void deltet_c ( SpiceDouble epoch,
ConstSpiceChar * eptype,
SpiceDouble * delta )
Return the value of Delta ET (ET-UTC) for an input epoch.
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
epoch I Input epoch (seconds past J2000).
eptype I Type of input epoch ("UTC" or "ET").
delta O Delta ET (ET-UTC) at input epoch.
epoch is the epoch at which "delta ET" is to be computed.
`epoch' may be either UTC or ephemeris seconds past
J2000, as specified by EPTYPE.
eptype indicates the type of input epoch. It may be either
of the following:
"UTC" UTC seconds past J2000 UTC.
"ET" Ephemeris seconds past J2000 TDB,
also known as barycentric dynamical
time (TDB).
delta is the value of
"delta ET" = ET - UTC
at the input epoch. This is added to UTC to give
ET, or subtracted from ET to give UTC. The routine
is reversible: that is, given the following calls,
deltet_c ( utc, "UTC", &del1 );
deltet_c ( utc+del1, "ET", &del2 );
the expression
( del1 == del2 )
is true.
1) If the input epoch is not recognized, the error
2) If the variables necessary for the computation of delta
have not been loaded into the kernel pool, the error
3) If the number of leapseconds in the pool is greater than
the local leapseconds buffer size, the error
4) The error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signaled if the input
string `eptype' does not contain at least one character, since
the input string cannot be converted to a Fortran-style string in
this case.
5) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled if the input string
pointer is null.
The value of Delta ET is given by
delta = ( ET - TAI ) + leap seconds
where TAI is the atomic time corresponding to the input epoch.
The following example shows how deltet_c may be used to convert
from UTC seconds past J2000 to TDB seconds past J2000.
deltet_c ( utcsec, "UTC", &delta );
et = utcsec + delta
The following example shows how deltet_c may be used to convert
from ephemeris seconds past J2000 to UTC seconds past J2000.
deltet_c ( et, "et", &delta );
utcsec = et - delta;
See the TIME Required Reading for further examples.
The routines str2et_c and timout_c are preferred for conversions
between UTC string and ET represented as seconds past J2000 TDB.
This routine is provided mainly to provide a method of representing
an epoch as UTC seconds past J2000.
[1] Astronomical Almanac.
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
W.M. Owen (JPL)
I.M. Underwood (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 01-AUG-2003 (NJB) (WMO) (IMU)
difference between ephemeris time and utc
Link to routine deltet_c source file deltet_c.c