void ekacec_c ( SpiceInt handle,
SpiceInt segno,
SpiceInt recno,
ConstSpiceChar * column,
SpiceInt nvals,
SpiceInt vallen,
const void * cvals,
SpiceBoolean isnull )
Add data to a character column in a specified EK record.
Variable I/O Description
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
handle I EK file handle.
segno I Index of segment containing record.
recno I Record to which data is to be added.
column I Column name.
nvals I Number of values to add to column.
vallen I Declared length of character values.
cvals I Character values to add to column.
isnull I Flag indicating whether column entry is null.
handle is the handle of an EK file open for write access.
segno is the number of the segment to which the record
is to be added. EK segment numbers range from
0 to N-1, where N is the number of segments
in the kernel.
recno is the index of the record to which data is to be
added. This record number is relative to the start
of the segment indicated by segno; the first
record in the segment has index 0.
column is the name of the column to which data is to be
nvals is the number of entries in the value to be added to the
specified column.
vallen is the length of the strings in the cvals array, where
the length includes space for null terminators.
If the column has fixed-size entries, then nvals
must equal the entry size for the specified column.
cvals is the set of values themselves. The data values are
written into the specified column and record.
The array cvals should be declared with dimensions
where nelts is greater than or equal to nvals.
isnull is a logical flag indicating whether the entry is
null. If isnull is SPICEFALSE, the column entry
defined by nvals and cvals is added to the
specified kernel file.
If isnull is SPICETRUE, nvals and cvals are ignored:
no data are written into the specified column entry.
The column entry is marked as a null value.
If the column has fixed-length, variable-size
entries, the number of entries is considered to
be 1.
None. See $Particulars for a description of the effect of this
1) If handle is invalid, the error will be diagnosed by routines
called by this routine.
2) If segno is out of range, the error will be diagnosed by
routines called by this routine.
3) If column is not the name of a declared column, the error
will be diagnosed by routines called by this routine.
4) If column specifies a column of whose data type is not
character, the error SPICE(WRONGDATATYPE) will be
5) If recno is out of range, the error will be diagnosed by
routines called by this routine.
6) If the specified column has fixed-size entries and nvals
does not match this size, the error will be diagnosed by
routines called by this routine.
7) If the specified column has variable-size entries and nvals
is non-positive, the error will be diagnosed by routines
called by this routine.
8) If an attempt is made to add a null value to a column that
doesn't take null values, the error will be diagnosed by
routines called by this routine.
9) If column specifies a column of whose class is not
a character class known to this routine, the error
SPICE(NOCLASS) will be signaled.
10) If an I/O error occurs while reading or writing the indicated
file, the error will be diagnosed by routines called by this
11) If the input string pointer for column is null, the error
SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
12) If the input string column name has length zero, the error
SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) will be signaled.
13) If the string pointer for cvals is null, the error
SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
14) If the string length vallen is less than 2, the error
SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.
See the EK Required Reading for a discussion of the EK file
This routine operates by side effects: it modifies the named
EK file by adding data to the specified record in the specified
column. Data may be added to a segment in random order; it is not
necessary to fill in columns or rows sequentially. Data may only
be added one column entry at a time.
1) Add the value "999" to the third record of the column CCOL in
the fifth segment of an EK file designated by HANDLE.
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
ekacec_c ( handle, 4, 2, "CCOL", 1, 4, "999", SPICEFALSE );
2) Same as (1), but this time add a null value. The argument
"999" is ignored because the null flag is set to SPICETRUE.
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
ekacec_c ( handle, 4, 2, "CCOL", 1, 4, "999", SPICETRUE );
3) Add an array cbuff of 10 values to the third record of the
column CARRAY in the fifth segment of an EK file designated by
handle. We assume cbuff was declared as shown:
SpiceChar cbuff[10][CBLEN];
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
ekacec_c ( handle, 4, 2, "CARRAY",
10, CBLEN, cbuff, SPICEFALSE );
4) A more detailed example: append a record to a specified
Suppose we have an E-kernel named order_db.ek which contains
records of orders for data products. The E-kernel has a
table called DATAORDERS that consists of the set of columns
listed below:
Column Name Data Type
----------- ---------
The order database also has a table of items that have been
ordered. The columns of this table are shown below:
Column Name Data Type
----------- ---------
We'll suppose that the file order_db.ek contains two segments,
the first containing the DATAORDERS table and the second
containing the DATAITEMS table.
If we wanted to insert a new record into the DATAORDERS
table in position 0, we'd make the following calls:
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
Open the database for write access. This call is
made when the file already exists. See ekopn_c for
an example of creating a new file.
ekopw_c ( "order_db.ek", &handle );
Append a new, empty record to the DATAORDERS
table. Recall that the DATAORDERS table
is in segment number 0. The call will return
the number of the new, empty record.
ekappr_c ( handle, 0, &recno );
At this point, the new record is empty. A valid EK
cannot contain empty records. We fill in the data
here. Data items are filled in one column at a time.
The order in which the columns are filled in is not
important. We use the ekace*_c (add column entry)
routines to fill in column entries. We'll assume
that no entries are null. All entries are scalar,
so the entry size is 1.
isnull = SPICEFALSE;
size = 1;
The following variables will contain the data for
the new record.
ordid = 10011;
custid = 531;
lname = "scientist";
fname = "joe";
odate = "1995-sep-20";
cost = 5000.;
Note that the names of the routines called
correspond to the data types of the columns: the
last letter of the routine name is C, I, or D,
depending on the data type. Time values are
converted to ET for storage.
ekacei_c ( handle, segno, recno, "order_id",
size, ordid, isnull );
ekacei_c ( handle, segno, recno, "customer_id",
size, custid, isnull );
ekacec_c ( handle, segno, recno, "last_name",
size, vallen, lname, isnull );
ekacec_c ( handle, segno, recno, "first_name",
size, vallen, fname, isnull );
utc2et_c ( odate, &et );
ekaced_c ( handle, segno, recno, "order_date",
size, et, isnull );
ekaced_c ( handle, segno, recno, "cost",
size, cost, isnull );
Close the file to make the update permanent.
ekcls_c ( handle );
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 28-AUG-2001 (NJB)
add character data to EK column
add data to EK
write character data to EK column
Link to routine ekacec_c source file ekacec_c.c