void spksub_c ( SpiceInt handle,
SpiceDouble descr[5],
ConstSpiceChar * ident,
SpiceDouble begin,
SpiceDouble end,
SpiceInt newh )
Extract a subset of the data in an SPK segment into a
separate segment.
Variable I/O Description
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
handle I Handle of source segment.
descr I Descriptor of source segment.
ident I Identifier of source segment.
begin I Beginning (initial epoch) of subset.
end I End (final epoch) of subset.
newh I Handle of new segment.
ident are the file handle assigned to a SPK file, the
descriptor for a segment within the file, and the
identifier for that segment. Together they determine
a complete set of ephemeris data, from which a
subset is to be extracted.
end are the initial and final epochs (ephemeris time)
of the subset.
newh is the file handle assigned to the file in which
the new segment is to be written. The file must
be open for write access. newh and handle may refer
to the same file.
See $Files section.
1) If the condition
- - -
is not satisfied (where ALPHA and OMEGA are the initial
and final epochs of the segment respectively), the error
2) If the segment type is not supported by the current
version of spksub_c, the error SPICE(SPKTYPENOTSUPP)
is signaled.
3) If the segment ID string pointer is null, the error
4) If the segment ID string is empty, the error
A new segment, which contains a subset of the data in the
segment specified by DESCR and HANDLE, is written to the SPK
file attached to NEWH.
Sometimes, the segments in official source files---planetary
Developmental Ephemeris (DE) files, archival spacecraft
ephemeris files, and so on---contain more data than is needed
by a particular user. spksub_c allows a user to extract from a
segment the smallest amount of ephemeris data sufficient to
cover a specific interval.
The new segment is written with the same identifier as the
original segment, and with the same descriptor, with the
following components changed:
1) ALPHA and OMEGA (DCD(1) and DCD(2)) are assigned the values
specified by BEGIN and END.
2) The beginning and ending segment addresses (ICD(5) and ICD(6))
are, of course, changed to reflect the location of the new
In the following code fragment, the descriptor for each segment
in a source SPK file is examined. For each segment that covers
a target interval, the smallest possible subset is extracted into
a custom SPK file.
Assume that the source and custom files have been opened, for
read and write access, with handles srchan and custhan respectively.
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
dafbfs_c ( srchan );
daffna_c ( &found );
while ( found )
dafgs_c ( descr );
dafus_c ( descr, 2, 6, dc, ic );
if ( ( dc[0] <= begin ) && ( end <= dc[1] ) )
dafgn_c ( ident );
spksub_c ( srchan, descr, ident, begin, end, custhan );
daffna_c ( &found );
1) There is no way for spksub_c to verify that the descriptor and
identifier are the original ones for the segment. Changing
the descriptor can cause the data in the new segment to be
evaluated incorrectly; changing the identifier can destroy
the path from the data back to its original source.
NAIF Document 168.0, "S- and P- Kernel (SPK) Specification and
User's Guide"
K.R. Gehringer (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
J.M. Lynch (JPL)
R.E. Thurman (JPL)
I.M. Underwood (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 29-JUN-1999 (KRG)(WLT)(NJB)(JML)(RET)(IMU)
subset of spk file
Link to routine spksub_c source file spksub_c.c