SpiceChar * prompt_c ( ConstSpiceChar * prmptStr,
SpiceInt lenout,
SpiceChar * buffer )
This function prompts a user for keyboard input.
Variable I/O Description
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
prmptStr I The prompt string to display when asking for input.
lenout I Minimum number of characters for response plus one.
buffer O The string containing the response typed by a user.
The routine also returns a pointer to the output buffer.
prmptStr A character string displayed from the current cursor
position which describes the requested input. The prompt
string should be relatively short, i.e., 50 or fewer
characters, so a response may be typed on the line where
the prompt appears.
All characters (including trailing blanks) in prmptStr
are considered significant and will be displayed.
lenout The integer number of characters plus one for the
response string.
buffer The user supplied string which holds the response. The
string's memory is allocated in the calling routine.
The routine returns a pointer to buffer as well as passing the
pointer back via an argument.
1) If the output string has length less than two characters, it
is too short to contain one character of output data plus a null
terminator, so it cannot be passed to the underlying Fortran
routine. In this event, the error SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) is
signaled and a null pointer is returned.
This is a utility that allows you to "easily" request information
from a program user. The calling program declares an array or
allocate memory to contain the user's response to the prompt.
Suppose you have an interactive program that computes state
vectors by calling spkezr_c. The program prompts the user for
the inputs to spkezr_c. After each prompt is written, the program
leaves the cursor at the end of the string as shown here:
Enter UTC epoch > _
(The underscore indicates the cursor position).
The following program illustrates the aquisition of input
values using prompt_c:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
#define STRLEN 32
void main()
SpiceChar utc [STRLEN];
SpiceChar obs [STRLEN];
SpiceChar targ [STRLEN];
SpiceChar * utc1;
SpiceChar * obs1;
SpiceChar * targ1;
/. Call the routine as a subroutine. ./
prompt_c ( "Enter UTC epoch > ", STRLEN, utc );
prompt_c ( "Enter observer name > ", STRLEN, obs );
prompt_c ( "Enter target name > ", STRLEN, targ );
/. Or call the routine as a function. ./
utc1 = ( SpiceChar * ) malloc (STRLEN);
obs1 = ( SpiceChar * ) malloc (STRLEN);
targ1 = ( SpiceChar * ) malloc (STRLEN);
utc1 = prompt_c ( "Enter UTC epoch > ", STRLEN, utc1 );
obs1 = prompt_c ( "Enter observer name > ", STRLEN, obs1 );
targ1= prompt_c ( "Enter target name > ", STRLEN, targ1);
Now do stuff with your strings.
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
K.R. Gehringer (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 25-JUN-1999 (EDW) (NJB)
Prompt for keyboard input
Prompt for input with a user supplied message
Link to routine prompt_c source file prompt_c.c