void spkw05_c ( SpiceInt handle,
SpiceInt body,
SpiceInt center,
ConstSpiceChar * frame,
SpiceDouble first,
SpiceDouble last,
ConstSpiceChar * segid,
SpiceDouble gm,
SpiceInt n,
ConstSpiceDouble states [][6],
ConstSpiceDouble epochs [] )
Write an SPK segment of type 5 given a time-ordered set of
discrete states and epochs, and the gravitational parameter
of a central body.
Variable I/O Description
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
handle I Handle of an SPK file open for writing.
body I Body code for ephemeris object.
center I Body code for the center of motion of the body.
frame I The reference frame of the states.
first I First valid time for which states can be computed.
last I Last valid time for which states can be computed.
segid I Segment identifier.
gm I Gravitational parameter of central body.
n I Number of states and epochs.
states I States.
epochs I Epochs.
handle is the file handle of an SPK file that has been
opened for writing.
body is the NAIF ID for the body whose states are
to be recorded in an SPK file.
center is the NAIF ID for the center of motion associated
with BODY.
frame is the reference frame that states are referenced to,
for example "J2000".
first are the bounds on the ephemeris times, expressed as
last seconds past J2000, for which the states can be used
to interpolate a state for BODY.
segid is the segment identifier. An SPK segment identifier
may contain up to 40 characters.
gm is the gravitational parameter of the central body
( in units of kilometers **3 / seconds **2 ).
n is the number of states and epochs to be stored
in the segment.
states contains a time-ordered array of geometric states
( x, y, z, dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt, in kilometers and
kilometers per second ) of the target body with
respect to the central body specified in the segment
epochs contains the epochs (ephemeris seconds past J2000)
corresponding to the states in states. Epochs must
form a strictly increasing sequence.
None. A type 5 segment is written to the file attached to handle.
1) If the input epochs do not form an increasing sequence, the
error SPICE(UNORDEREDTIMES) will be signaled.
2) If the number of states and epochs is not positive then the
error SPICE(NUMSTATESNOTPOS) will be signaled.
3) If FIRST is greater than LAST then the error
SPICE(BADDESCRTIMES) will be signaled.
4) If SEGID is more than 40 characters long, the error
5) If SEGID contains any nonprintable characters, the error
6) Any file I/O problems will be detected and diagnosed by one
of the DAF routines called by this routine.
7) The error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signaled if either input
string does not contain at least one character, since the
input strings cannot be converted to a Fortran-style string
in this case.
8) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled if either input string
pointer is null.
A new type 05 SPK segment is written to the SPK file attached
to handle.
This routine writes an SPK type 05 data segment to the open SPK
file according to the format described in the type 05 section of
the SPK Required Reading. The SPK file must have been opened with
write access.
Suppose that you have states and are prepared to produce
a segment of type 05 in an SPK file.
The following code fragment could be used to add the new segment
to a previously opened SPK file attached to handle. The file must
have been opened with write access.
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
Create a segment identifier.
ConstSpiceChar * segid = "MY_SAMPLE_SPK_TYPE_5_SEGMENT";
Write the segment.
spkw05_c ( SpiceInt handle,
SpiceInt body,
SpiceInt center,
ConstSpiceChar * frame,
SpiceDouble first,
SpiceDouble last,
ConstSpiceChar * segid,
SpiceDouble gm,
SpiceInt n,
SpiceDouble states,
SpiceDouble epochs );
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
K.R. Gehringer (JPL)
J.M. Lynch (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
I.M. Underwood (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 23-JUN-1999 (NJB)(KRG)(JML)(WLT)(IMU)
write spk type_5 ephemeris data segment
Link to routine spkw05_c source file spkw05_c.c