void spkpds_c ( SpiceInt body,
SpiceInt center,
ConstSpiceChar * frame,
SpiceInt type,
SpiceDouble first,
SpiceDouble last,
SpiceDouble descr[5] )
Perform routine error checks and if all check pass, pack the
descriptor for an SPK segment
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
body I The NAIF ID code for the body of the segment.
center I The center of motion for body.
frame I The frame for this segment.
type I The type of SPK segment to create.
first I The first epoch for which the segment is valid.
last I The last epoch for which the segment is valid.
descr O An SPK segment descriptor.
body is the NAIF ID code for the body of the segment.
center is the center of motion for BODY.
frame is a string that names the frame to which states for
the body shall be referenced.
type is the type of SPK segment to create.
first is the first epoch for which the segment will have
ephemeris data.
last is the last epoch for which the segment will have
ephemeris data.
descr is a valid SPK segment descriptor to use
when creating a DAF segment for this body.
1) The error SPICE(BARYCENTEREPHEM) is signaled if the
value of body is 0.
2) The error SPICE(BODYANDCENTERSAME) is signaled if the
values of body and center are the same.
3) The error SPICE(INVALIDREFFRAME) is signaled if frame
is not one of the known SPICE reference frames.
4) The error SPICE(BADDESCRTIMES) is signaled if first
is greater than or equal to LAST
5) The error SPICE(UNKNOWNSPKTYPE) is signaled if the
value of type is outside the range 1 to 1000 (inclusive).
This does not ensure that the type is a legitimate SPK
segment type, but it is a simple check that helps avoid
problems that arise from uninitialized values or improperly
ordered calling arguments.
This is a utility routine for validating and creating
the descriptor for an SPK segment. It is intended for
use only by routines that create SPK segments.
Suppose that you wish to create an SPK segment of type X
and that you are writing a routine to handle the details
of the segment creation. This routine can be used to
ensure that the descriptor needed for the segment is
properly formed and that the information in that descriptor
is reasonable.
Having collected the needed information you can create the
descriptor and then begin a new segment as shown below.
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
spkpds_c ( body, center, frame, type, first, last, descr );
dafbna_c ( handle, descr, segid );
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
K.R. Gehringer (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 19-JUL-1999 (NJB) (KRG) (WLT)
Validate and pack an SPK segment descriptor
Link to routine spkpds_c source file spkpds_c.c