void srfs2c_c ( ConstSpiceChar * srfstr,
ConstSpiceChar * bodstr,
SpiceInt * code,
SpiceBoolean * found )
Translate a surface string, together with a body string, to the
corresponding surface ID code. The input strings may contain
names or integer ID codes.
Variable I/O Description
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
srfstr I Surface name or ID string.
bodstr I Body name or ID string.
code O Integer surface ID code.
found O Flag indicating whether surface ID was found.
srfstr is a string designating a surface. `srfstr' may contain
a surface name or a string representation of the
surface's integer ID code.
Case and leading and trailing blanks in a surface name
are not significant. Sequences of consecutive embedded
blanks are considered equivalent to a single blank. For
example, all of the strings below are considered to be
"MGS MOLA 128 pixel/deg"
is not equivalent to the names above.
bodstr is a string designating the body associated with the
input surface ID code. `bodstr' may contain a body name
or a string representation of the body's integer ID
code. For example, `bodstr' may contain
instead of
Case and leading and trailing blanks in a name are not
significant. The treatment of blanks in `bodstr' is the
same as for `srfstr'.
code is integer ID code of the surface designated by `srfstr',
for the body designated by `bodstr', if for this body an
association exists between the input surface string and a
surface ID code. `code' is defined if and only if the
output flag `found' is SPICETRUE.
found is a logical flag that is SPICETRUE if a surface code
corresponding to the input strings was found and
SPICEFALSE otherwise.
1) If the input surface string does not map to an ID code
and does not represent an integer, the output `code' is
undefined and the output `found' is set to SPICEFALSE.
This case is not treated as an error.
2) If the input body string does not map to an ID code and does
not represent an integer, the output `code' is undefined and
the output `found' is set to SPICEFALSE.
This case is not treated as an error.
3) The error SPICE(EMPTYSTRING) is signaled if either input string
does not contain at least one character, since such an input
string cannot be converted to a Fortran-style string in this
4) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled if either input string
pointer is null.
Surface name-to-ID mappings may be defined at run time by loading
text kernels containing kernel variable assignments of the form
NAIF_SURFACE_NAME += ( <surface name 1>, ... )
NAIF_SURFACE_CODE += ( <surface code 1>, ... )
NAIF_SURFACE_BODY += ( <body code 1>, ... )
Above, the Ith elements of the lists on the assignments' right
hand sides together define the Ith surface name/ID mapping.
The same effect can be achieved using assignments formatted as
NAIF_SURFACE_NAME += <surface name 1>
NAIF_SURFACE_CODE += <surface code 1>
NAIF_SURFACE_BODY += <body code 1>
NAIF_SURFACE_NAME += <surface name 2>
NAIF_SURFACE_CODE += <surface code 2>
NAIF_SURFACE_BODY += <body code 2>
Note the use of the
operator; this operator appends to rather than overwrites the
kernel variable named on the left hand side of the assignment.
Surfaces are always associated with bodies (which usually are
ephemeris objects). For any given body, a mapping between surface
names and surface ID codes can be established.
Bodies serve to disambiguate surface names and ID codes: the set
of surface names and surface ID codes for a given body can be
thought of as belonging to a name space. A given surface ID code
or surface name may be used for surfaces of multiple bodies,
without conflict.
Associations between surface names and ID codes are always made
via kernel pool assignments; there are no built-in associations.
srfs2c_c is one of four related subroutines:
srfs2c_c Surface string and body string to surface ID code
srfscc_c Surface string and body ID code to surface ID code
srfc2s_c Surface ID code and body ID code to surface string
srfcss_c Surface ID code and body string to surface string
srfs2c_c, srfc2s_c, srfscc_c, and srfcss_c perform translations
between surface strings and their corresponding integer ID codes.
Refer to naif_ids.req for details concerning adding new surface
name/code associations at run time by loading text kernels.
The formatting of the results shown for this example may differ
across platforms.
1) Supposed a text kernel has been loaded that contains
the following assignments:
NAIF_SURFACE_NAME += ( 'MGS MOLA 64 pixel/deg',
'MGS MOLA 128 pixel/deg',
NAIF_SURFACE_CODE += ( 1, 2, 1 )
NAIF_SURFACE_BODY += ( 499, 499, 401 )
Translate each surface and body string pair to the
associated surface ID code. Also perform a translation
for a surface name having no matching ID and for
a body string having no matching body ID code.
Use the meta-kernel shown below to define the required SPICE
kernel variables.
File: srfs2c_ex1.tm
This meta-kernel is intended to support operation of SPICE
example programs. The file contents shown here should not be
assumed to contain adequate or correct versions of data
required by SPICE-based user applications.
NAIF_SURFACE_NAME += ( 'MGS MOLA 64 pixel/deg',
'MGS MOLA 128 pixel/deg',
NAIF_SURFACE_CODE += ( 1, 2, 1 )
NAIF_SURFACE_BODY += ( 499, 499, 401 )
Example code begins here.
srfs2c_c example 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
int main()
Local constants
#define BDNMLN 37
#define NCASE 8
Local variables
SpiceBoolean found;
static SpiceChar bodstr [NCASE][BDNMLN] =
"499", "PHOBOS", "499",
"MARS", "ZZZ" };
static SpiceChar srfstr [NCASE][BDNMLN] =
{ "MGS MOLA 64 pixel/deg",
"MGS MOLA 128 pixel/deg",
"MGS MOLA 64 pixel/deg",
"1" };
static SpiceChar tf [2][6] =
{ "false", "true" };
SpiceChar * meta;
SpiceInt i;
SpiceInt surfid;
meta = "srfs2c_ex1.tm";
furnsh_c ( meta );
printf ( "\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < NCASE; i++ )
srfs2c_c ( srfstr[i], bodstr[i], &surfid, &found );
printf ( "surface string = %s\n"
"body string = %s\n"
"surface ID found = %s\n",
tf[found] );
if ( found )
printf ( "surface ID = %d\n", surfid );
printf ( "\n" );
return ( 0 );
When this program was executed on a PC/Linux/gcc/64-bit
platform, the output was:
surface string = MGS MOLA 64 pixel/deg
body string = MARS
surface ID found = true
surface ID = 1
surface string = PHOBOS GASKELL Q512
body string = PHOBOS
surface ID found = true
surface ID = 1
surface string = MGS MOLA 128 pixel/deg
body string = MARS
surface ID found = true
surface ID = 2
surface string = MGS MOLA 64 pixel/deg
body string = 499
surface ID found = true
surface ID = 1
surface string = 1
body string = PHOBOS
surface ID found = true
surface ID = 1
surface string = 2
body string = 499
surface ID found = true
surface ID = 2
surface string = ZZZ
body string = MARS
surface ID found = false
surface string = 1
body string = ZZZ
surface ID found = false
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
B.V. Semenov (JPL)
E.D. Wright (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 22-JAN-2016 (NJB) (BVS) (EDW)
surface string and body string to surface ID code
Link to routine srfs2c_c source file srfs2c_c.c