void lgrind_c ( SpiceInt n,
ConstSpiceDouble * xvals,
ConstSpiceDouble * yvals,
SpiceDouble * work,
SpiceDouble x,
SpiceDouble * p,
SpiceDouble * dp )
Evaluate a Lagrange interpolating polynomial for a specified
set of coordinate pairs, at a specified abscissa value.
Return the value of both polynomial and derivative.
Variable I/O Description
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
n I Number of points defining the polynomial.
xvals I Abscissa values.
yvals I Ordinate values.
work I-O Work space array.
x I Point at which to interpolate the polynomial.
p O Polynomial value at x.
dp O Polynomial derivative at x.
n is the number of points defining the polynomial.
The arrays xvals and yvals contain n elements.
yvals are arrays of abscissa and ordinate values that
together define N ordered pairs. The set of points
( xvals[i], yvals[i] )
define the Lagrange polynomial used for
interpolation. The elements of xvals must be
distinct and in increasing order.
work is an n x 2 work space array, where n is the same
dimension as that of xvals and yvals. It is used
by this routine as a scratch area to hold
intermediate results.
x is the abscissa value at which the interpolating
polynomial is to be evaluated.
p is the value at x of the unique polynomial of
degree n-1 that fits the points in the plane
defined by xvals and yvals.
dp is the derivative at x of the interpolating
polynomial described above.
1) The error SPICE(DIVIDEBYZERO) signals from a routine
in the call tree if any two elements of the array
xvals are equal.
2) The error SPICE(INVALIDSIZE) signals from a routine
in the call tree if n is less than 1.
3) This routine does not attempt to ward off or diagnose
arithmetic overflows.
Given a set of n distinct abscissa values and corresponding
ordinate values, there is a unique polynomial of degree n-1, often
called the `Lagrange polynomial', that fits the graph defined by
these values. The Lagrange polynomial can be used to interpolate
the value of a function at a specified point, given a discrete
set of values of the function.
Users of this routine must choose the number of points to use
in their interpolation method. The authors of Reference [1] have
this to say on the topic:
Unless there is solid evidence that the interpolating function
is close in form to the true function f, it is a good idea to
be cautious about high-order interpolation. We
enthusiastically endorse interpolations with 3 or 4 points, we
are perhaps tolerant of 5 or 6; but we rarely go higher than
that unless there is quite rigorous monitoring of estimated
The same authors offer this warning on the use of the
interpolating function for extrapolation:
...the dangers of extrapolation cannot be overemphasized:
An interpolating function, which is perforce an extrapolating
function, will typically go berserk when the argument x is
outside the range of tabulated values by more than the typical
spacing of tabulated points.
Fit a cubic polynomial through the points
( -1, -2 )
( 0, -7 )
( 1, -8 )
( 3, 26 )
and evaluate this polynomial at x = 2.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
int main()
Local variables.
SpiceDouble p;
SpiceDouble dp;
SpiceDouble xvals [] = { -1., 0., 1., 3. };
SpiceDouble yvals [] = { -2., -7., -8., 26. };
SpiceDouble work [4*2];
SpiceInt n = 4;
lgrind_c ( n, xvals, yvals, work, 2., &p, &dp );
printf( "p, dp = %lf %lf\n", p, dp);
The returned value of P should be 1., since the
unique cubic polynomial that fits these points is
3 2
f(x) = x + 2x - 4x - 7
The returned value of DP should be 16., since the
derivative of f(x) is
' 2
f (x) = 3x + 4x - 4
We also could have invoked lgrind_c with the reference
lgrind_c ( n, xvals, yvals, yvals, 2., &p, &dp );
if we wished to; in this case yvals would have been
modified on output.
[1] "Numerical Recipes---The Art of Scientific Computing" by
William H. Press, Brian P. Flannery, Saul A. Teukolsky,
William T. Vetterling (see sections 3.0 and 3.1).
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 24-AUG-2015 (EDW)
interpolate function using Lagrange polynomial
Lagrange interpolation
Link to routine lgrind_c source file lgrind_c.c