void wnexpd_c ( SpiceDouble left,
SpiceDouble right,
SpiceCell * window )
Expand each of the intervals of a double precision window.
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
left I Amount subtracted from each left endpoint.
right I Amount added to each right endpoint.
window I,O Window to be expanded.
left is the amount to be subtracted from the left
endpoint of each interval in the input window.
right is the amount to be added to the right endpoint
of each interval in the window.
window on input, is a window containing zero or more
window must be declared as a double precision
window on output, is the original window with each of its
intervals expanded by left units on the left and
right units on the right.
1) If the input window does not have double precision type,
the error SPICE(TYPEMISMATCH) is signaled.
This routine expands (lengthens) each of the intervals in
the input window. The adjustments are not necessarily symmetric.
That is, left units are subtracted from the left endpoint of
each interval, and right units are added to the right endpoint
of each interval, where left and right may be different.
Intervals are merged when expansion causes them to overlap.
Let window contain the intervals
[ 1, 3 ] [ 7, 11 ] [ 23, 27 ] [ 29, 29 ]
Then the following series of calls
wnexpd_c ( 2.0, 1.0, &window ); (1)
wnexpd_c ( -2.0, 2.0, &window ); (2)
wnexpd_c ( -2.0, -1.0, &window ); (3)
produces the following series of windows
[ -1, 4 ] [ 5, 12 ] [ 21, 30 ] (1)
[ 1, 6 ] [ 7, 14 ] [ 23, 32 ] (2)
[ 3, 5 ] [ 9, 13 ] [ 25, 31 ] (3)
Note that intervals may be "expanded" by negative amounts.
In the example above, the second call shifts each interval to
the right, while the third call undoes the effect of the first
call (without restoring the merged intervals).
Note also that the third call is exactly equivalent to the
wncond_c ( 2, 1, &window );
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
H.A. Neilan (JPL)
W.L. Taber (JPL)
I.M. Underwood (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 29-JUL-2002 (NJB) (HAN) (WLT) (IMU)
expand the intervals of a d.p. window
Link to routine wnexpd_c source file wnexpd_c.c