void et2lst_c ( SpiceDouble et,
SpiceInt body,
SpiceDouble lon,
ConstSpiceChar * type,
SpiceInt timlen,
SpiceInt ampmlen,
SpiceInt * hr,
SpiceInt * mn,
SpiceInt * sc,
SpiceChar * time,
SpiceChar * ampm )
Given an ephemeris epoch, compute the local solar time for
an object on the surface of a body at a specified longitude.
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
et I Epoch in seconds past J2000 epoch.
body I ID-code of the body of interest.
lon I Longitude of surface point (RADIANS).
type I Type of longitude "PLANETOCENTRIC", etc.
timlen I Available room in output time string.
ampmlen I Available room in output `ampm' string.
hr O Local hour on a "24 hour" clock.
mn O Minutes past the hour.
sc O Seconds past the minute.
time O String giving local time on 24 hour clock.
ampm O String giving time on A.M./ P.M. scale.
`et' is the epoch expressed in TDB seconds past
the J2000 epoch at which a local time is desired.
body is the NAIF ID-code of a body on which local
time is to be measured.
lon is the longitude (either planetocentric or
planetographic) in radians of the site on the
surface of body for which local time should be
type is the form of longitude supplied by the variable
lon. Allowed values are "PLANETOCENTRIC" and
"PLANETOGRAPHIC". Note the case of the letters
in type is insignificant. Both "PLANETOCENTRIC"
and "planetocentric" are recognized. Leading and
trailing blanks in type are not significant.
timlen The maximum allowed length of the output time string.
This length must large enough to hold the time string
plus the terminator. If the output string is expected to
have x characters, timlen needs to be x + 1.
ampmlen The maximum allowed length of the output `ampm' string.
This length must large enough to hold the apmpm string
plus the terminator. If the output string is expected to
have x characters, ampmlen needs to be x + 1.
hr is the local "hour" of the site specified at the epoch
`et'. Note that an "hour" of local time does not have the
same duration as an hour measured by conventional clocks.
It is simply a representation of an angle. See
Particulars for a more complete discussion of the meaning
of local time.
mn is the number of "minutes" past the hour of the local
time of the site at the epoch `et'. Again note that a
"local minute" is not the same as a minute you would
measure with conventional clocks.
sc is the number of "seconds" past the minute of the local
time of the site at the epoch `et'. Again note that a
"local second" is not the same as a second you would
measure with conventional clocks.
time is a string expressing the local time on a "24 hour"
local clock.
ampm is a string expressing the local time on a "12 hour"
local clock together with the traditional AM/PM label to
indicate whether the sun has crossed the local zenith
1) This routine defines local solar time for any point on the
surface of the Sun to be 12:00:00 noon.
2) If the type of the coordinates is not recognized, the
error SPICE(UNKNOWNSYSTEM) will be signaled.
3) If the bodyfixed frame to associate with body cannot be
determined, the error SPICE(CANTFINDFRAME) is signaled.
4) If insufficient data are available to compute the
location of the sun in bodyfixed coordinates, the
error will be diagnosed by a routine called by this one.
5) If the input type string is empty, the error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING)
will be signaled.
6) If any of the routine's string arguments have null pointers, the
error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
7) If either of the output strings are too short to accommodate
at least one character of data in addition to a terminating
null character, the error SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) will be
Suitable SPK and PCK files must be loaded prior to calling this
routine so that the bodyfixed position of the sun relative to `body'
can be computed.
When the input longitude is planetographic, the default
interpretation of this value can be overridden using the optional
kernel variable
which is normally defined via loading a text kernel.
This routine returns the local solar time at a user
specified location on a user specified body.
Let SUNLNG be the planetocentric longitude (in degrees) of
the sun as viewed from the center of the body of interest.
Let SITLNG be the planetocentric longitude (in degrees) of
the site for which local time is desired.
We define local time to be 12 + (SITLNG - SUNLNG)/15
(where appropriate care is taken to map ( SITLNG - SUNLNG )
into the range from -180 to 180).
Using this definition, we see that from the point of view
of this routine, local solar time is simply a measure of angles
between meridians on the surface of a body. Consequently,
this routine is not appropriate for computing "local times"
in the sense of Pacific Standard Time. For computing times
relative to standard time zones on earth, see the routines
timout_c and str2et_c.
Regarding planetographic longitude
In the planetographic coordinate system, longitude is defined using
the spin sense of the body. Longitude is positive to the west if
the spin is prograde and positive to the east if the spin is
retrograde. The spin sense is given by the sign of the first degree
term of the time-dependent polynomial for the body's prime meridian
Euler angle "W": the spin is retrograde if this term is negative
and prograde otherwise. For the sun, planets, most natural
satellites, and selected asteroids, the polynomial expression for W
may be found in a SPICE PCK kernel.
The earth, moon, and sun are exceptions: planetographic longitude
is measured positive east for these bodies.
If you wish to override the default sense of positive planetographic
longitude for a particular body, you can do so by defining the
kernel variable
where <body ID> represents the NAIF ID code of the body. This
variable may be assigned either of the values
For example, you can have this routine treat the longitude of the
earth as increasing to the west using the kernel variable assignment
Normally such assignments are made by placing them in a text kernel
and loading that kernel via furnsh_c.
The following code fragment illustrates how you could print the
local time at a site on Mars with planetographic longitude 326.17
deg E at epoch et.
Convert the longitude to radians, set the type of the longitude and
make up a mnemonic for MARS's ID-code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
int main ()
In a user's program, the LSK, PCK and SPK files named
below should be replaced with names of applicable
#define LSK "naif0007.tls"
#define PCK "pck00007.tpc"
#define SPK "de405s.bsp"
#define TIMLEN 51
#define AMPMLEN 51
#define MARS 499
SpiceChar ampm [ AMPMLEN ];
SpiceChar time [ TIMLEN ];
SpiceDouble dlon;
SpiceDouble et;
SpiceDouble rlon;
SpiceInt hr;
SpiceInt mn;
SpiceInt sc;
furnsh_c ( PCK );
furnsh_c ( SPK );
furnsh_c ( LSK );
dlon = 326.17;
rlon = dlon * rpd_c();
str2et_c ( "2002 sep 2 00:00:00", &et );
et2lst_c ( et, MARS, rlon, TYPE, TIMLEN, AMPMLEN,
&hr, &mn, &sc, time, ampm );
printf ( "The local time at Mars %6.2f degrees E "
"planetographic longitude is: %s\n",
dlon, ampm );
return ( 0 );
This routine relies on being able to determine the name of the
bodyfixed frame associated with body through the frames subsystem.
If the body specified is NOT one of the nine planets or their
satellites, you will need to load an appropriate frame definition
kernel that contains the relationship between the body ID and the
bodyfixed frame name. See the FRAMES Required Reading for more
details on specifying this relationship.
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 2.0.0, 03-NOV-2005 (NJB)
Bug fix: treatment of planetographic longitude has been
updated to be consistent with the SPICE planetographic/
rectangular coordinate conversion routines. The effect of
this change is that the default sense of positive longitude
for the moon is now east; also, the default sense of positive
planetographic longitude now may be overridden for any body
(see Particulars above).
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 02-SEP-2002 (NJB) (WLT)
Compute the local time for a point on a body.
Link to routine et2lst_c source file et2lst_c.c