void repmct_c ( ConstSpiceChar * in,
ConstSpiceChar * marker,
SpiceInt value,
SpiceChar repcase,
SpiceInt lenout,
SpiceChar * out )
Replace a marker with the text representation of a
cardinal number.
-------- --- --------------------------------------------------
in I Input string.
marker I Marker to be replaced.
value I Replacement value.
repcase I Case of replacement text.
lenout I Available space in output string.
out O Output string.
MAXLCN P is the maximum expected length of any cardinal text.
in is an arbitrary character string.
marker is an arbitrary character string. The first
occurrence of marker in the input string is
to be replaced by the text representation of
the cardinal number value.
Leading and trailing blanks in marker are not
significant. In particular, no substitution is
performed if marker is blank or empty.
value is an arbitrary integer.
repcase indicates the case of the replacement text.
repcase may be any of the following:
repcase Meaning Example
------- ----------- -----------------------
L, l Lowercase one hundred fifty-three
C, c Capitalized One hundred fifty-three
lenout is the allowed length of the output string. This
length must large enough to hold the output string
plus the terminator. If the output string is
expected to have x characters, lenout should be at
least x + 1.
out is the string obtained by substituting the text
representation of the cardinal number value for
the first occurrence of marker in the input string.
out and in must be identical or disjoint.
MAXLCN is the maximum expected length of any cardinal
text. 145 characters are sufficient to hold the
text representing any value in the range
( -10**12, 10**12 )
An example of a number whose text representation
is of maximum length is
- 777 777 777 777
1) The error SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled if any of
the input or output string pointers is null.
2) If the marker string is blank or empty, this routine leaves
the input string unchanged, except that trailing blanks
will be trimmed. This case is not considered an error.
3) If the output string is too short to accommodate a terminating
null character, the error SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) is signaled.
4) If out does not have sufficient length to accommodate the
result of the substitution, the result will be truncated on
the right.
5) If the value of repcase is not recognized, the error
will be diagnosed by routines in the call tree of this
routine. out is not changed.
This is one of a family of related routines for inserting values
into strings. They are typically used to construct messages that
are partly fixed, and partly determined at run time. For example,
a message like
"Fifty-one pictures were found in directory [USER.DATA]."
might be constructed from the fixed string
"#1 pictures were found in directory #2."
by the calls
repmct_c ( string, "#1", 51, 'c', LENOUT, string );
repmc_c ( string, "#2", "[USER.DATA]", LENOUT, string );
which substitute the cardinal text "Fifty-one" and the character
string "[USER.DATA]" for the markers "#1" and "#2" respectively.
The complete list of routines is shown below.
repmc_c ( Replace marker with character string value )
repmd_c ( Replace marker with double precision value )
repmf_c ( Replace marker with formatted d.p. value )
repmi_c ( Replace marker with integer value )
repmct_c ( Replace marker with cardinal text )
repmot_c ( Replace marker with ordinal text )
The following examples illustrate the use of repmct_c to
replace a marker within a string with the cardinal text
corresponding to an integer.
marker == "#"
in == "Invalid command. Word # was not recognized."
Then following the call,
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
#define LENOUT 201
repmct_c ( in, "#", 5, 'U', LENOUT, in );
in is
"Invalid command. Word FIVE was not recognized."
marker == " XX "
in == "Word XX of the XX sentence was misspelled."
Then following the call,
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
#define LENOUT 201
repmct_c ( in, " XX ", 5, 'L', LENOUT, out );
out is
"Word five of the XX sentence was misspelled."
marker == " XX "
in == "Name: YY. Rank: XX."
Then following the calls,
#include "SpiceUsr.h"
#define LENOUT 201
repmc_c ( in, "YY", "Moriarty", LENOUT, out );
repmct_c ( out, "XX", 1, 'C', LENOUT, out );
out is
"Name: Moriarty. Rank: One."
1) value must be in the range accepted by subroutine inttxt_.
This range is currently
( -10**12, 10**12 )
Note that the endpoints of the interval are excluded.
N.J. Bachman (JPL)
I.M. Underwood (JPL)
-CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 14-AUG-2002 (NJB) (IMU)
replace marker with cardinal text
Link to routine repmct_c source file repmct_c.c