void gfrepi_c ( SpiceCell * window,
ConstSpiceChar * begmss,
ConstSpiceChar * endmss )
This entry point initializes a search progress report.
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
MXBEGM P Maximum progress report message prefix length.
MXENDM P Maximum progress report message suffix length.
window I A window over which a job is to be performed.
begmss I Beginning of the text portion of the output message.
endmss I End of the text portion of the output message.
window is the name of a constraint window. This is the window
associated with some root finding activity. It is
used to determine how much total time is being searched
in order to find the events of interest.
begmss is the beginning of the progress report message
written to standard output by the GF subsystem.
This output message has the form
begmss xxx.xx% endmss
For example, the progress report message created
by the CSPICE routine gfocce_c at the completion
of a search is
Occultation/transit search 100.00% done.
In this message, begmss is
"Occultation/transit search"
The total length of `begmss' must be less than
MXBEGM characters.
All characters of `begmss' must be printable.
endmss is the last portion of the output message
written to standard output by the GF subsystem.
The total length of `endmss' must be less than
MXENDM characters.
All characters of `endmss' must be printable.
MXENDM are, respectively, the maximum lengths of the progress
report message prefix and suffix.
Normally CSPICE developers will not need to reference
these parameters; these are discussed only to help
explain the functionality of this routine.
The values of these parameters are defined in the
1) If `begmss' has length greater than MXBEGM characters, or if
`endmss' has length greater than MXENDM characters, the error
2) If either `begmss' or `endmss' contains non-printing characters,
the error SPICE(NOTPRINTABLECHARS) is signaled.
3) The error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signaled if the either input
string does not contain at least one character, since the
input string cannot be converted to a Fortran-style string
in this case.
4) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled if either input string
pointer is null.
This is one of three GF progress reporting routines that cooperate
in order to display a report via console I/O. These routines may
be used by SPICE-based applications as inputs to mid-level GF
search routines.
Developers wishing to use their own GF progress reporting routines
must design them with the same interfaces and should assign them the
same progress reporting roles as those of these routines.
The GF progress reporting API routines are written to simplify
reporting of work (such as searching for a geometric event) over a
particular window. This is an important feature for interactive
programs that may "go away" from the user's control for a
considerable length of time. It allows the user to see that
something is still going on (although maybe not too quickly).
The three routines constituting the GF progress reporting API
gfrepi_c is used to prepare the reporting mechanism for a search
pass. It is used to store the confinement window and
progress report message prefix and suffix, and to
initialize parameters associated with the reporting of
the job in progress.
gfrepu_c is used to notify the progress reporting system that
a specified increment of work has been completed
since the last call to gfrepu_c or gfrepi_c, whichever
occurred most recently.
gfrepf_c is used to "finish" the reporting of work (set the
completion value to 100%.
1) This example shows how to call a mid-level GF search API that
requires as input progress reporting routines.
If custom progress reporting routines are available, they
can replace gfrepi_c, gfrepu_c, and gfrepf_c in any GF API calls.
The code fragment below is from the first code example in the
header of
Only the portions of that program relevant to use of the
progress reporting routines are copied here.
Select a twenty-second step. We'll ignore any occultations
lasting less than 20 seconds.
gfsstp_c ( 20.0 );
Perform the search.
gfocce_c ( "ANY",
"MOON", "ellipsoid", "IAU_MOON",
"SUN", "ellipsoid", "IAU_SUN",
gfstep_c, gfrefn_c, rpt,
gfrepi_c, gfrepu_c, gfrepf_c,
bail, gfbail_c, &cnfine,
&result );
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
L.S. Elson (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
I.M. Underwood (JPL)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 28-FEB-2009 (NJB) (LSE) (WLT) (IMU) (EDW)
GF initialize progress report
Link to routine gfrepi_c source file gfrepi_c.c