angles
- M2Q_C - Matrix to quaternion
- MATCHI_C - Match string against wildcard template
- MATCHW_C - Match string against wildcard template
- MAXD_C - Maximum of a set of double precision values
- MAXI_C - Maximum of a set of integers
- MEQU_C - Matrix equal to another, 3x3
- MEQUG_C - Matrix equal to another, general dimension
- MIND_C - Minimum of a set of double precision values
- MINI_C - minimum of a set of integers
- MTXM_C - Matrix transpose times matrix, 3x3
- MTXMG_C - Matrix transpose times matrix, general dimension
- MTXV_C - Matrix transpose times vector, 3x3
- MTXVG_C - Matrix transpose times vector, general dimension
- MXM_C - Matrix times matrix, 3x3
- MXMG_C - Matrix times matrix, general dimension
- MXMT_C - Matrix times matrix transpose, 3x3
- MXMTG_C - Matrix times matrix transpose, general dimension
- MXV_C - Matrix times vector, 3x3
- MXVG_C - Matrix times vector, general dimension
- NAMFRM_C - Name to frame
- NCPOS_C - NOT Character position
- NCPOSR_C - Character position, reverse
- NEARPT_C - Nearest point on an ellipsoid
- NPEDLN_C - Nearest point on ellipsoid to line
- NPELPT_C - Nearest point on ellipse to point
- NPLNPT_C - Nearest point on line to point
- NVC2PL_C - Normal vector and constant to plane
- NVP2PL_C - Normal vector and point to plane
- OCCULT_C - find occultation type at time
- ORDC_C - The ordinal position of an element in a set
- ORDD_C - The ordinal position of an element in a set
- ORDERC_C - Order of a character array
- ORDERD_C - Order of a double precision array
- ORDERI_C - Order of an integer array
- ORDI_C - The ordinal position of an element in a set
- OSCELT_C - Determine conic elements from state
- OSCLTX_C - Extended osculating elements from state
- PCKCLS_C - PCK, close file
- PCKCOV_C - PCK coverage
- PCKFRM_C - PCK reference frame class ID set
- PCKLOF_C - PCK Kernel, Load binary file
- PCKOPN_C - PCK, open new file
- PCKUOF_C - PCK Kernel, Unload binary file
- PCKW02_C - PCK, write type 2 segment
- PCPOOL_C - Put character strings into the kernel pool
- PDPOOL_C - Put d.p.'s into the kernel pool
- PGRREC_C - Planetographic to rectangular
- PHASEQ_C - Phase angle quantity between bodies centers
- PI_C - Value of pi
- PIPOOL_C - Put integers into the kernel pool
- PJELPL_C - Project ellipse onto plane
- PL2NVC_C - Plane to normal vector and constant
- PL2NVP_C - Plane to normal vector and point
- PL2PSV_C - Plane to point and spanning vectors
- PLTAR_C - Compute area of plate set
- PLTEXP_C - Plate expander
- PLTNP_C - Nearest point on triangular plate
- PLTNRM_C - DSK, compute outward normal of plate
- PLTVOL_C - Compute volume of plate model
- POLYDS_C - Compute a Polynomial and its Derivatives
- POS_C - Position of substring
- POSR_C - Position of substring, reverse search
- PROMPT_C - Prompt a user for a string
- PROP2B_C - Propagate a two-body solution
- PRSDP_C - Parse d.p. number with error checking
- PRSINT_C - Parse integer with error checking
- PSV2PL_C - Point and spanning vectors to plane
- PUTCML_C - Get the command line
- PXFORM_C - Position Transformation Matrix
- PXFRM2_C - Position Transform Matrix, Different Epochs
- Q2M_C - Quaternion to matrix
- QCKTRC_C - Get Quick Traceback
- QDQ2AV_C - Quaternion and quaternion derivative to a.v.
- QXQ_C - Quaternion times quaternion
- RADREC_C - Range, RA and DEC to rectangular coordinates
- RAV2XF_C - Rotation and angular velocity to transform
- RAXISA_C - Rotation axis of a matrix
- RDTEXT_C - Read a line from a text file
- RECCYL_C - Rectangular to cylindrical coordinates
- RECGEO_C - Rectangular to geodetic
- RECLAT_C - Rectangular to latitudinal coordinates
- RECPGR_C - Rectangular to planetographic
- RECRAD_C - Rectangular coordinates to RA and DEC
- RECSPH_C - Rectangular to spherical coordinates
- REMOVC_C - Remove an item from a character set
- REMOVD_C - Remove an item from a double precision set
- REMOVI_C - Remove an item from an integer set
- REORDC_C - Reorder a character array
- REORDD_C - Reorder a double precision array
- REORDI_C - Reorder an integer array
- REORDL_C - Reorder a logical array
- REPMC_C - Replace marker with character string
- REPMCT_C - Replace marker with cardinal text
- REPMD_C - Replace marker with double precision number
- REPMF_C - Replace marker with formatted d.p. value
- REPMI_C - Replace marker with integer
- REPMOT_C - Replace marker with ordinal text
- RESET_C - Reset Error Status
- RETURN_C - Immediate Return Indicator
- ROTATE_C - Generate a rotation matrix
- ROTMAT_C - Rotate a matrix
- ROTVEC_C - Transform a vector via a rotation
- RPD_C - Radians per degree
- RQUAD_C - Roots of a quadratic equation
- SAELGV_C - Semi-axes of ellipse from generating vectors
- SCARD_C - Set the cardinality of a cell
- SCDECD_C - Decode spacecraft clock
- SCE2C_C - ET to continuous SCLK ticks
- SCE2S_C - ET to SCLK string
- SCE2T_C - ET to SCLK ticks
- SCENCD_C - Encode spacecraft clock
- SCFMT_C - Convert SCLK "ticks" to character clock format
- SCPART_C - Spacecraft Clock Partition Information
- SCS2E_C - SCLK string to ET
- SCT2E_C - SCLK ticks to ET
- SCTIKS_C - Convert spacecraft clock string to ticks.
- SDIFF_C - Symmetric difference of two sets
- SET_C - Compare sets
- SETMSG_C - Set Long Error Message
- SHELLC_C - Shell sort a character array
- SHELLD_C - Shell sort a double precision array
- SHELLI_C - Shell sort an integer array
- SIGERR_C - Signal Error Condition
- SINCPT_C - Surface intercept
- SIZE_C - Size of a cell
- SPD_C - Seconds per day
- SPHCYL_C - Spherical to cylindrical coordinates
- SPHLAT_C - Spherical to latitudinal coordinates
- SPHREC_C - Spherical to rectangular coordinates
- SPK14A_C - SPK, add data to a type 14 segment
- SPK14B_C - SPK, begin a type 14 segment
- SPK14E_C - SPK, end a type 14 segment
- SPKACS_C - S/P Kernel, aberration corrected state
- SPKAPO_C - S/P Kernel, apparent position only
- SPKAPP_C - S/P Kernel, apparent state
- SPKAPS_C - SPK, apparent state
- SPKCLS_C - SPK, Close file
- SPKCOV_C - SPK coverage
- SPKCPO_C - SPK, constant position observer state
- SPKCPT_C - SPK, constant position target state
- SPKCVO_C - SPK, constant velocity observer state
- SPKCVT_C - SPK, constant velocity target state
- SPKEZ_C - S/P Kernel, easy reader
- SPKEZP_C - S/P Kernel, easy position
- SPKEZR_C - S/P Kernel, easier reader
- SPKGEO_C - S/P Kernel, geometric state
- SPKGPS_C - S/P Kernel, geometric position
- SPKLEF_C - S/P Kernel, Load ephemeris file
- SPKLTC_C - S/P Kernel, light time corrected state
- SPKOBJ_C - SPK objects
- SPKOPA_C - SPK open for addition
- SPKOPN_C - SPK, open new file.
- SPKPDS_C - SPK pack descriptor
- SPKPOS_C - S/P Kernel, position
- SPKPVN_C - S/P Kernel, position and velocity in native frame
- SPKSFS_C - S/P Kernel, Select file and segment
- SPKSSB_C - S/P Kernel, solar system barycenter
- SPKSUB_C - S/P Kernel, subset
- SPKUDS_C - SPK - unpack segment descriptor
- SPKUEF_C - S/P Kernel, Unload ephemeris file
- SPKW02_C - Write SPK segment, type 2
- SPKW03_C - Write SPK segment, type 3
- SPKW05_C - Write SPK segment, type 5
- SPKW08_C - Write SPK segment, type 8
- SPKW09_C - Write SPK segment, type 9
- SPKW10_C - SPK - write a type 10 segment
- SPKW12_C - Write SPK segment, type 12
- SPKW13_C - Write SPK segment, type 13
- SPKW15_C - SPK, write a type 15 segment
- SPKW17_C - SPK, write a type 17 segment
- SPKW18_C - Write SPK segment, type 18
- SPKW20_C - Write SPK segment, type 20
- SRFC2S_C - Surface and body ID codes to surface string
- SRFCSS_C - Surface ID and body string to surface string
- SRFNRM_C - Map surface points to outward normal vectors
- SRFREC_C - Surface to rectangular coordinates
- SRFS2C_C - Surface and body strings to surface ID code
- SRFSCC_C - Surface string and body ID code to surface ID code
- SRFXPT_C - Surface intercept point
- SSIZE_C - Set the size of a cell
- STELAB_C - Stellar Aberration
- STPOOL_C - String from pool
- STR2ET_C - String to ET
- SUBPNT_C - Sub-observer point
- SUBPT_C - Sub-observer point
- SUBPT_PL02 - Sub-observer point using DSK type 2 plate model
- SUBSLR_C - Sub-solar point
- SUBSOL_C - Sub-solar point
- SUBSOL_PL02 - Sub-solar point using DSK type 2 plate model
- SUMAD_C - Sum of a double precision array
- SUMAI_C - Sum of an integer array
- SURFNM_C - Surface normal vector on an ellipsoid
- SURFPT_C - Surface point on an ellipsoid
- SURFPV_C - Surface point and velocity
- SWPOOL_C - Set watch on a pool variable
- SXFORM_C - State Transformation Matrix
- SZPOOL_C - Get size limitations of the kernel pool
- TERM_PL02 - Terminator using DSK type 2 plate model
- TERMPT_C - Terminator points on an extended object
- TIMDEF_C - Time Software Defaults
- TIMOUT_C - Time Output
- TIPBOD_C - Transformation, inertial position to bodyfixed
- TISBOD_C - Transformation, inertial state to bodyfixed
- TKVRSN_C - Toolkit version strings
- TPARSE_C - Parse a UTC time string
- TPICTR_C - Create a Time Format Picture
- TRACE_C - Trace of a 3x3 matrix
- TRCDEP_C - Traceback depth
- TRCNAM_C - Get module name from traceback
- TRCOFF_C - Turn tracing off
- TSETYR_C - Time --- set year expansion boundaries
- TWOPI_C - Twice the value of pi
- TWOVEC_C - Two vectors defining an orthonormal frame
- TYEAR_C - Seconds per tropical year
- UCASE_C - Convert to uppercase
- UCRSS_C - Unitized cross product, 3x3
- UDDC_C - Derivative of function less than zero, df(x)/dx < 0
- UDDF_C - First derivative of a function, df(x)/dx
- UDF_C - GF, dummy function
- UNION_C - Union of two sets
- UNITIM_C - Uniform time scale transformation
- UNLOAD_C - Unload a kernel
- UNORM_C - Unit vector and norm, 3 dimensional
- UNORMG_C - Unit vector and norm, general dimension
- UTC2ET_C - UTC to Ephemeris Time
- VADD_C - Vector addition, 3 dimensional
- VADDG_C - Vector addition, general dimension
- VALID_C - Validate a set
- VCRSS_C - Vector cross product, 3 dimensions
- VDIST_C - Vector distance
- VDISTG_C - Vector distance, general dimension
- VDOT_C - Vector dot product, 3 dimensions
- VDOTG_C - Vector dot product, general dimension
- VEQU_C - Vector equality, 3 dimensions
- VEQUG_C - Vector equality, general dimension
- VHAT_C - "V-Hat", unit vector along V, 3 dimensions
- VHATG_C - "V-Hat", unit vector along V, general dimension
- VLCOM3_C - Vector linear combination, 3 dimensions
- VLCOM_C - Vector linear combination, 3 dimensions
- VLCOMG_C - Vector linear combination, general dimension
- VMINUG_C - Minus V, "-V", general dimension
- VMINUS_C - Minus V, "-V", 3 dimensions
- VNORM_C - Vector norm, 3 dimensions
- VNORMG_C - Vector norm, general dimension
- VPACK_C - Pack three scalar components into a vector
- VPERP_C - Perpendicular component of a 3-vector
- VPRJP_C - Vector projection onto plane
- VPRJPI_C - Vector projection onto plane, inverted
- VPROJ_C - Vector projection, 3 dimensions
- VREL_C - Vector relative difference, 3 dimensions
- VRELG_C - Vector relative difference, general dimension
- VROTV_C - Vector rotation about an axis
- VSCL_C - Vector scaling, 3 dimensions
- VSCLG_C - Vector scaling, general dimension
- VSEP_C - Angular separation of vectors, 3 dimensions
- VSEPG_C - Angular separation of vectors, general dimension
- VSUB_C - Vector subtraction, 3 dimensions
- VSUBG_C - Vector subtraction, general dimension
- VTMV_C - Vector transpose times matrix times vector, 3 dim
- VTMVG_C - Vector transpose times matrix times vector
- VUPACK_C - Unpack three scalar components from a vector
- VZERO_C - Is a vector the zero vector?
- VZEROG_C - Is a vector the zero vector?---general dim.
- WNCARD_C - Cardinality of a double precision window
- WNCOMD_C - Complement a DP window
- WNCOND_C - Contract the intervals of a DP window
- WNDIFD_C - Difference two DP windows
- WNELMD_C - Element of a DP window
- WNEXPD_C - Expand the intervals of a DP window
- WNEXTD_C - Extract the endpoints from a DP window
- WNFETD_C - Fetch an interval from a DP window
- WNFILD_C - Fill small gaps in a DP window
- WNFLTD_C - Filter small intervals from a DP window
- WNINCD_C - Included in a double precision window
- WNINSD_C - Insert an interval into a DP window
- WNINTD_C - Intersect two DP windows
- WNRELD_C - Compare two DP windows
- WNSUMD_C - Summary of a double precision window
- WNUNID_C - Union two DP windows
- WNVALD_C - Validate a DP window
- XF2EUL_C - State transformation to Euler angles
- XF2RAV_C - Transform to rotation and angular velocity
- XFMSTA_C - Transform state between coordinate systems
- XPOSE6_C - Transpose a matrix, 6x6
- XPOSE_C - Transpose a matrix, 3x3
- XPOSEG_C - Transpose a matrix, general