SpiceBoolean wnreld_c ( SpiceCell * a,
ConstSpiceChar * op,
SpiceCell * b )
Compare two double precision windows.
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
a I First window.
op I Comparison operator.
b I Second window.
The function returns the result of comparison: a (op) b.
b are CSPICE windows, each of which contains zero or more
a and b must be declared as double precision SpiceCells.
op is a comparison operator, indicating the way in
which the input sets are to be compared. op may
be any of the following:
Operator Meaning
-------- -------------------------------------
"=" a = b is SPICETRUE if a and b are equal
(contain the same intervals).
"<>" a <> b is SPICETRUE if a and b are not
"<=" a <= b is SPICETRUE if a is a subset of b.
"<" a < b is SPICETRUE is a is a proper subset
of b.
">=" a >= b is SPICETRUE if b is a subset of a.
">" a > b is SPICETRUE if b is a proper subset
of a.
The function returns the result of the comparison.
1) If any of the function arguments are SpiceCells of type
other than double precision, the error SPICE(TYPEMISMATCH)
is signaled.
2) If the relational operator is not recognized, the error
3) The error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signaled if the input operator
string does not contain at least one character, since the
input string cannot be converted to a Fortran-style string
in this case.
4) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signalled if the input operator
string pointer is null.
This function returns SPICETRUE whenever the specified relationship
between the input windows a and b is satisfied. For example,
the expression
wnreld_c ( &needed, "<=", &avail )
is SPICETRUE whenever the window needed is a subset of the window
avail. One window is a subset of another window if each of
the intervals in the first window is included in one of the
intervals in the second window. In addition, the first window
is a proper subset of the second if the second window contains
at least one point not contained in the first window. (Thus,
"<" implies "<=", and ">" implies ">=".)
The following pairs of expressions are equivalent.
wnreld_c ( &a, ">", &b );
wnreld_c ( &b, "<", &a );
wnreld_c ( &a, ">=", &b );
wnreld_c ( &b, "<=", &a );
Let a contain the intervals
[ 1, 3 ] [ 7, 11 ] [ 23, 27 ]
Let b and c contain the intervals
[ 1, 2 ] [ 9, 9 ] [ 24, 27 ]
Let d contain the intervals
[ 5, 10 ] [ 15, 25 ]
Finally, let e and f be empty windows (containing no intervals).
Because b and c contain the same intervals,
wnreld_c ( &b, "=", &c )
wnreld_c ( &b, "<=", &c )
wnreld_c ( &b, ">=", &c )
are all SPICETRUE, while
wnreld_c ( &b, "<>", &c )
is SPICEFALSE. Because neither b nor c contains any points not also
contained by the other, neither is a proper subset of the other.
wnreld_c ( &b, "<", &c )
wnreld_c ( &b, ">", &c )
are both SPICEFALSE.
Every point contained in b and c is also contained in a. Thus,
wnreld_c ( &b, "<=", &a )
wnreld_c ( &a, ">=", &c )
are both SPICETRUE. In addition, a contains points not contained in
b and c. (That is, the differences a-b and a-c are not empty.)
Thus, b and c are peoper subsets of a as well, and
wnreld_c ( &b, "<", &a )
wnreld_c ( &a, ">", &b )
are both SPICETRUE.
Although a and d have points in common, neither contains the
other. Thus
wnreld_c ( &a, "=", &d )
wnreld_c ( &a, "<=", &d )
wnreld_c ( &a, ">=", &d )
In addition, any window is equal to itself, a subset of itself,
and a superset of itself. Thus,
wnreld_c ( &a, "=", &a )
wnreld_c ( &a, "<=", &a )
wnreld_c ( &a, ">=", &a )
are always SPICETRUE. However, no window is a proper subset or a
proper superset of itself. Thus,
wnreld_c ( &a, "<", &a )
wnreld_c ( &a, ">", &a )
are always SPICEFALSE.
Finally, an empty window is a proper subset of any window
except another empty window. Thus,
wnreld_c ( &e, "<", &a )
wnreld_c ( &e, "<", &f )
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
H.A. Neilan (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
I.M. Underwood (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 27-JUL-2002 (NJB) (HAN) (WLT) (IMU)
compare two d.p. windows
Link to routine wnreld_c source file wnreld_c.c