void hx2dp_c ( ConstSpiceChar * string,
SpiceInt lenout,
SpiceDouble * number,
SpiceBoolean * error,
SpiceChar * errmsg )
Convert a string representing a double precision number in a
base 16 ``scientific notation'' into its equivalent double
precision number.
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
string I Hex form string to convert to double precision.
lenout I Available space for output string 'errmsg'.
number O Double precision value to be returned.
error O A logical flag which is true on error.
errmsg O A descriptive error message.
string a character string containing a base 16 ``scientific
notation'' representation of a double precision number
which is to be converted to a double precision number,
'2A^3' = ( 2/16 + 10/( 16**2 ) ) * 16**3 = 672.0
'-B^1' = - ( 11/16 ) * 16**1 = -11.0
The following table describes the character set used to
represent the hexadecimal digits and their corresponding
Character Value Character Value
--------- ------- --------- -------
'0' 0.0D0 '8' 8.0D0
'1' 1.0D0 '9' 9.0D0
'2' 2.0D0 'A','a' 10.0D0
'3' 3.0D0 'B','b' 11.0D0
'4' 4.0D0 'C','c' 12.0D0
'5' 5.0D0 'D','d' 13.0D0
'6' 6.0D0 'E','e' 14.0D0
'7' 7.0D0 'F','f' 15.0D0
The caret, or hat, character, '^', is used to
distinguish the exponent.
The plus sign, '+', and the minus sign, '-', are used,
and they have their usual meanings.
A base 16 ``scientific notation'' character string which
is to be parsed by this routine should consist of a sign,
'+' or '-' (the plus sign is optional for nonnegative
numbers), followed immediately by a contiguous sequence
of hexadecimal digits, the exponent character, and a
signed hexadecimal exponent. The exponent is required,
but the sign is optional for a nonnegative exponent.
A number in base 16 ``scientific notation'' consists of
a contiguous sequence of characters with one of the
following formats:
(1) h h h h ... h ^H H ... H
1 2 3 4 n 1 2 m
(2) +h h h h ... h ^H H ... H
1 2 3 4 n 1 2 m
(3) -h h h h ... h ^H H ... H
1 2 3 4 n 1 2 m
(4) h h h h ... h ^+H H ... H
1 2 3 4 n 1 2 m
(5) +h h h h ... h ^+H H ... H
1 2 3 4 n 1 2 m
(6) -h h h h ... h ^+H H ... H
1 2 3 4 n 1 2 m
(7) h h h h ... h ^-H H ... H
1 2 3 4 n 1 2 m
(8) +h h h h ... h ^-H H ... H
1 2 3 4 n 1 2 m
(9) -h h h h ... h ^-H H ... H
1 2 3 4 n 1 2 m
h and H denote hexadecimal digits;
i j
'^' denotes exponentiation;
+ and - have their usual interpretations.
'string' may have leading and trailing blanks, but blanks
embedded within the significant portion of the input
string are not allowed.
lenout the maximum length of the output 'errmsg'. The value
defined by lenout should be one plus the value large
enough to hold any possible output.
number the double precision value to be returned. The value of
this argument is not changed if an error occurs while
parsing the input string.
error a logical flag which indicates whether an error occurred
while attempting to parse 'number' from the input
character string 'string'. 'error' will have the value
true if an error occurs. It will have the value
false otherwise.
errmsg contains a descriptive error message if an error
occurs while attempting to parse the number 'number'
from the hexadecimal character string 'string', blank
This routine will convert a character string containing a number
in base 16 ``scientific notation'' into its equivalent double
precision number.
This routine is one of a pair of routines which are used to
perform conversions between double precision numbers and
an equivalent base 16 ``scientific notation'' character string
dp2hx_c -- Convert a double precision number into a base 16
``scientific notation'' character string.
hx2dp_c -- Convert a base 16 ``scientific notation''
character string into a double precision number.
The following input and output argument values illustrate the
action of hx2dp_c for various input values of 'string'.
Note: The hat or caret, '^', signals an exponent.
string number error errmsg
---------------------- ------------- ------ ------
89705F4136B4A6^-7 2.0D-9 false " "
1^1 1.0D0 false " "
-1^1 -1.0D0 false " "
4^3 1024.0D0 false " "
-4^3 -1024.0D0 false " "
7F5EB^5 521707.0D0 false " "
7F5eb^5 521707.0D0 false " "
7f5eb^5 521707.0D0 false " "
1B^2 27.0D0 false " "
+1B^2 27.0D0 false " "
+1B^+2 27.0D0 false " "
0^0 0.0D0 false " "
K.R. Gehringer (JPL)
CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 10-APR-2010 (EDW)
convert signed normalized hexadecimal string to d.p.
convert encoded d.p. number to d.p. number
convert base 16 scientific notation d.p. number
Link to routine hx2dp_c source file hx2dp_c.c