void kinfo_c ( ConstSpiceChar * file,
SpiceInt typlen,
SpiceInt srclen,
SpiceChar * filtyp,
SpiceChar * source,
SpiceInt * handle,
SpiceBoolean * found )
Return information about a loaded kernel specified by name.
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
file I Name of a kernel to fetch information for
typlen I Available space in output kernel type string.
srclen I Available space in output source string.
filtyp O The type of the kernel.
source O Name of the source file used to load file.
handle O The handle attached to file.
found O SPICETRUE if the specified file could be located.
file is the name of a kernel file for which descriptive
information is desired.
typlen is the amount of available space in the output kernel
type string.
srclen is the amount of available space in the output kernel
source string.
filtyp is the type of the kernel specified by file. filtyp
will be empty if file is not on the list of kernels
loaded via furnsh_c.
source is the name of the source file that was used to
specify file as one to load. If file was loaded
directly via a call to furnsh_c, source will be empty.
If file is not on the list of kernels loaded via
furnsh_c, source will be empty.
handle is the handle attached to file if it is a binary
kernel. If file is a text kernel or meta-text kernel
handle will be zero. If file is not on the list of
kernels loaded via furnsh_c, handle will be set to zero.
found is returned SPICETRUE if the specified file exists.
If there is no such file, found will be set to
1) If the specified file is not on the list of files that
are currently loaded via the interface furnsh_c, found
will be SPICEFALSE, handle will be set to zero and filtyp
and source will be set to empty strings.
2) If any input or output character argument pointer is null, the
error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
3) If either output string length argument is less than 1, the
error SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be signaled.
4) If either output string has length at least 1 but is too short to
contain the output string, the corresponding is truncated on the
right. The output string is still null-terminated.
This routine allows you to request information directly
for a specific SPICE kernel.
Suppose you wish to determine the types of kernels loaded
by a given meta-kernel. The following program shows
how you might use this routine to do this.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
#define FILLEN 256
#define TYPLEN 33
#define SRCLEN 256
SpiceInt which;
SpiceInt count;
SpiceInt handle;
SpiceChar file [FILLEN];
SpiceChar filtyp[TYPLEN];
SpiceChar source[SRCLEN];
SpiceBoolean found;
int main()
furnsh_c( "standard.tm" );
ktotal_c ( "all", &count );
if ( count == 0 )
printf ( "No files loaded at this time.\n" );
printf ( "The loaded files files are: \n\n" );
for ( which = 0; which < count; which++ )
kdata_c ( which, "all", FILLEN, TYPLEN, SRCLEN,
file, filtyp, source, &handle, &found );
kinfo_c ( file, TYPLEN, SRCLEN, filtyp, source, &handle, &found );
if ( eqstr_c ( filtyp, "SPK" ) )
printf ( "%s is an SPK file.\n", file );
else if ( eqstr_c ( filtyp, "CK" ) )
printf ( "%s is a CK file.\n", file );
else if ( eqstr_c ( filtyp, "PCK" ) )
printf ( "%s is a PCK file.\n", file );
else if ( eqstr_c ( filtyp, "DSK" ) )
printf ( "%s is a DSK file.\n", file );
else if ( eqstr_c ( filtyp, "EK" ) )
printf ( "%s is an EK file.\n", file );
else if ( eqstr_c ( filtyp, "META" ) )
printf ( "%s is a meta-text kernel.\n", file );
printf ( "%s is a text kernel.\n", file );
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.2.0, 20-JAN-2016 (NJB)
Updated header example program to support DSKs.
Updated description of example program. Removed
references to the term "entry point." Added
Ed Wright as an author of this routine.
-CSPICE Version 1.1.2, 02-MAY-2008 (EDW)
standard.ker renamed standard.tm
-CSPICE Version 1.1.1, 05-SEP-2007 (EDW)
Expanded Examples section to a full, compilable program.
-CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 02-FEB-2003 (EDW)
Corrected example code to match routine's argument list.
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 01-SEP-1999 (NJB) (WLT)
Fetch information about a loaded SPICE kernel
Link to routine kinfo_c source file kinfo_c.c