void namfrm_c ( ConstSpiceChar * frname,
SpiceInt * frcode )
Look up the frame ID code associated with a string.
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
frname I The name of some reference frame.
frcode O The SPICE ID code of the frame.
frname is a character string that stands for some
reference frame (either inertial or non-inertial).
Leading blanks in frname are ignored. The
case of the letters in frname are insignificant.
Note that all legitimate frame names contain
32 or fewer characters.
frcode is the SPICE integer code used for internal
representation of the named reference frame.
If the name input through frname is not recognized,
frcode will be returned with a value of zero.
1) If the input name is not recognized, frcode will be
returned with a value of 0.
2) If the input string pointer is null, the error
SPICE(NULLPOINTER) will be signaled.
3) If the input string has length zero, the error
SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) will be signaled.
This is a low level interface routine intended primarily for
use within the SPK and CK systems to assist in the transformation
to user specified reference frames.
The routine first consults a stored list of reference frame
names in an attempt to determine the appropriate reference
frame code.
If this search is unsuccessful, the routine then examines the
kernel pool to determine whether or not a variable of the
(where leading blanks of frname are ignored)
is present. If it is and the number of values associated with the
name is 1, this value is taken to be the frame ID code.
Note: It is NOT possible to override the default names and
ID codes stored locally in this routine by placing an
appropriately named variable in the kernel pool with a different
ID code. The predefined values always take precedence.
Consult the FRAMES required reading document for more details
about constructing your own frame definitions.
Suppose that you needed to find the SPICE ID code for the
bodyfixed reference frame for Mars as modeled by the
IAU cartographic working group. Use the following code
to perform this task.
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
namfrm_c ( "IAU_MARS", &frcode );
printf ( "The SPICE code for the Mars bodyfixed frame is: %d\n",
frcode );
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 13-AUG-2001 (NJB) (WLT)
Frame name to frame idcode translation
Link to routine namfrm_c source file namfrm_c.c