void bodn2c_c ( ConstSpiceChar * name,
SpiceInt * code,
SpiceBoolean * found )
Translate the name of a body or object to the corresponding SPICE
integer ID code.
Variable I/O Description
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
name I Body name to be translated into a SPICE ID code.
code O SPICE integer ID code for the named body.
found O SPICETRUE if translated, otherwise SPICEFALSE.
name is the name of a body or object, such as a planet,
satellite, comet, asteroid, barycenter, DSN station,
spacecraft, or instrument, that is "known" to the SPICE
system, whether through hard-coded registration or
run-time registration in the SPICE kernel pool.
Case and leading and trailing blanks in `name'
are not significant. However when a name is made
up of more than one word, they must be separated by
at least one blank. That is, all of the following
strings are equivalent names:
"Jupiter Barycenter"
However, "JUPITERBARYCENTER" is not equivalent to
the names above.
code is the SPICE or user-defined integer ID code for the
named body.
found is SPICETRUE if `name' has a translation. Otherwise,
`found' is SPICEFALSE.
1) The error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signaled if the input string
`name' does not contain at least one character, since the input
string cannot be converted to a Fortran-style string in this
2) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled if the input string
pointer `name' is null.
Body-name mappings may be defined at run time by loading text
kernels containing kernel variable assignments of the form
NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( <name 1>, ... )
NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( <code 1>, ... )
See NAIF_IDs for details.
bodn2c_c is one of five related subroutines,
bods2c_c Body string to code
bodc2s_c Body code to string
bodn2c_c Body name to code
bodc2n_c Body code to name
boddef_c Body name/code definition
bods2c_c, bodc2s_c, bodn2c_c, and bodc2n_c perform translations between
body names and their corresponding integer ID codes which are
used in SPICE files and routines.
bods2c_c is a slightly more general version of bodn2c_c: support
for strings containing ID codes in string format enables a caller
to identify a body using a string, even when no name is
associated with that body.
bodc2s_c is a general version of bodc2n_c; the routine returns either
the name assigned in the body ID to name mapping or a string
representation of the CODE value if no mapping exists.
boddef_c assigns a body name to ID mapping. The mapping has priority
in name-to-ID and ID-to-name translations.
Programmers writing user interface code should consider using the
CSPICE routine bods2c_c. bods2c_c provides more flexibility in
handling input strings, since it accepts both body names and
strings representing integer ID codes, for example "399".
Refer to NAIF_IDs for the list of name/code associations built into
SPICE, and for details concerning adding new name/code
associations at run time by loading text kernels.
1) In the following code fragment, bodvcd_c returns the radii
of Jupiter. bodvcd_c requires the SPICE integer ID code
for Jupiter, so we use bodn2c_c to convert the name to its
corresponding integer ID code.
bodn2c_c ( "JUPITER", &jupid, &found );
bodvcd_c ( jupid, "RADII", 3, &n, radii );
2) In this example, we assume that only the set of default
name/code pairs has been defined.
Given these names, bodn2c_c will return the following codes:
Name Code Found?
------------------------ ------ ------
"EARTH" 399 Yes
" Earth " 399 Yes
"EMB" 3 Yes
"Solar System Barycenter" 0 Yes
"SolarSystemBarycenter" - No
"SSB" 0 Yes
"Voyager 2" -32 Yes
"U.S.S. Enterprise" - No
" " - No
"Halley's Comet" - No
Given these codes, bodc2n_c will return the following names:
Code Name Found?
------- ------------------- ------
399 "EARTH" Yes
11 - No
C.H. Acton (JPL)
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
K.R. Gehringer (JPL)
B.V. Semenov (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 2.1.6, 16-MAY-2009 (EDW)
Edit to Particulars section to document the bodc2s_c routine.
-CSPICE Version 2.1.5, 27-FEB-2008 (BVS)
Corrected the contents of the Required_Reading section of
the header.
-CSPICE Version 2.1.4, 31-JAN-2008 (NJB)
References to the routine bods2c_c were added to the header.
-CSPICE Version 2.1.3, 27-OCT-2005 (NJB)
Header update: replaced references to bodvar_c with
references to bodvcd_c.
-CSPICE Version 2.1.2, 23-JUL-2004 (NJB)
Header correction: Exceptions section was updated to document
input string error handling.
-CSPICE Version 2.1.1, 28-JUL-2003 (NJB)
Various header changes were made to improve clarity. Some
minor header corrections were made.
-CSPICE Version 2.1.0, 02-SEP-1999 (NJB)
Local type logical variable now used for found flag used in
interface of bodn2c_.
-CSPICE Version 2.0.2, 25-MAR-1998 (EDW)
Minor corrections to header.
-CSPICE Version 2.0.1, 08-FEB-1998 (EDW)
Corrected and clarified header entries.
-CSPICE Version 2.0.0, 06-JAN-1998 (NJB)
The type of the input argument name was changed to
ConstSpiceChar *.
References to C2F_CreateStr_Sig were removed; code was
cleaned up accordingly. String checks are now done using
the macro CHKFSTR.
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 25-OCT-1997 (NJB)
Based on SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 23-JAN-1996 (KRG)
body name to code
Link to routine bodn2c_c source file bodn2c_c.c