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   void sce2c_c ( SpiceInt       sc,
                  SpiceDouble    et,
                  SpiceDouble  * sclkdp ) 


   Convert ephemeris seconds past J2000 (ET) to continuous encoded  
   spacecraft clock (`ticks').  Non-integral tick values may be 






   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   sc         I   NAIF spacecraft ID code. 
   et         I   Ephemeris time, seconds past J2000. 
   sclkdp     O   SCLK, encoded as ticks since spacecraft clock 
                  start.  sclkdp need not be integral. 


   sc             is a NAIF integer code for a spacecraft whose 
                  encoded SCLK value at the epoch specified by et is 
   et             is an epoch, specified as ephemeris seconds past 


   sclkdp         is an encoded spacecraft clock value.  sclkdp is 
                  an encoded representation of the total number 
                  of spacecraft clock ticks measured from the time 
                  the spacecraft clock started to the epoch et: 
                  partition information IS reflected in the encoded 
                  sclkdp may be non-integral:  sclkdp is NOT  
                  rounded to the nearest whole tick. 




   1)  This routine assumes that that an SCLK kernel appropriate 
       to the spacecraft clock identified by the input argument sc 
       has been loaded.  If an SCLK kernel has not been loaded, 
       does not contain all of the required data, or contains 
       invalid data, error diagnoses will be performed by routines 
       called by this routine.  The output argument sclkdp will not 
       be modified. 
   2)  When using SCLK kernels that map SCLK to a time system other 
       than ET (also called barycentric dynamical time---`TDB'), it 
       is necessary to have a leapseconds kernel loaded at the time 
       this routine is called.  If a leapseconds kernel is required 
       for conversion between SCLK and ET but is not loaded, the 
       error will be diagnosed by routines called by this routine. 
       The output argument sclkdp will not be modified. 
       The time system that an SCLK kernel maps SCLK to is indicated 
       by the variable SCLK_TIME_SYSTEM_nn in the kernel, where nn 
       is the negative of the NAIF integer code for the spacecraft. 
       The time system used in a kernel is TDB if and only if the 
       variable is assigned the value 1. 
   3)  If the clock type for the spacecraft clock identified by 
       SC is not supported by this routine, the error 
       SPICE(NOTSUPPORTED) is signalled.  The output argument sclkdp 
       will not be modified. 
   4)  If the input ET value is not representable as an encoded 
       spacecraft clock value for the spacecraft clock identified by 
       sc, the error will be diagnosed by routines called by this 
       routine.  The output argument sclkdp will not be modified. 




   This routine outputs continuous encoded SCLK values; unlike the 
   routine sce2t_c, the values output by this routine need not be  
   This routine supports use of non-integral encoded clock values in  
   C-kernels:  non-integral clock values may be stored as pointing  
   time tags when a C-kernel is created, and they may be supplied 
   as request times to the C-kernel readers. 
   The advantage of encoded SCLK, as opposed to character string  
   representations of SCLK, is that encoded SCLK values are easy to  
   perform arithmetic operations on.  Also, working with encoded SCLK 
   reduces the overhead of repeated conversion of  character strings 
   to integers or double precision numbers. 
   To convert ET to a string representation of an SCLK value, use 
   the CSPICE routine sce2s_c. 
   See the SCLK Required Reading for a list of the entire set of SCLK 
   conversion routines.


   1)  Convert ET directly to a continuous, encoded SCLK value.  Use 
       both of these time values to look up both C-kernel (pointing) and 
       SPK (position and velocity) data for an epoch specified by an 
       ephemeris time. 
          During program initialization, load the leapseconds and 
          SCLK kernels.  We will pretend that these files are named 
          "leapseconds.ker" and "gllsclk.ker".  To use this code 
          fragment, you must substitute the actual names of these 
          kernel files for the names used here. 

             Load leapseconds and SCLK kernels: 
             furnsh_c ( "leapseconds.ker" ) 
             furnsh_c ( "gllsclk.ker"     ) 
          The mission is Galileo, which has spacecraft ID -77. 
          Let ET be the epoch, specified in ephemeris seconds 
          past J2000, at which both position and pointing data 
          is desired. 
          Find the encoded SCLK value corresponding to ET. 
             sce2c_c  ( -77,  et,  &sclkdp ); 
          Now you're ready to call both ckgp_c, which expects the input 
          epoch to be specified by an encoded SCLK string, and 
          spkez_c, which expects the epoch to be specified as an 
          ephemeris time. 
             Find scan platform pointing cmat and s/c--target 
             vector (first 3 components of state) at epoch. 
             We assume that CK and SPK kernels have been loaded 
             already, via cklpf_c and spklef_c respectively. 
             ckgp_c  ( scanpl,  sclkdp,   tol,     refsys, 
                       cmat,    &clkout,  &found          ); 

             spkez_c ( target,  et,       refsys,  corr, 
                       -77,     state,    &lt           ); 

   2)  Convert UTC to an encoded Voyager 2 SCLK value. 
          Again, your initialization code must load the leapseconds 
          and SCLK kernels. 
             Load leapseconds and SCLK kernels: 
             furnsh_c ( "leapseconds.ker" ); 
             furnsh_c ( "vgr2sclk.ker"    ); 
             Find the encoded Voyager 2 SCLK value sclkdp    
             corresponding to the given UTC time.
             utc2et  (  utc,  &et          ); 
             sce2c_c ( -32,   et,  &sclkdp ); 


   1)  An SCLK kernel appropriate to the spacecraft clock identified 
       by SC must be loaded at the time this routine is called. 
   2)  If the SCLK kernel used with this routine does not map SCLK 
       directly to barycentric dynamical time, a leapseconds kernel 
       must be loaded at the time this routine is called. 


   [1]  CK Required Reading 
   [2]  SPK Required Reading 


   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 


   -CSPICE Version 1.0.2, 09-NOV-2009   (EDW)

      Corrected typo in header; j2000_c replaced with J2000. Mention of
      the J2000 epoch in the previous header used the word "j2000_c" (wrong) 
      instead of "J2000" (correct).

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 14-AUG-2006   (EDW)

      Replace mention of ldpool_c with furnsh_c.
   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 18-JUN-1999 (NJB)


   ephemeris time to continuous spacecraft_clock ticks 

Link to routine sce2c_c source file sce2c_c.c

Wed Apr  5 17:54:42 2017